color: #cc9 created: 20241009163451663 icon: $:/core/images/tip list: GettingStarted [[Getting Started Video]] [[Find Out More]] [[TiddlyWiki on the Web]] [[Testimonials and Reviews]] modified: 20241115170824144 tags: Welcome title: Quick Start type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki Choose how to get started quickly with ~TiddlyWiki.
<$list filter="[[Quick Start: Tiddlyhost]] [[Quick Start: Desktop]] [[Quick Start: DIY]] [[Quick Start: Xememex]]"> <$macrocall $name="flex-card" bordercolor={{!!color}} textcolor={{!!text-color}} backgroundcolor={{!!background-color}} captionField="caption" descriptionField="text"/>
<$link to="中文社区 - Chinese Community" class="tc-btn-big-green tc-card" aria-label="Chinese Community"> 中文社区
Chinese Community