/*! * Benchmark.js * Copyright 2010-2011 Mathias Bynens * Based on JSLitmus.js, copyright Robert Kieffer * Modified by John-David Dalton * Available under MIT license */ ;(function(window, undefined) { /** Detect free variable `define` */ var freeDefine = typeof define == 'function' && typeof define.amd == 'object' && define.amd && define, /** Detect free variable `exports` */ freeExports = typeof exports == 'object' && exports && (typeof global == 'object' && global && global == global.global && (window = global), exports), /** Detect free variable `require` */ freeRequire = typeof require == 'function' && require, /** Used to assign each benchmark an incrimented id */ counter = 0, /** Used to crawl all properties regardless of enumerability */ getAllKeys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames, /** Used to get property descriptors */ getDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor, /** Used in case an object doesn't have its own method */ hasOwnProperty = {}.hasOwnProperty, /** Used to check if an object is extensible */ isExtensible = Object.isExtensible || function() { return true; }, /** Used to check if an own property is enumerable */ propertyIsEnumerable = {}.propertyIsEnumerable, /** Used to set property descriptors */ setDescriptor = Object.defineProperty, /** Used to resolve a value's internal [[Class]] */ toString = {}.toString, /** Used to integrity check compiled tests */ uid = 'uid' + (+new Date), /** Used to avoid infinite recursion when methods call each other */ calledBy = {}, /** Used to avoid hz of Infinity */ divisors = { '1': 4096, '2': 512, '3': 64, '4': 8, '5': 0 }, /** * T-Distribution two-tailed critical values for 95% confidence * http://www.itl.nist.gov/div898/handbook/eda/section3/eda3672.htm */ distribution = { '1': 12.706,'2': 4.303, '3': 3.182, '4': 2.776, '5': 2.571, '6': 2.447, '7': 2.365, '8': 2.306, '9': 2.262, '10': 2.228, '11': 2.201, '12': 2.179, '13': 2.16, '14': 2.145, '15': 2.131, '16': 2.12, '17': 2.11, '18': 2.101, '19': 2.093, '20': 2.086, '21': 2.08, '22': 2.074, '23': 2.069, '24': 2.064, '25': 2.06, '26': 2.056, '27': 2.052, '28': 2.048, '29': 2.045, '30': 2.042, 'infinity': 1.96 }, /** Used to flag environments/features */ has = { /** Detect Adobe AIR */ 'air': isClassOf(window.runtime, 'ScriptBridgingProxyObject'), /** Detect if `arguments` objects have the correct internal [[Class]] value */ 'argumentsClass': isClassOf(arguments, 'Arguments'), /** Detect if strings support accessing characters by index */ 'charByIndex': // IE8 supports indexes on string literals but not string objects Object('x')[0] == 'x', /** Detect if strings have indexes as own properties */ 'charByOwnIndex': // Narwhal, Rhino, RingoJS, and Opera < 10.52 support indexes on strings // but don't detect them as own properties hasKey('x', '0'), /** Detect if functions support decompilation */ 'decompilation': !!(function() { try{ // Safari 2.x removes commas in object literals // from Function#toString results // http://webk.it/11609 // Firefox 3.6 and Opera 9.25 strip grouping // parentheses from Function#toString results // http://bugzil.la/559438 return Function( 'return (' + (function(x) { return { 'x': '' + (1 + x) + '', 'y': 0 }; }) + ')' )()(0).x === '1'; } catch(e) { } }()), /** Detect ES5+ property descriptor API */ 'descriptors' : !!(function() { try { var o = {}; return (setDescriptor(o, o, o), 'value' in getDescriptor(o, o)); } catch(e) { } }()), /** Detect ES5+ Object.getOwnPropertyNames() */ 'getAllKeys': !!(function() { try { return /\bvalueOf\b/.test(getAllKeys(Object.prototype)); } catch(e) { } }()), /** Detect if Java is enabled/exposed */ 'java': isClassOf(window.java, 'JavaPackage'), /** Detect if the Timers API exists */ 'timeout': isHostType(window, 'setTimeout') && isHostType(window, 'clearTimeout') }, /** * Timer utility object used by `clock()` and `Deferred#resolve`. * @private * @type Object */ timer = { /** * The timer namespace object or constructor. * @private * @memberOf timer * @type Function|Object */ 'ns': Date, /** * Starts the deferred timer. * @private * @memberOf timer * @param {Object} deferred The deferred instance. */ 'start': null, // lazy defined in `clock()` /** * Stops the deferred timer. * @private * @memberOf timer * @param {Object} deferred The deferred instance. */ 'stop': null // lazy defined in `clock()` }, /** Shortcut for inverse results */ noArgumentsClass = !has.argumentsClass, noCharByIndex = !has.charByIndex, noCharByOwnIndex = !has.charByOwnIndex, /** Math shortcuts */ abs = Math.abs, floor = Math.floor, max = Math.max, min = Math.min, pow = Math.pow, sqrt = Math.sqrt; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Benchmark constructor. * @constructor * @param {String} name A name to identify the benchmark. * @param {Function|String} fn The test to benchmark. * @param {Object} [options={}] Options object. * @example * * // basic usage (the `new` operator is optional) * var bench = new Benchmark(fn); * * // or using a name first * var bench = new Benchmark('foo', fn); * * // or with options * var bench = new Benchmark('foo', fn, { * * // displayed by Benchmark#toString if `name` is not available * 'id': 'xyz', * * // called when the benchmark starts running * 'onStart': onStart, * * // called after each run cycle * 'onCycle': onCycle, * * // called when aborted * 'onAbort': onAbort, * * // called when a test errors * 'onError': onError, * * // called when reset * 'onReset': onReset, * * // called when the benchmark completes running * 'onComplete': onComplete, * * // compiled/called before the test loop * 'setup': setup, * * // compiled/called after the test loop * 'teardown': teardown * }); * * // or name and options * var bench = new Benchmark('foo', { * * // a flag to indicate the benchmark is deferred * 'deferred': true, * * // benchmark test function * 'fn': function(deferred) { * // call resolve() when the deferred test is finished * deferred.resolve(); * } * }); * * // or options only * var bench = new Benchmark({ * * // benchmark name * 'name': 'foo', * * // benchmark test as a string * 'fn': '[1,2,3,4].sort()' * }); * * // a test's `this` binding is set to the benchmark instance * var bench = new Benchmark('foo', function() { * 'My name is '.concat(this.name); // My name is foo * }); */ function Benchmark(name, fn, options) { var me = this; // allow instance creation without the `new` operator if (me && me.constructor != Benchmark) { return new Benchmark(name, fn, options); } // juggle arguments if (isClassOf(name, 'Object')) { // 1 argument (options) options = name; } else if (isClassOf(name, 'Function')) { // 2 arguments (fn, options) options = fn; fn = name; } else if (isClassOf(fn, 'Object')) { // 2 arguments (name, options) options = fn; fn = null; me.name = name; } else { // 3 arguments (name, fn [, options]) me.name = name; } setOptions(me, options); me.id || (me.id = ++counter); me.fn == null && (me.fn = fn); me.stats = extend({}, me.stats); me.times = extend({}, me.times); } /** * Deferred constructor. * @constructor * @memberOf Benchmark * @param {Object} bench The benchmark instance. */ function Deferred(bench) { var me = this; if (me && me.constructor != Deferred) { return new Deferred(bench); } me.benchmark = bench; clock(me); } /** * Event constructor. * @constructor * @memberOf Benchmark * @param {String|Object} type The event type. */ function Event(type) { var me = this; return (me && me.constructor != Event) ? new Event(type) : (type instanceof Event) ? type : extend(me, typeof type == 'string' ? { 'type': type } : type); } /** * Suite constructor. * @constructor * @memberOf Benchmark * @param {String} name A name to identify the suite. * @param {Object} [options={}] Options object. * @example * * // basic usage (the `new` operator is optional) * var suite = new Benchmark.Suite; * * // or using a name first * var suite = new Benchmark.Suite('foo'); * * // or with options * var suite = new Benchmark.Suite('foo', { * * // called when the suite starts running * 'onStart': onStart, * * // called between running benchmarks * 'onCycle': onCycle, * * // called when aborted * 'onAbort': onAbort, * * // called when a test errors * 'onError': onError, * * // called when reset * 'onReset': onReset, * * // called when the suite completes running * 'onComplete': onComplete * }); */ function Suite(name, options) { var me = this; // allow instance creation without the `new` operator if (me && me.constructor != Suite) { return new Suite(name, options); } // juggle arguments if (isClassOf(name, 'Object')) { // 1 argument (options) options = name; } else { // 2 arguments (name [, options]) me.name = name; } setOptions(me, options); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Note: Some array methods have been implemented in plain JavaScript to avoid * bugs in IE, Opera, Rhino, and Mobile Safari. * * IE compatibility mode and IE < 9 have buggy Array `shift()` and `splice()` * functions that fail to remove the last element, `object[0]`, of * array-like-objects even though the `length` property is set to `0`. * The `shift()` method is buggy in IE 8 compatibility mode, while `splice()` * is buggy regardless of mode in IE < 9 and buggy in compatibility mode in IE 9. * * In Opera < 9.50 and some older/beta Mobile Safari versions using `unshift()` * generically to augment the `arguments` object will pave the value at index 0 * without incrimenting the other values's indexes. * https://github.com/documentcloud/underscore/issues/9 * * Rhino and environments it powers, like Narwhal and RingoJS, may have * buggy Array `concat()`, `reverse()`, `shift()`, `slice()`, `splice()` and * `unshift()` functions that make sparse arrays non-sparse by assigning the * undefined indexes a value of undefined. * https://github.com/mozilla/rhino/commit/702abfed3f8ca043b2636efd31c14ba7552603dd */ /** * Creates an array containing the elements of the host array followed by the * elements of each argument in order. * @memberOf Benchmark.Suite * @returns {Array} The new array. */ function concat() { var value, j = -1, length = arguments.length, result = slice.call(this), index = result.length; while (++j < length) { value = arguments[j]; if (isClassOf(value, 'Array')) { for (var k = 0, l = value.length; k < l; k++, index++) { if (k in value) { result[index] = value[k]; } } } else { result[index] = value; } } return result; } /** * Utility function used by `shift()`, `splice()`, and `unshift()`. * @private * @param {Number} start The index to start inserting elements. * @param {Number} deleteCount The number of elements to delete from the insert point. * @param {Array} elements The elements to insert. * @returns {Array} An array of deleted elements. */ function insert(start, deleteCount, elements) { var deleteEnd = start + deleteCount, elementCount = elements ? elements.length : 0, index = start - 1, length = start + elementCount, object = this, result = [], tail = slice.call(object, deleteEnd); // delete elements from the array while (++index < deleteEnd) { if (index in object) { result[index - start] = object[index]; delete object[index]; } } // insert elements index = start - 1; while (++index < length) { object[index] = elements[index - start]; } // append tail elements start = index--; length = (object.length >>> 0) - deleteCount + elementCount; while (++index < length) { if ((index - start) in tail) { object[index] = tail[index - start]; } else { delete object[index]; } } // delete excess elements deleteCount = deleteCount > elementCount ? deleteCount - elementCount : 0; while (deleteCount--) { delete object[length + deleteCount]; } object.length = length; return result; } /** * Rearrange the host array's elements in reverse order. * @memberOf Benchmark.Suite * @returns {Array} The reversed array. */ function reverse() { var upperIndex, value, index = -1, object = Object(this), length = object.length >>> 0, middle = floor(length / 2); if (length > 1) { while (++index < middle) { upperIndex = length - index - 1; value = upperIndex in object ? object[upperIndex] : uid; if (index in object) { object[upperIndex] = object[index]; } else { delete object[upperIndex]; } if (value != uid) { object[index] = value; } else { delete object[index]; } } } return object; } /** * Removes the first element of the host array and returns it. * @memberOf Benchmark.Suite * @returns {Mixed} The first element of the array. */ function shift() { return insert.call(this, 0, 1)[0]; } /** * Creates an array of the host array's elements from the start index up to, * but not including, the end index. * @memberOf Benchmark.Suite * @returns {Array} The new array. */ function slice(start, end) { var index = -1, object = Object(this), length = object.length >>> 0, result = []; start = toInteger(start); start = start < 0 ? max(length + start, 0) : min(start, length); start--; end = end == null ? length : toInteger(end); end = end < 0 ? max(length + end, 0) : min(end, length); while ((++index, ++start) < end) { if (start in object) { result[index] = object[start]; } } return result; } /** * Allows removing a range of elements and/or inserting elements into the host array. * @memberOf Benchmark.Suite * @returns {Array} An array of removed elements. */ function splice(start, deleteCount) { var object = Object(this), length = object.length >>> 0; start = toInteger(start); start = start < 0 ? max(length + start, 0) : min(start, length); deleteCount = min(max(toInteger(deleteCount), 0), length - start); return insert.call(object, start, deleteCount, slice.call(arguments, 2)); } /** * Converts the specified `value` to an integer. * @private * @param {Mixed} value The value to convert. * @returns {Number} The resulting integer. */ function toInteger(value) { value = +value; return value === 0 || !isFinite(value) ? value || 0 : value - (value % 1); } /** * Appends arguments to the host array. * @memberOf Benchmark.Suite * @returns {Number} The new length. */ function unshift() { var object = Object(this); insert.call(object, 0, 0, arguments); return object.length; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Executes a function, associated with a benchmark, synchronously or asynchronously. * @private * @param {Object} options The options object. */ function call(options) { options || (options = {}); var fn = options.fn; (!options.async && fn || function() { var bench = options.benchmark, ids = bench._timerIds || (bench._timerIds = []), index = ids.length; // under normal use there should only be one id at any time per benchmark ids.push(setTimeout(function() { ids.splice(index, 1); ids.length || delete bench._timerIds; fn(); }, bench.delay * 1e3)); })(); } /** * Creates a function from the given arguments string and body. * @private * @param {String} args The comma separated function arguments. * @param {String} body The function body. * @returns {Function} The new function. */ function createFunction() { // lazy defined to fork based on supported features createFunction = function(args, body) { var anchor = freeDefine ? define.amd : Benchmark, prop = uid + 'createFunction'; runScript((freeDefine ? 