/*\ title: $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/dynannotate/dynannotate.js type: application/javascript module-type: widget Dynannotate widget \*/ (function(){ /*jslint node: true, browser: true */ /*global $tw: false */ "use strict"; var TextMap = require("$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/dynannotate/textmap.js").TextMap; var Widget = require("$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js").widget; var DynannotateWidget = function(parseTreeNode,options) { this.initialise(parseTreeNode,options); }; /* Inherit from the base widget class */ DynannotateWidget.prototype = new Widget(); /* Render this widget into the DOM */ DynannotateWidget.prototype.render = function(parent,nextSibling) { var self = this; this.parentDomNode = parent; this.computeAttributes(); this.execute(); // Create our DOM nodes var isSnippetMode = this.isSnippetMode(); this.domContent = $tw.utils.domMaker("div",{ "class": "tc-dynannotation-selection-container" }); if(isSnippetMode) { this.domContent.setAttribute("hidden","hidden"); } this.domAnnotations = $tw.utils.domMaker("div",{ "class": "tc-dynannotation-annotation-wrapper" }); this.domSnippets = $tw.utils.domMaker("div",{ "class": "tc-dynannotation-snippet-wrapper" }); this.domSearches = $tw.utils.domMaker("div",{ "class": "tc-dynannotation-search-wrapper" }); this.domWrapper = $tw.utils.domMaker("div",{ "class": "tc-dynannotation-wrapper", children: [this.domContent,this.domAnnotations,this.domSnippets,this.domSearches] }) parent.insertBefore(this.domWrapper,nextSibling); this.domNodes.push(this.domWrapper); // Apply the selection tracker data to the DOM if(!isSnippetMode) { this.applySelectionTrackerData(); } // Render our child widgets this.renderChildren(this.domContent,null); if(isSnippetMode) { // Apply search snippets this.applySnippets(); } else { // Get the list of annotation tiddlers this.getAnnotationTiddlers(); // Apply annotations this.applyAnnotations(); // Apply search overlays this.applySearch(); } // Save the width of the wrapper so that we can tell when it changes this.wrapperWidth = this.domWrapper.offsetWidth; }; /* Compute the internal state of the widget */ DynannotateWidget.prototype.execute = function() { // Make the child widgets this.makeChildWidgets(); }; DynannotateWidget.prototype.isSnippetMode = function() { return this.getAttribute("searchDisplay") === "snippet"; } /* Save the data attributes required by the selection tracker */ DynannotateWidget.prototype.applySelectionTrackerData = function() { if(this.hasAttribute("selection")) { this.domContent.setAttribute("data-annotation-selection-save",this.getAttribute("selection")); } else { this.domContent.removeAttribute("data-annotation-selection-save"); } if(this.hasAttribute("selectionPopup")) { this.domContent.setAttribute("data-annotation-selection-popup",this.getAttribute("selectionPopup")); } else { this.domContent.removeAttribute("data-annotation-selection-popup"); } if(this.hasAttribute("selectionPrefix")) { this.domContent.setAttribute("data-annotation-selection-prefix-save",this.getAttribute("selectionPrefix")); } else { this.domContent.removeAttribute("data-annotation-selection-prefix-save"); } if(this.hasAttribute("selectionSuffix")) { this.domContent.setAttribute("data-annotation-selection-suffix-save",this.getAttribute("selectionSuffix")); } else { this.domContent.removeAttribute("data-annotation-selection-suffix-save"); } }; /* Create overlay dom elements to cover a specified range options include: startNode: Start node of range startOffset: Start offset of range endNode: End node of range endOffset: End offset of range className: Optional classname for the overlay wrapper: Wrapper dom node for the overlays colour: Optional CSS colour for the overlay blendMode: Optional CSS mix blend mode for the overlay onclick: Optional click event handler for the overlay */ DynannotateWidget.prototype.createOverlay = function(options) { var self = this; // Create a range covering the text var range = this.document.createRange(); range.setStart(options.startNode,options.startOffset); range.setEnd(options.endNode,options.endOffset); // Get the position of the range var rects = range.getClientRects(); if(rects) { // Paint each rectangle var parentRect = this.domContent.getBoundingClientRect(); $tw.utils.each(rects,function(rect) { var domOverlay = self.document.createElement("div"); domOverlay.className = (options.className || "") + " tc-dynaview-request-refresh-on-resize"; domOverlay.style.top = (rect.top - parentRect.top) + "px"; domOverlay.style.left = (rect.left - parentRect.left) + "px"; domOverlay.style.width = rect.width + "px"; domOverlay.style.height = rect.height + "px"; domOverlay.style.backgroundColor = options.colour; domOverlay.style.mixBlendMode = options.blendMode; if(options.onclick) { domOverlay.addEventListener("click",function(event) { var modifierKey = event.ctrlKey && !event.shiftKey ? "ctrl" : event.shiftKey && !event.ctrlKey ? "shift" : event.ctrlKey && event.shiftKey ? "ctrl-shift" : "normal"; options.onclick(event,domOverlay,modifierKey); },false); } options.wrapper.appendChild(domOverlay); }); } }; DynannotateWidget.prototype.getAnnotationTiddlers = function() { this.annotationTiddlers = this.wiki.filterTiddlers(this.getAttribute("filter",""),this); }; DynannotateWidget.prototype.removeAnnotations = function() { while(this.domAnnotations.hasChildNodes()) { this.domAnnotations.removeChild(this.domAnnotations.firstChild); } }; DynannotateWidget.prototype.applyAnnotations = function() { var self = this; // Remove any previous annotation overlays this.removeAnnotations(); // Don't do anything if there are no annotations to apply if(this.annotationTiddlers.length === 0 && !this.hasAttribute("target")) { return; } // Build the map of the text content var textMap = new TextMap(this.domContent); // We'll dynamically build the click event handler so that we can reuse it var clickHandlerFn = function(title) { return function(event,domOverlay,modifierKey) { self.invokeActionString(self.getAttribute("actions"),self,event,{annotationTiddler: title, modifier: modifierKey}); if(self.hasAttribute("popup")) { $tw.popup.triggerPopup({ domNode: domOverlay, title: self.getAttribute("popup"), wiki: self.wiki }); } }; }; // Draw the overlay for the "target" attribute if(this.hasAttribute("target")) { var result = textMap.findText(this.getAttribute("target"),this.getAttribute("targetPrefix"),this.getAttribute("targetSuffix")); if(result) { this.createOverlay({ startNode: result.startNode, startOffset: result.startOffset, endNode: result.endNode, endOffset: result.endOffset, wrapper: self.domAnnotations, className: "tc-dynannotation-annotation-overlay", onclick: clickHandlerFn(null) }); } } // Draw the overlays for each annotation tiddler $tw.utils.each(this.annotationTiddlers,function(title) { var tiddler = self.wiki.getTiddler(title), annotateText = tiddler.fields["annotate-text"], annotatePrefix = tiddler.fields["annotate-prefix"], annotateSuffix = tiddler.fields["annotate-suffix"]; if(tiddler && annotateText) { var result = textMap.findText(annotateText,annotatePrefix,annotateSuffix); if(result) { self.createOverlay({ startNode: result.startNode, startOffset: result.startOffset, endNode: result.endNode, endOffset: result.endOffset, wrapper: self.domAnnotations, className: "tc-dynannotation-annotation-overlay", colour: tiddler.fields["annotate-colour"], blendMode: tiddler.fields["annotate-blend-mode"], onclick: clickHandlerFn(title) }); } } }); }; DynannotateWidget.prototype.removeSearch = function() { while(this.domSearches.hasChildNodes()) { this.domSearches.removeChild(this.domSearches.firstChild); } }; DynannotateWidget.prototype.applySearch = function() { var self = this; // Remove any previous search overlays this.removeSearch(); // Gather parameters var searchString = this.getAttribute("search",""), searchMode = this.getAttribute("searchMode"), searchCaseSensitive = this.getAttribute("searchCaseSensitive","yes") === "yes", searchMinLength = parseInt(this.getAttribute("searchMinLength","1"),10) || 1; // Bail if search string too short if(searchString.length < searchMinLength) { return; } // Build the map of the text content var textMap = new TextMap(this.domContent); // Search for the string var matches = textMap.search(this.getAttribute("search",""),{ mode: this.getAttribute("searchMode"), caseSensitive: this.getAttribute("searchCaseSensitive","yes") === "yes" }); // Create overlays for each match $tw.utils.each(matches,function(match) { self.createOverlay({ startNode: match.startNode, startOffset: match.startOffset, endNode: match.endNode, endOffset: match.endOffset, wrapper: self.domSearches, className: "tc-dynannotation-search-overlay " + self.getAttribute("searchClass","") }); }); }; DynannotateWidget.prototype.removeSnippets = function() { while(this.domSnippets.hasChildNodes()) { this.domSnippets.removeChild(this.domSnippets.firstChild); } }; DynannotateWidget.prototype.applySnippets = function() { var self = this, contextLength = parseInt(this.getAttribute("snippetContextLength","33"),10) || 0; // Build the map of the text content var textMap = new TextMap(this.domContent); // Remove any previous snippets this.removeSnippets(); // Gather