tags: docs concepts type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki title: WikiText modified: 201305011529 \define wikitext-example(src) ``` $src$ ``` Renders as: $src$ In HTML: $$$text/vnd.tiddlywiki>text/html $src$ $$$ \end WikiText is a concise, expressive way of typing a wide range of text formatting, hypertext and interactive features. It allows you to focus on writing without a complex user interface getting in the way. It is designed to be familiar for users of [[MarkDown|http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/]], but with more of a focus on linking and the interactive features. ! Linking in WikiText A key capability of WikiText is the ability to make links to other tiddlers or to external websites. There are several ways of doing this: * To link to a tiddler by title: `[[Tiddler Title]]` * To link to a tiddler and specify the text of the link: `[[Displayed Link Title|Tiddler Title]]` * For tiddler titles that match the CamelCase rules, just typing the title will automatically create a link * To link to an external website, type the full URL of the site: `http://five.tiddlywiki.com/` You can suppress a link from being recognised by preceding it with `~`. For example: <> ! Paragraphs To mark the end of a paragraph in TiddlyWiki you need to type `enter` twice to create a double line break: ``` This is the first paragraph. And this is the second paragraph. ``` Single line breaks are ignored within paragraphs. For example: <> ! Formatting Available character formatting includes: * `backticks` for `code` * `''bold''` for ''bold text'' * `//italic//` for //italic text// * `__underscore__` for __underscored text__ * `^^superscript^^` for ^^superscript^^ text * `,,subscript,,` for ,,subscripted,, text * `~~strikethrough~~` for ~~strikethrough~~ text You can also use triple backticks ``` to mark code blocks:
This will be monospaced
Renders as: ``` This will be monospaced ``` ! Transclusion You can incorporate the content of one tiddler within another using the transclusion notation: * `{{MyTiddler}}` transcludes a single tiddler * `{{MyTiddler|tooltip}}` adds a tooltip * `{{MyTiddler||TemplateTitle}}` displays the tiddler through a specified [[TiddlerTemplate|TiddlerTemplates]] * `{{MyTiddler|tooltip||TemplateTitle}}` specifies both a tooltip and a template for the transcluded content * `{{MyTiddler}width:40;height:50;}.firstClass.secondClass` transcludes a single tiddler, adding the specified styles and classes to the transcluded content A similar syntax can be used to transclude a list of tiddlers matching a specified [[TiddlerFilter|TiddlerFilters]]: ``` {{{ [tag[docs]] }}} {{{ [tag[docs]] |tooltip}}} {{{ [tag[docs]] ||TemplateTitle}}} {{{ [tag[docs]] |tooltip||TemplateTitle}}} {{{ [tag[docs]] }}width:40;height:50;}.class.class ``` ! Images To display an image stored in a tiddler just transclude that tiddler: ``` {{Motovun Jack.jpg}} ``` Renders as: {{Motovun Jack.jpg}} ! Lists You can create unordered lists with `*` characters: <> Ordered lists use `#` instead of `*`: # First item # Second item # Third item You can also mix ordered and unordered list items: <> You can also create HTML definition lists: <> ! Adding styles and classes You can use this construction to cause the wrapped content to be assigned specified CSS classes or styles: <> Similar syntax is used to assign styles. For example: <> Multiple styles and classes can be mixed. For example: <> You can also assign a CSS class to an individual member of a list with this notation: <> ! Typographic Features You can create an n-dash with a double hyphen `--` and an m-dash with a triple hyphen `---`. For example -- this is an example --- and so is this You can include a horizontal rule with three or more dashes on their own on a line: <> ! Macros Macros are snippets of text that can be inserted with a concise shortcut. A macro is defined like this: ``` \define mysamplemacro(name:"Bugs Bunny",address:"Rabbit Hole Hill") Hi, I'm $name$ and I live in $address$ \end ``` The first line of the definition specifies the macro name and any parameters. Parameters are named and can optionally have default values that are used if the parameter isn't specified at the time of calling. The body of the macro definition follows, terminated with `\end`. The macro can include parameters using the `$name$` construction. Macro definitions must be placed at the top of a tiddler. Macros are available to the tiddler that defines them, plus any tiddlers that it transcludes. Macros are used like this: ``` <> <> <> ``` Resulting in: ``` Hi I'm Bugs Bunny and I live in Rabbit Hole Hill Hi I'm Donald Duck and I live in Rabbit Hole Hill Hi I'm Mickey Mouse and I live in Mouse House ``` ! HTML in WikiText HTML tags and comments can be used directly in WikiText. For example: ```
This is my nice and simple block of text. HelloThere
``` ! Widgets Widgets provide rich functionality within WikiText. For example, the `<$video>` widget can be used to embed videos from YouTube, Vimeo or the Internet Archive: ``` <$video src="32001208" type="vimeo" /> ``` For full details of the available widgets, see the [[Docs]]. ! Headings Headings are specified with one or more leading `!` characters: ``` ! This is a level 1 heading !! This is a level 2 heading !!! This is a level 3 heading ``` CSS classes can be assigned to individual headings like this: ``` !.myStyle This heading has the class `myStyle` ``` ! Other WikiText features !! Typed Blocks You can incorporate text of a different type within blocks of WikiText. For example: ``` $$$.js return 2 + "string"; $$$ ``` Renders as: $$$.js return 2 + "string"; $$$ See TypedBlockWikiText for more details