'define.amd.' : 'Benchmark.') + prop + '=function(' + args + '){' + body + '}'); return [anchor[prop], delete anchor[prop]][0]; }; // fix JaegerMonkey bug // http://bugzil.la/639720 createFunction = (createFunction('', 'return"' + uid + '"') || noop)() == uid ? createFunction : Function; return createFunction.apply(null, arguments); } /** * Iterates over an object's properties, executing the `callback` for each. * Callbacks may terminate the loop by explicitly returning `false`. * @private * @param {Object} object The object to iterate over. * @param {Function} callback The function executed per own property. * @param {Object} options The options object. * @returns {Object} Returns the object iterated over. */ function forProps() { var forShadowed, skipSeen, forArgs = true, shadowed = ['constructor', 'hasOwnProperty', 'isPrototypeOf', 'propertyIsEnumerable', 'toLocaleString', 'toString', 'valueOf']; (function(enumFlag, key) { // must use a non-native constructor to catch the Safari 2 issue function Klass() { this.valueOf = 0; }; Klass.prototype.valueOf = 0; // check various for..in bugs for (key in new Klass) { enumFlag += key == 'valueOf' ? 1 : 0; } // check if `arguments` objects have non-enumerable indexes for (key in arguments) { key == '0' && (forArgs = false); } // Safari 2 iterates over shadowed properties twice // http://replay.waybackmachine.org/20090428222941/http://tobielangel.com/2007/1/29/for-in-loop-broken-in-safari/ skipSeen = enumFlag == 2; // IE < 9 incorrectly makes an object's properties non-enumerable if they have // the same name as other non-enumerable properties in its prototype chain. forShadowed = !enumFlag; }(0)); // lazy define forProps = function(object, callback, options) { options || (options = {}); var ctor, key, keys, skipCtor, done = !object, result = [object, object = Object(object)][0], which = options.which, allFlag = which == 'all', fn = callback, index = -1, iteratee = object, length = object.length, ownFlag = allFlag || which == 'own', seen = {}, skipProto = isClassOf(object, 'Function'), thisArg = options.bind; object = Object(object); if (thisArg !== undefined) { callback = function(value, key, object) { return fn.call(thisArg, value, key, object); }; } // iterate all properties if (allFlag && has.getAllKeys) { for (index = 0, keys = getAllKeys(object), length = keys.length; index < length; index++) { key = keys[index]; if (callback(object[key], key, object) === false) { break; } } } // else iterate only enumerable properties else { for (key in object) { // Firefox < 3.6, Opera > 9.50 - Opera < 11.60, and Safari < 5.1 // (if the prototype or a property on the prototype has been set) // incorrectly set a function's `prototype` property [[Enumerable]] value // to `true`. Because of this we standardize on skipping the `prototype` // property of functions regardless of their [[Enumerable]] value. if ((done = !(skipProto && key == 'prototype') && !(skipSeen && (hasKey(seen, key) || !(seen[key] = true))) && (!ownFlag || ownFlag && hasKey(object, key)) && callback(object[key], key, object) === false)) { break; } } // in IE < 9 strings don't support accessing characters by index if (!done && ( forArgs && isArguments(object) || (noCharByIndex || noCharByOwnIndex) && isClassOf(object, 'String'))) { noCharByIndex && (iteratee = object.split('')); while (++index < length) { if ((done = callback(iteratee[index], String(index), object) === false)) { break; } } } if (!done && forShadowed) { // Because IE < 9 can't set the `[[Enumerable]]` attribute of an existing // property and the `constructor` property of a prototype defaults to // non-enumerable, we manually skip the `constructor` property when we // think we are iterating over a `prototype` object. ctor = object.constructor; skipCtor = ctor && ctor.prototype && ctor.prototype.constructor === ctor; for (index = 0; index < 7; index++) { key = shadowed[index]; if (!(skipCtor && key == 'constructor') && hasKey(object, key) && callback(object[key], key, object) === false) { break; } } } } return result; }; return forProps.apply(null, arguments); } /** * Gets the critical value for the specified degrees of freedom. * @private * @param {Number} df The degrees of freedom. * @returns {Number} The critical value. */ function getCriticalValue(df) { return distribution[Math.round(df) || 1] || distribution.infinity; } /** * Gets the name of the first argument from a function's source. * @private * @param {Function} fn The function. * @param {String} altName A string used when the name of the first argument is unretrievable. * @returns {String} The argument name. */ function getFirstArgument(fn, altName) { return (!hasKey(fn, 'toString') && (/^[\s(]*function[^(]*\(([^\s,)]+)/.exec(fn) || 0)[1]) || altName || ''; } /** * Computes the arithmetic mean of a sample. * @private * @param {Array} sample The sample. * @returns {Number} The mean. */ function getMean(sample) { return reduce(sample, function(sum, x) { return sum + x; }, 0) / sample.length || 0; } /** * Gets the source code of a function. * @private * @param {Function} fn The function. * @param {String} altSource A string used when a function's source code is unretrievable. * @returns {String} The function's source code. */ function getSource(fn, altSource) { var result = altSource; if (isStringable(fn)) { result = String(fn); } else if (has.decompilation) { result = (/^[^{]+{([\s\S]*)}\s*$/.exec(fn) || 0)[1]; } return (result || '').replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); } /** * Modify a string by replacing named tokens with matching object property values. * @private * @param {String} string The string to modify. * @param {Object} object The template object. * @returns {String} The modified string. */ function interpolate(string, object) { forOwn(object, function(value, key) { string = string.replace(RegExp('#\\{' + key + '\\}', 'g'), value); }); return string; } /** * Checks if a value is an `arguments` object. * @private * @param {Mixed} value The value to check. * @returns {Boolean} Returns `true` if the value is an `arguments` object, else `false`. */ function isArguments() { // lazy define isArguments = function(value) { return toString.call(value) == '[object Arguments]'; }; if (noArgumentsClass) { isArguments = function(value) { return hasKey(value, 'callee') && !(propertyIsEnumerable && propertyIsEnumerable.call(value, 'callee')); }; } return isArguments(arguments[0]); } /** * Checks if an object is of the specified class. * @private * @param {Mixed} value The value to check. * @param {String} name The name of the class. * @returns {Boolean} Returns `true` if the value is of the specified class, else `false`. */ function isClassOf(value, name) { return value != null && toString.call(value) == '[object ' + name + ']'; } /** * Host objects can return type values that are different from their actual * data type. The objects we are concerned with usually return non-primitive * types of object, function, or unknown. * @private * @param {Mixed} object The owner of the property. * @param {String} property The property to check. * @returns {Boolean} Returns `true` if the property value is a non-primitive, else `false`. */ function isHostType(object, property) { var type = object != null ? typeof object[property] : 'number'; return !