caption: Selective (custom icons) created: 20220819080004663 modified: 20220819081049054 order: 5 tags: table-of-contents-example title: Example Table of Contents: Selectively Expandable (custom icons) type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki <<.from-version "5.2.4">> It is possible to define the `toc-open-icon` and `toc-closed-icon` variable, to change the icons used by the toc macros. This setting works for all toc-macro variants <$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""<$let toc-open-icon="$:/core/images/fold-button" toc-closed-icon="$:/core/images/folder"> <div class="tc-table-of-contents"> <<toc-selective-expandable "Contents">> </div> </$let>"""/>