created: 20150529084054330 modified: 20150529084329815 tags: Resources title: TWaddle by Matias Goldman type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki url: A collection of hints and tips, musings and proposals from long-time TiddlyWiki contributor Mat Goldman. {{!!url}} <<< This is Mat's, a.k.a <:-) little man-cave in the ~TiddlyVerse. Most TW development is, understandably, based on the premise that //"Improve code ➔ Better TW"//. ''TWaddle'' is also about developing TW but from the perspective that [[Bigger community ⇄ Better TW]]. Thus, TWaddle looks more to people issues - how to attract them, how to make them stick with TW etc. I'm not a programmer but I //am// a TW enthusiast so I tiddlefiddle enough to make the occasional discovery of something cool. Given the amount of words I utter, it is also a mere numbers game before I say something that makes sense. TWaddle is intended to capture these eventualities. <<<