/^(?:boolean|number|string|undefined)$/.test(type) && (type == 'object' ? !!object[property] : true); } /** * Checks if the specified `value` is an object created by the `Object` constructor. * @private * @param {Mixed} value The value to check. * @returns {Boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is an object, else `false`. */ function isObject(value) { var ctor, result = !!value && toString.call(value) == '[object Object]'; if (result && noArgumentsClass) { // avoid false positives for `arguments` objects in IE < 9 result = !isArguments(value); } if (result) { // IE < 9 presents nodes like `Object` objects: // IE < 8 are missing the node's constructor property // IE 8 node constructors are typeof "object" ctor = value.constructor; // check if the constructor is `Object` as `Object instanceof Object` is `true` if ((result = isClassOf(ctor, 'Function') && ctor instanceof ctor)) { // assume objects created by the `Object` constructor have no inherited enumerable properties // (we assume there are no `Object.prototype` extensions) forProps(value, function(subValue, subKey) { result = subKey; }); // An object's own properties are iterated before inherited properties. // If the last iterated key belongs to an object's own property then // there are no inherited enumerable properties. result = result === true || hasKey(value, result); } } return result; } /** * Checks if a value can be safely coerced to a string. * @private * @param {Mixed} value The value to check. * @returns {Boolean} Returns `true` if the value can be coerced, else `false`. */ function isStringable(value) { return hasKey(value, 'toString') || isClassOf(value, 'String'); } /** * Wraps a function and passes `this` to the original function as the first argument. * @private * @param {Function} fn The function to be wrapped. * @returns {Function} The new function. */ function methodize(fn) { return function() { var args = [this]; args.push.apply(args, arguments); return fn.apply(null, args); }; } /** * A no-operation function. * @private */ function noop() { // no operation performed } /** * A wrapper around require() to suppress `module missing` errors. * @private * @param {String} id The module id. * @returns {Mixed} The exported module or `null`. */ function req(id) { try { return freeExports && freeRequire(id); } catch(e) { } return null; } /** * Runs a snippet of JavaScript via script injection. * @private * @param {String} code The code to run. */ function runScript(code) { var parent, script, sibling, anchor = freeDefine ? define.amd : Benchmark, prop = uid + 'runScript', prefix = '(' + (freeDefine ? 'define.amd.' : 'Benchmark.') + prop + '||function(){})();'; // Non-browser environments, Firefox (executes asynchronously), // and IE < 9 will error here and that's OK. // Script injection is only used to avoid the previously commented JaegerMonkey bug. // We remove the inserted script *before* running the code to avoid differences // in the expected script element count/order of the document. try { sibling = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; parent = sibling.parentNode; script = document.createElement('script'); anchor[prop] = function() { parent.removeChild(script); }; script.appendChild(document.createTextNode(prefix + code)); parent.insertBefore(script, sibling); } catch(e) { } delete anchor[prop]; } /** * A helper function for setting options/event handlers. * @private * @param {Object} bench The benchmark instance. * @param {Object} [options={}] Options object. */ function setOptions(bench, options) { options = extend({}, bench.constructor.options, options); bench.options = forOwn(options, function(value, key) { if (value != null) { // add event listeners if (/^on[A-Z]/.test(key)) { forEach(key.split(' '), function(key) { bench.on(key.slice(2).toLowerCase(), value); }); } else { bench[key] = deepClone(value); } } }); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Handles cycling/completing the deferred benchmark. * @memberOf Benchmark.Deferred */ function resolve() { var me = this, bench = me.benchmark; if (++me.cycles < bench.count) { (bench._host || bench).compiled.call(me, timer.ns, timer); } else { timer.stop(me); call({ 'async': true, 'benchmark': bench, 'fn': function() { cycle({ 'benchmark': bench, 'deferred': me }); } }); } } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * A deep clone utility. * @static * @memberOf Benchmark * @param {Mixed} value The value to clone. * @returns {Mixed} The cloned value. */ function deepClone(value) { var accessor, circular, clone, ctor, data, descriptor, extensible, key, length, markerKey, parent, result, source, subIndex, index = -1, marked = [], unmarked = [], queue = { '0': { 'value': value }, 'length': 1 }; /** * An easily detectable decorator for cloned values. */ function Marker(object) { this.raw = object; } /** * Gets an available marker key for the given object. */ function getMarkerKey(object) { // avoid collisions with existing keys var result = uid; while (object[result] && object[result].constructor != Marker) { result += 1; } return result; } /** * The callback used by `forProps()`. */ function propCallback(subValue, subKey) { // exit early to avoid cloning the marker if (subValue && subValue.constructor == Marker) { return; } // add objects to the queue if (subValue === Object(subValue)) { queue[queue.length++] = { 'key': subKey, 'parent': clone, 'source': value }; } // assign non-objects else { clone[subKey] = subValue; } } while ((data = queue[++index])) { key = data.key; parent = data.parent; source = data.source; clone = value = source ? source[key] : data.value; accessor = circular = descriptor = false; delete queue[index - 1]; // create a basic clone to filter out functions, DOM elements, and // other non `Object` objects if (value === Object(value)) { ctor = value.constructor; switch (toString.call(value)) { case '[object Array]': clone = new ctor(value.length); break; case '[object Boolean]': clone = new ctor(value == true); break; case '[object Date]': clone = new ctor(+value); break; case '[object Object]': isObject(value) && (clone = new ctor); break; case '[object Number]': case '[object String]': clone = new ctor(value); break; case '[object RegExp]': clone = ctor(value.source, (value.global ? 'g' : '') + (value.ignoreCase ? 'i' : '') + (value.multiline ? 'm' : '')); } // continue clone if `value` doesn't have an accessor descriptor // http://es5.github.com/#x8.10.1 if (clone != value && !(descriptor = source && has.descriptors && getDescriptor(source, key), accessor = descriptor && (descriptor.get || descriptor.set))) { // use an existing clone (circular reference) if ((extensible = isExtensible(value))) { markerKey = getMarkerKey(value); if (value[markerKey]) { circular = clone = value[markerKey].raw; } } else { // for frozen/sealed objects for (subIndex = 0, length = unmarked.length; subIndex < length; subIndex++) { data = unmarked[subIndex]; if (data.object === value) { circular = clone = data.clone; break; } } } if (!circular) { // mark object to allow quickly detecting circular references and tie it to its clone if (extensible) { value[markerKey] = new Marker(clone); marked.push({ 'key': markerKey, 'object': value }); } else { // for frozen/sealed objects unmarked.push({ 'clone': clone, 'object': value }); } // iterate over object properties forProps(value, propCallback, { 'which': 'all' }); } } } if (parent) { // for custom property descriptors if (accessor || (descriptor && !(descriptor.configurable && descriptor.enumerable && descriptor.writable))) { descriptor.value && (descriptor.value = clone); setDescriptor(parent, key, descriptor); } // for default property descriptors else { parent[key] = clone; } } else { result = clone; } } // remove markers for (index = 0, length = marked.length; index < length; index++) { data = marked[index]; delete data.object[data.key]; } return result; } /** * An iteration utility for arrays and objects. * Callbacks may terminate the loop by explicitly returning `false`. * @static * @memberOf Benchmark * @param {Array|Object} object The object to iterate over. * @param {Function} callback The function called per iteration. * @param {Object} thisArg The `this` binding for the callback function. * @returns {Array|Object} Returns the object iterated over. */ function each(object, callback, thisArg) { var fn = callback, index = -1, result = [object, object = Object(object)][0], origObject = object, length = object.length, isSnapshot = !!