parameters var searchString = this.getAttribute("search",""), searchMode = this.getAttribute("searchMode"), searchCaseSensitive = this.getAttribute("searchCaseSensitive","yes") === "yes", searchMinLength = parseInt(this.getAttribute("searchMinLength","1"),10) || 1; // Build the map of the text content var textMap = new TextMap(this.domContent); // Search for the string var matches = textMap.search(this.getAttribute("search",""),{ mode: this.getAttribute("searchMode"), caseSensitive: this.getAttribute("searchCaseSensitive","no") === "yes" }); // Output a snippet for each match if(matches && matches.length > 0) { var merged = false, // Keep track of whether the context of the previous match merges into this one ellipsis = String.fromCharCode(8230), container = null; // Track the container so that we can reuse the same container for merged matches $tw.utils.each(matches,function(match,index) { // Create a container if we're not reusing it if(!container) { container = $tw.utils.domMaker("div",{ "class": "tc-dynannotate-snippet" }); self.domSnippets.appendChild(container); } // Output the preceding context if it wasn't merged into the previous match if(!merged) { container.appendChild($tw.utils.domMaker("span",{ text: (match.startPos < contextLength ? "" : ellipsis) + textMap.string.slice(Math.max(match.startPos - contextLength,0),match.startPos), "class": "tc-dynannotate-snippet-context" })); } // Output the match container.appendChild($tw.utils.domMaker("span",{ text: textMap.string.slice(match.startPos,match.endPos), "class": "tc-dynannotate-snippet-highlight " + self.getAttribute("searchClass") })); // Does the context of this match merge into the next? merged = index < matches.length - 1 && matches[index + 1].startPos - match.endPos <= 2 * contextLength; if(merged) { // If they're merged, use the context up until the next match container.appendChild($tw.utils.domMaker("span",{ text: textMap.string.slice(match.endPos,matches[index + 1].startPos), "class": "tc-dynannotate-snippet-context" })); } else { // If they're not merged, use the context up to the end container.appendChild($tw.utils.domMaker("span",{ text: textMap.string.slice(match.endPos,match.endPos + contextLength) + ((match.endPos + contextLength) >= textMap.string.length ? "" : ellipsis), "class": "tc-dynannotate-snippet-context" })); } // Reuse the next container if we're merged if(!merged) { container = null; } }); } }; /* Selectively refreshes the widget if needed. Returns true if the widget or any of its children needed re-rendering */ DynannotateWidget.prototype.refresh = function(changedTiddlers) { // Get the changed attributes var changedAttributes = this.computeAttributes(); // Refresh completely if the "searchDisplay" attribute has changed if(changedAttributes.searchDisplay) { this.refreshSelf(); return true; } // Check whether we're in snippet mode var isSnippetMode = this.isSnippetMode(); // Refresh the child widgets var childrenDidRefresh = this.refreshChildren(changedTiddlers); // Reapply the selection tracker data to the DOM if(changedAttributes.selection || changedAttributes.selectionPrefix || changedAttributes.selectionSuffix || changedAttributes.selectionPopup) { this.applySelectionTrackerData(); } // Reapply the annotations if the children refreshed or the main wrapper resized var wrapperWidth = this.domWrapper.offsetWidth, hasResized = wrapperWidth !== this.wrapperWidth || changedTiddlers["$:/state/DynaView/ViewportDimensions/ResizeCount"], oldAnnotationTiddlers = this.annotationTiddlers; this.getAnnotationTiddlers(); if(!isSnippetMode && ( childrenDidRefresh || hasResized || changedAttributes.target || changedAttributes.targetPrefix || changedAttributes.targetSuffix || changedAttributes.filter || changedAttributes.actions || changedAttributes.popup || !$tw.utils.isArrayEqual(oldAnnotationTiddlers,this.annotationTiddlers) || this.annotationTiddlers.find(function(title) { return changedTiddlers[title]; }) !== undefined )) { this.applyAnnotations(); } if(!isSnippetMode && ( childrenDidRefresh || hasResized || changedAttributes.search || changedAttributes.searchMinLength || changedAttributes.searchClass || changedAttributes.searchMode || changedAttributes.searchCaseSensitive )) { this.applySearch(); } if(isSnippetMode && ( childrenDidRefresh || hasResized || changedAttributes.search || changedAttributes.searchMinLength || changedAttributes.searchClass || changedAttributes.searchMode || changedAttributes.searchCaseSensitive )) { this.applySnippets(); } this.wrapperWidth = wrapperWidth; return childrenDidRefresh; }; exports.dynannotate = DynannotateWidget; })();