caption: 5.0.16-beta created: 20140826131615798 modified: 20140826131615798 tags: releasenote title: Release 5.0.16-beta type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki //[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|]]// !! Incompatible Changes These changes have the potential to break existing tiddlers. * [[Changed|]] prefix/removeprefix filter operators to be case-sensitive !! Usability Improvements * [[Amended|]] behaviour of the [[tw-browser-refresh|WidgetMessage: tw-browser-refresh]] message so that it no longer clears the location hash !! Hackability Improvements * [[Extend|]] TableOfContentsMacro to use the caption field if present * [[Configurability|]] for the default tab shown in the tiddler info panel (see [[Configuring the default TiddlerInfo tab]]) * [[Added|]] [[suffix|FilterOperator: suffix]] and [[removesuffix|FilterOperator: removesuffix]] filter operators !! Bug Fixes * [[Reverted|]] incorrect refreshing of the tiddler widget !! Contributors [[@Jermolene|]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki: * [[@BramChen|]] * [[@xcazin|]]