(object.snapshotItem && (length = object.snapshotLength)), isSplittable = (noCharByIndex || noCharByOwnIndex) && isClassOf(object, 'String'), isConvertable = isSnapshot || isSplittable || 'item' in object; // in Opera < 10.5 `hasKey(object, 'length')` returns `false` for NodeLists if (length === length >>> 0) { if (isConvertable) { // the third argument of the callback is the original non-array object callback = function(value, index) { return fn.call(this, value, index, origObject); }; // in IE < 9 strings don't support accessing characters by index if (isSplittable) { object = object.split(''); } else { object = []; while (++index < length) { // in Safari 2 `index in object` is always `false` for NodeLists object[index] = isSnapshot ? result.snapshotItem(index) : result[index]; } } } forEach(object, callback, thisArg); } else { forOwn(object, callback, thisArg); } return result; } /** * Copies own/inherited properties of a source object to the destination object. * @static * @memberOf Benchmark * @param {Object} destination The destination object. * @param {Object} [source={}] The source object. * @returns {Object} The destination object. */ function extend(destination, source) { // Chrome < 14 incorrectly sets `destination` to `undefined` when we `delete arguments[0]` // http://code.google.com/p/v8/issues/detail?id=839 destination = [destination, delete arguments[0]][0]; forEach(arguments, function(source) { forProps(source, function(value, key) { destination[key] = value; }); }); return destination; } /** * A generic `Array#filter` like method. * @static * @memberOf Benchmark * @param {Array} array The array to iterate over. * @param {Function|String} callback The function/alias called per iteration. * @param {Object} thisArg The `this` binding for the callback function. * @returns {Array} A new array of values that passed callback filter. * @example * * // get odd numbers * Benchmark.filter([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], function(n) { * return n % 2; * }); // -> [1, 3, 5]; * * // get fastest benchmarks * Benchmark.filter(benches, 'fastest'); * * // get slowest benchmarks * Benchmark.filter(benches, 'slowest'); * * // get benchmarks that completed without erroring * Benchmark.filter(benches, 'successful'); */ function filter(array, callback, thisArg) { var result; if (callback == 'successful') { // callback to exclude errored or unrun benchmarks callback = function(bench) { return bench.cycles; }; } else if (callback == 'fastest' || callback == 'slowest') { // get successful, sort by period + margin of error, and filter fastest/slowest result = filter(array, 'successful').sort(function(a, b) { a = a.stats; b = b.stats; return (a.mean + a.moe > b.mean + b.moe ? 1 : -1) * (callback == 'fastest' ? 1 : -1); }); result = filter(result, function(bench) { return !result[0].compare(bench); }); } return result || reduce(array, function(result, value, index) { return callback.call(thisArg, value, index, array) ? (result.push(value), result) : result; }, []); } /** * A generic `Array#forEach` like method. * Callbacks may terminate the loop by explicitly returning `false`. * @static * @memberOf Benchmark * @param {Array} array The array to iterate over. * @param {Function} callback The function called per iteration. * @param {Object} thisArg The `this` binding for the callback function. * @returns {Array} Returns the array iterated over. */ function forEach(array, callback, thisArg) { var fn = callback, index = -1, length = (array = Object(array)).length >>> 0; if (thisArg !== undefined) { callback = function(value, index, array) { return fn.call(thisArg, value, index, array); }; } while (++index < length) { if (index in array && callback(array[index], index, array) === false) { break; } } return array; } /** * Iterates over an object's own properties, executing the `callback` for each. * Callbacks may terminate the loop by explicitly returning `false`. * @static * @memberOf Benchmark * @param {Object} object The object to iterate over. * @param {Function} callback The function executed per own property. * @param {Object} thisArg The `this` binding for the callback function. * @returns {Object} Returns the object iterated over. */ function forOwn(object, callback, thisArg) { return forProps(object, callback, { 'bind': thisArg, 'which': 'own' }); } /** * Converts a number to a more readable comma-separated string representation. * @static * @memberOf Benchmark * @param {Number} number The number to convert. * @returns {String} The more readable string representation. */ function formatNumber(number) { number = String(number).split('.'); return number[0].replace(/(?=(?:\d{3})+$)(?!\b)/g, ',') + (number[1] ? '.' + number[1] : ''); } /** * Checks if an object has the specified key as a direct property. * @static * @memberOf Benchmark * @param {Object} object The object to check. * @param {String} key The key to check for. * @returns {Boolean} Returns `true` if key is a direct property, else `false`. */ function hasKey() { // lazy define for worst case fallback (not as accurate) hasKey = function(object, key) { var parent = object != null && (object.constructor || Object).prototype; return !!parent && key in Object(object) && !(key in parent && object[key] === parent[key]); }; // for modern browsers if (isClassOf(hasOwnProperty, 'Function')) { hasKey = function(object, key) { return object != null && hasOwnProperty.call(object, key); }; } // for Safari 2 else if ({}.__proto__ == Object.prototype) { hasKey = function(object, key) { var result = false; if (object != null) { object = Object(object); object.__proto__ = [object.__proto__, object.__proto__ = null, result = key in object][0]; } return result; }; } return hasKey.apply(this, arguments); } /** * A generic `Array#indexOf` like method. * @static * @memberOf Benchmark * @param {Array} array The array to iterate over. * @param {Mixed} value The value to search for. * @param {Number} [fromIndex=0] The index to start searching from. * @returns {Number} The index of the matched value or `-1`. */ function indexOf(array, value, fromIndex) { var index = toInteger(fromIndex), length = (array = Object(array)).length >>> 0; index = (index < 0 ? max(0, length + index) : index) - 1; while (++index < length) { if (index in array && value === array[index]) { return index; } } return -1; } /** * Invokes a method on all items in an array. * @static * @memberOf Benchmark * @param {Array} benches Array of benchmarks to iterate over. * @param {String|Object} name The name of the method to invoke OR options object. * @param {Mixed} [arg1, arg2, ...] Arguments to invoke the method with. * @returns {Array} A new array of values returned from each method invoked. * @example * * // invoke `reset` on all benchmarks * Benchmark.invoke(benches, 'reset'); * * // invoke `emit` with arguments * Benchmark.invoke(benches, 'emit', 'complete', listener); * * // invoke `run(true)`, treat benchmarks as a queue, and register invoke callbacks * Benchmark.invoke(benches, { * * // invoke the `run` method * 'name': 'run', * * // pass a single argument * 'args': true, * * // treat as queue, removing benchmarks from front of `benches` until empty * 'queued': true, * * // called before any benchmarks have been invoked. * 'onStart': onStart, * * // called between invoking benchmarks * 'onCycle': onCycle, * * // called after all benchmarks have been invoked. * 'onComplete': onComplete * }); */ function invoke(benches, name) { var args, bench, queued, index = -1, options = { 'onStart': noop, 'onCycle': noop, 'onComplete': noop }, result = map(benches, function(bench) { return bench; }); /** * Checks if invoking `run` with asynchronous cycles. */ function isAsync(object) { var async = args[0] && args[0].async; return isRun(object) && (async == null ? object.options.async : async) && has.timeout; } /** * Checks if invoking `run` on a benchmark instance. */ function isRun(object) { // avoid using `instanceof` here because of IE memory leak issues with host objects return Object(object).constructor == Benchmark && name == 'run'; } /** * Checks if invoking `run` with synchronous cycles. */ function isSync(object) { // if not asynchronous or deferred return !isAsync(object) && !