created: 20131228163141555 modified: 20131228163843163 tags: macros title: MakeDataUriMacro type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki The makedatauri macro constructs a data URI from a block of text and an associated ContentType. It is commonly used within stylesheets to generate an inline image or font. ! Parameters |!Position |!Name |!Description |!Default | |1st |text |Text to be converted to a data URI | | |2nd |type |ContentType of text | | ! Examples A trivial example to show how the macro works: ``` <> ``` <> A user-defined macro such as this would typically be used within a stylesheet: ``` \define datauri(title) <$macrocall $name="makedatauri" type={{$title$!!type}} text={{$title$}}/> \end ``` Then one can write CSS rules like this: ``` background: url(<>); ```