(isRun(object) && object.defer); } /** * Executes the method and if synchronous, fetches the next bench. */ function execute() { var listeners, sync = isSync(bench); if (!sync) { // use `getNext` as a listener bench.on('complete', getNext); listeners = bench.events.complete; listeners.splice(0, 0, listeners.pop()); } // execute method result[index] = isClassOf(bench && bench[name], 'Function') ? bench[name].apply(bench, args) : undefined; // if synchronous return true until finished return sync && getNext(); } /** * Fetches the next bench or executes `onComplete` callback. */ function getNext() { var last = bench, sync = isSync(last); if (!sync) { last.removeListener('complete', getNext); last.emit('complete'); } // choose next benchmark if not exiting early if (options.onCycle.call(benches, Event('cycle'), last) !== false && raiseIndex() !== false) { bench = queued ? benches[0] : result[index]; if (!isSync(bench)) { call({ 'async': isAsync(bench), 'benchmark': bench, 'fn': execute }); } else if (!sync) { // resume synchronous execution while (execute()) { } } else { // continue synchronous execution return true; } } else { options.onComplete.call(benches, Event('complete'), last); } // when async the `return false` will cancel the rest of the "complete" // listeners because they were called above and when synchronous it will // exit the while-loop return false; } /** * Raises `index` to the next defined index or returns `false`. */ function raiseIndex() { var length = result.length; // if queued then remove the previous bench and subsequent skipped non-entries if (queued) { do { ++index > 0 && shift.call(benches); } while ((length = benches.length) && !('0' in benches)); } else { while (++index < length && !(index in result)) { } } // if we reached the last index then return `false` return (queued ? length : index < length) ? index : (index = false); } // juggle arguments if (isClassOf(name, 'String')) { // 2 arguments (array, name) args = slice.call(arguments, 2); } else { // 2 arguments (array, options) options = extend(options, name); name = options.name; args = isClassOf(args = 'args' in options ? options.args : [], 'Array') ? args : [args]; queued = options.queued; } // start iterating over the array if (raiseIndex() !== false) { bench = result[index]; options.onStart.call(benches, Event('start'), bench); // end early if the suite was aborted in an "onStart" listener if (benches.aborted && benches.constructor == Suite && name == 'run') { options.onCycle.call(benches, Event('cycle'), bench); options.onComplete.call(benches, Event('complete'), bench); } // else start else { if (isAsync(bench)) { call({ 'async': true, 'benchmark': bench, 'fn': execute }); } else { while (execute()) { } } } } return result; } /** * Creates a string of joined array values or object key-value pairs. * @static * @memberOf Benchmark * @param {Array|Object} object The object to operate on. * @param {String} [separator1=','] The separator used between key-value pairs. * @param {String} [separator2=': '] The separator used between keys and values. * @returns {String} The joined result. */ function join(object, separator1, separator2) { var result = [], length = (object = Object(object)).length, arrayLike = length === length >>> 0; separator2 || (separator2 = ': '); each(object, function(value, key) { result.push(arrayLike ? value : key + separator2 + value); }); return result.join(separator1 || ','); } /** * A generic `Array#map` like method. * @static * @memberOf Benchmark * @param {Array} array The array to iterate over. * @param {Function} callback The function called per iteration. * @param {Object} thisArg The `this` binding for the callback function. * @returns {Array} A new array of values returned by the callback. */ function map(array, callback, thisArg) { return reduce(array, function(result, value, index) { result[index] = callback.call(thisArg, value, index, array); return result; }, Array(Object(array).length >>> 0)); } /** * Retrieves the value of a specified property from all items in an array. * @static * @memberOf Benchmark * @param {Array} array The array to iterate over. * @param {String} property The property to pluck. * @returns {Array} A new array of property values. */ function pluck(array, property) { return map(array, function(object) { return object == null ? undefined : object[property]; }); } /** * A generic `Array#reduce` like method. * @static * @memberOf Benchmark * @param {Array} array The array to iterate over. * @param {Function} callback The function called per iteration. * @param {Mixed} accumulator Initial value of the accumulator. * @returns {Mixed} The accumulator. */ function reduce(array, callback, accumulator) { var noaccum = arguments.length < 3; forEach(array, function(value, index) { accumulator = noaccum ? (noaccum = 0, value) : callback(accumulator, value, index, array); }); return accumulator; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Aborts all benchmarks in the suite. * @name abort * @memberOf Benchmark.Suite * @returns {Object} The suite instance. */ function abortSuite() { var me = this; if (me.running) { calledBy.abortSuite = true; me.reset(); delete calledBy.abortSuite; me.aborted = true; !calledBy.resetSuite && invoke(me, 'abort'); me.emit('abort'); } return me; } /** * Adds a test to the benchmark suite. * @memberOf Benchmark.Suite * @param {String} name A name to identify the benchmark. * @param {Function|String} fn The test to benchmark. * @param {Object} [options={}] Options object. * @returns {Object} The benchmark instance. * @example * * // basic usage * suite.add(fn); * * // or using a name first * suite.add('foo', fn); * * // or with options * suite.add('foo', fn, { * 'onCycle': onCycle, * 'onComplete': onComplete * }); */ function add(name, fn, options) { var me = this, bench = Benchmark(name, fn, options); me.push(bench); me.emit('add', bench); return me; } /** * Creates a new suite with cloned benchmarks. * @name clone * @memberOf Benchmark.Suite * @param {Object} options Options object to overwrite cloned options. * @returns {Object} The new suite instance. */ function cloneSuite(options) { var me = this, result = new me.constructor(extend({}, me.options, options)); // copy own properties forOwn(me, function(value, key) { if (!hasKey(result, key)) { result[key] = value && isClassOf(value.clone, 'Function') ? value.clone() : deepClone(value); } }); return result; } /** * An `Array#filter` like method. * @name filter * @memberOf Benchmark.Suite * @param {Function|String} callback The function/alias called per iteration. * @returns {Object} A new suite of benchmarks that passed callback filter. */ function filterSuite(callback) { var me = this, result = new me.constructor; result.push.apply(result, filter(me, callback)); return result; } /** * Resets all benchmarks in the suite. * @name reset * @memberOf Benchmark.Suite * @returns {Object} The suite instance. */ function resetSuite() { var me = this, notAborting = !calledBy.abortSuite; if (me.running && notAborting) { calledBy.resetSuite = true; me.abort(); delete calledBy.resetSuite; me.aborted = false; } else if (me.aborted !== false || me.running !== false) { me.aborted = me.running = false; notAborting && invoke(me, 'reset'); me.emit('reset'); } return me; } /** * Runs the suite. * @name run * @memberOf Benchmark.Suite * @param {Object} [options={}] Options object. * @returns {Object} The suite instance. * @example * * // basic usage * suite.run(); * * // or with options * suite.run({ 'async': true, 'queued': true }); */ function runSuite(options) { var me = this, benches = []; me.reset(); me.running = true; options || (options = {}); invoke(me, { 'name': 'run', 'args': options, 'queued': options.queued, 'onStart': function(event, bench) { me.emit('start', bench); }, 'onCycle': function(event, bench) { if (bench.error) { me.emit('error', bench); } else if (bench.cycles) { benches.push(bench); } return !me.aborted && me.emit('cycle', bench); }, 'onComplete': function(event, bench) { me.running = false; me.emit('complete', bench); } }); return me; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Registers a single listener for the specified event type(s). * @memberOf Benchmark, Benchmark.Suite * @param {String} type The event type. * @param {Function} listener The function called when the event occurs. * @returns {Object} The benchmark instance. * @example * * // register a listener for an event type * bench.addListener('cycle', listener); * * // register a listener for multiple event types * bench.addListener('start cycle', listener); */ function addListener(type, listener) { var me = this, events = me.events || (me.events = {}); forEach(type.split(' '), function(type) { (events[type] || (events[type] = [])).push(listener); }); return me; } /** * Executes all registered listeners of the specified event type. * @memberOf Benchmark, Benchmark.Suite * @param {String|Object} type The event type or object. * @returns {Boolean} Returns `true` if all listeners were executed, else `false`. */ function emit(type) { var me = this, event = Event(type), args = (arguments[0] = event, arguments), events = me.events, listeners = events && events[event.type] || [], result = true; forEach(listeners.slice(), function(listener) { return (result = listener.apply(me, args) !== false); }); return result; } /** * Unregisters a single listener for the specified event type(s). * @memberOf Benchmark, Benchmark.Suite * @param {String} type The event type. * @param {Function} listener The function to unregister. * @returns {Object} The benchmark instance. * @example * * // unregister a listener for an event type * bench.removeListener('cycle', listener); * * // unregister a listener for multiple event types * bench.removeListener('start cycle', listener); */ function removeListener(type, listener) { var me = this, events = me.events; forEach(type.split(' '), function(type) { var listeners = events && events[type] || [], index = indexOf(listeners, listener); if (index > -1) { listeners.splice(index, 1); } }); return me; } /** * Unregisters all listeners or those for the specified event type(s). * @memberOf Benchmark, Benchmark.Suite * @param {String} type The event type. * @returns {Object} The benchmark instance. * @example * * // unregister all listeners * bench.removeAllListeners(); * * // unregister all listeners for an event type * bench.removeAllListeners('cycle'); * * // unregister all listeners for multiple event types * bench.removeAllListeners('start cycle complete'); */ function removeAllListeners(type) { var me = this, events = me.events; forEach(type ? type.split(' ') : events, function(type) { (events && events[type] || []).length = 0; }); return me; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Aborts the benchmark without recording times. * @memberOf Benchmark * @returns {Object} The benchmark instance. */ function abort() { var me = this; if (me.running) { if (has.timeout) { forEach(me._timerIds || [], clearTimeout); delete me._timerIds; } // avoid infinite recursion calledBy.abort = true; me.reset(); delete calledBy.abort; me.aborted = true; me.emit('abort'); } return me; } /** * Creates a new benchmark using the same test and options. * @memberOf Benchmark * @param {Object} options Options object to overwrite cloned options. * @returns {Object} The new benchmark instance. * @example * * var bizarro = bench.clone({ * 'name': 'doppelganger' * }); */ function clone(options) { var me = this, result = new me.constructor(extend({}, me, options)); // correct the `options` object result.options = extend({}, me.options, options); // copy own custom properties forOwn(me, function(value, key) { if (!hasKey(result, key)) { result[key] = deepClone(value); } }); return result; } /** * Determines if a benchmark is faster than another. * @memberOf Benchmark * @param {Object} other The benchmark to compare. * @returns {Number} Returns `-1` if slower, `1` if faster, and `0` if indeterminate. */ function compare(other) { // unpaired two-sample t-test assuming equal variance // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Student's_t-test // http://www.chem.utoronto.ca/coursenotes/analsci/StatsTutorial/12tailed.html var a = this.stats, b = other.stats, df = a.size + b.size - 2, pooled = (((a.size - 1) * a.variance) + ((b.size - 1) * b.variance)) / df, tstat = (a.mean - b.mean) / sqrt(pooled * (1 / a.size + 1 / b.size)), near = abs(1 - a.mean / b.mean) < 0.055 && a.rme < 3 && b.rme < 3; // check if the means aren't close and the t-statistic is significant // (a larger `mean` indicates a slower benchmark) return !near && abs(tstat) > getCriticalValue(df) ? (tstat > 0 ? -1 : 1) : 0; } /** * Reset properties and abort if running. * @memberOf Benchmark * @returns {Object} The benchmark instance. */ function reset() { var changed, pair, me = this, source = extend({}, me.constructor.prototype, me.options), pairs = [[source, me]]; if (me.running && !calledBy.abort) { // no worries, `reset()` is called within `abort()` me.abort(); me.aborted = source.aborted; } else { // a non-recursive solution to check if properties have changed // http://www.jslab.dk/articles/non.recursive.preorder.traversal.part4 while ((pair = pairs.pop())) { forOwn(pair[0], function(value, key) { var other = pair[1][key]; if (value && isClassOf(value, 'Object')) { pairs.push([value, other]); } else if (value !== other && !(value == null || isClassOf(value, 'Function'))) { pair[1][key] = value; changed = true; } }); } if (changed) { me.emit('reset'); } } return me; } /** * Displays relevant benchmark information when coerced to a string. * @name toString * @memberOf Benchmark * @returns {String} A string representation of the benchmark instance. */ function toStringBench() { var me = this, error = me.error, hz = me.hz, id = me.id, stats = me.stats, size = stats.size, pm = has.java ? '+/-' : '\xb1', result = me.name || (typeof id == 'number' ? '' : id); if (error) { result += ': ' + join(error); } else { result += ' x ' + formatNumber(hz.toFixed(hz < 100 ? 2 : 0)) + ' ops/sec ' + pm + stats.rme.toFixed(2) + '% (' + size + ' run' + (size == 1 ? '' : 's') + ' sampled)'; } return result; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Clocks the time taken to execute a test per cycle (secs). * @private * @param {Object} bench The benchmark instance. * @returns {Number} The time taken. */ function clock() { var applet, options = Benchmark.options, template = { 'begin': 's$=new n$', 'end': 'r$=(new n$-s$)/1e3', 'uid': uid }, timers = [{ 'ns': timer.ns, 'res': max(0.0015, getRes('ms')), 'unit': 'ms' }]; // lazy defined for hi-res timers clock = function(bench) { var deferred = bench instanceof Deferred && [bench, bench = bench.benchmark][0], host = bench._host || bench, fn = host.fn, fnArg = deferred ? getFirstArgument(fn, 'deferred') : '', stringable = isStringable(fn), decompilable = has.decompilation || stringable, source = { 'setup': getSource(host.setup, preprocess('m$.setup()')), 'fn': getSource(fn, preprocess('f$(' + fnArg + ')')), 'fnArg': fnArg, 'teardown': getSource(host.teardown, preprocess('m$.teardown()')) }, compiled = fn.compiled, count = host.count = bench.count, id = host.id, isEmpty = !(source.fn || stringable), name = host.name || (typeof id == 'number' ? '' : id), ns = timer.ns, result = 0; // init `minTime` if needed bench.minTime = host.minTime || (host.minTime = host.options.minTime = options.minTime); // repair nanosecond timer // (some Chrome builds erase the `ns` variable after millions of executions) if (applet) { try { ns.nanoTime(); } catch(e) { // use non-element to avoid issues with libs that augment them ns = timer.ns = new applet.Packages.nano; } } if(!compiled) { // compile in setup/teardown functions and the test loop compiled = host.compiled = createFunction(preprocess('n$,t$'), interpolate( preprocess(deferred ? 'var d$=this,#{fnArg}=d$,r$=d$.resolve,m$=(m$=d$.benchmark)._host||m$,f$=m$.fn;' + 'if(!d$.cycles){d$.resolve=function(){d$.resolve=r$;r$.call(d$);' + 'if(d$.cycles==m$.count){#{teardown}\n}};#{setup}\nt$.start(d$);}#{fn}\nreturn{}' : 'var r$,s$,m$=this,f$=m$.fn,i$=m$.count;#{setup}\n#{begin};' + 'while(i$--){#{fn}\n}#{end};#{teardown}\nreturn{time:r$,uid:"#{uid}"}'), source )); try { if (isEmpty) { // Firefox may remove dead code from Function#toString results // http://bugzil.la/536085 throw new Error('The test, ' + name + ', is empty. This may be the result of dead code removal.'); } else if (!deferred) { // pretest to determine if compiled code is exits early, usually by a // rogue `return` statement, by checking for a return object with the uid host.count = 1; compiled = (compiled.call(host, ns) || {}).uid == uid && compiled; host.count = count; } } catch(e) { compiled = false; bench.error = e || new Error(String(e)); host.count = count; } // fallback when a test exits early or errors during pretest if (decompilable && !compiled && !deferred && !isEmpty) { compiled = createFunction(preprocess('n$'), interpolate( preprocess((bench.error && !stringable ? 'var r$,s$,m$=this,f$=m$.fn,i$=m$.count;' : 'function f$(){#{fn}\n}var r$,s$,i$=this.count;' ) + '#{setup}\n#{begin};while(i$--){f$()}#{end};#{teardown}\nreturn{time:r$}'), source )); try { // pretest one more time to check for errors host.count = 1; compiled.call(host, ns); host.compiled = compiled; host.count = count; delete bench.error; } catch(e) { host.count = count; if (!bench.error) { host.compiled = compiled; bench.error = e || new Error(String(e)); } } } } // if no errors run the full test loop if (!bench.error) { result = compiled.call(deferred || host, ns, timer).time; } return result; }; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Gets the current timer's minimum resolution (secs). */ function getRes(unit) { var measured, begin, count = 30, divisor = 1e3, ns = timer.ns, sample = []; // get average smallest measurable time while (count--) { if (unit == 'us') { divisor = 1e6; if (ns.stop) { ns.start(); while (!(measured = ns.microseconds())) { } } else { begin = timer.ns(); while (!(measured = ns() - begin)) { } } } else if (unit == 'ns') { divisor = 1e9; begin = ns.nanoTime(); while (!(measured = ns.nanoTime() - begin)) { } } else { begin = new ns; while (!(measured = new ns - begin)) { } } // check for broken timers (nanoTime may have issues) // http://alivebutsleepy.srnet.cz/unreliable-system-nanotime/ if (measured > 0) { sample.push(measured); } else { sample.push(Infinity); break; } } // convert to seconds return getMean(sample) / divisor; } /** * Replaces all occurrences of `$` with a unique number and * template tokens with content. */ function preprocess(code) { return interpolate(code, template).replace(/\$/g, /\d+/.exec(uid)); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // detect nanosecond support from a Java applet each(window.document && document.applets || [], function(element) { return !(timer.ns = applet = 'nanoTime' in element && element); }); // check type in case Safari returns an object instead of a number try { if (typeof timer.ns.nanoTime() == 'number') { timers.push({ 'ns': timer.ns, 'res': getRes('ns'), 'unit': 'ns' }); } } catch(e) { } // detect Chrome's microsecond timer: // enable benchmarking via the --enable-benchmarking command // line switch in at least Chrome 7 to use chrome.Interval try { if ((timer.ns = new (window.chrome || window.chromium).Interval)) { timers.push({ 'ns': timer.ns, 'res': getRes('us'), 'unit': 'us' }); } } catch(e) { } // detect Node's microtime module: // npm install microtime if ((timer.ns = (req('microtime') || { 'now': 0 }).now)) { timers.push({ 'ns': timer.ns, 'res': getRes('us'), 'unit': 'us' }); } // pick timer with highest resolution timer = reduce(timers, function(timer, other) { return other.res < timer.res ? other : timer; }); // remove unused applet if (timer.unit != 'ns' && applet) { applet = (applet.parentNode.removeChild(applet), null); } // error if there are no working timers if (timer.res == Infinity) { throw new Error('Benchmark.js was unable to find a working timer.'); } // use API of chosen timer if (timer.unit == 'ns') { extend(template, { 'begin': 's$=n$.nanoTime()', 'end': 'r$=(n$.nanoTime()-s$)/1e9' }); } else if (timer.unit == 'us') { extend(template, timer.ns.stop ? { 'begin': 's$=n$.start()', 'end': 'r$=n$.microseconds()/1e6' } : { 'begin': 's$=n$()', 'end': 'r$=(n$()-s$)/1e6' }); } // define `timer` methods timer.start = createFunction(preprocess('d$'), preprocess('var n$=this.ns,#{begin};d$.timeStamp=s$')); timer.stop = createFunction(preprocess('d$'), preprocess('var n$=this.ns,s$=d$.timeStamp,#{end};d$.elapsed=r$')); // resolve time span required to achieve a percent uncertainty of at most 1% // http://spiff.rit.edu/classes/phys273/uncert/uncert.html options.minTime || (options.minTime = max(timer.res / 2 / 0.01, 0.05)); return clock.apply(null, arguments); } /** * Computes stats on benchmark results. * @private * @param {Object} options The options object. */ function compute(options) { options || (options = {}); var async = options.async, bench = options.benchmark, elapsed = 0, queue = [], sample = [], initCount = bench.initCount; /** * Adds a number of clones to the queue. */ function enqueue(count) { while (count--) { queue.push(bench.clone({ '_host': bench, 'events': { 'start': [update], 'cycle': [update] } })); } } /** * Updates the clone/host benchmarks to keep their data in sync. */ function update(event) { var clone = this, cycles = clone.cycles, type = event.type; if (bench.running) { if (type == 'cycle') { if (clone.error) { bench.abort(); bench.error = clone.error; bench.emit('error'); } else { // Note: the host's bench.count prop is updated in `clock()` bench.hz = clone.hz; bench.initCount = clone.initCount; bench.times.period = clone.times.period; if (cycles > bench.cycles) { bench.cycles = cycles; } } bench.emit(type); } else { // reached in clone's onStart // Note: clone.minTime prop is inited in `clock()` clone.count = bench.initCount; } } else if (bench.aborted) { clone.abort(); } } /** * Determines if more clones should be queued or if cycling should stop. */ function evaluate(event, clone) { var mean, moe, rme, sd, sem, variance, now = +new Date, times = bench.times, done = bench.aborted, maxedOut = (elapsed += now - clone.times.timeStamp) / 1e3 > bench.maxTime, size = sample.push(clone.times.period), varOf = function(sum, x) { return sum + pow(x - mean, 2); }; // exit early for aborted or unclockable tests if (done || clone.hz == Infinity) { maxedOut = !(size = sample.length = queue.length = 0); } // set host values if (!done) { // sample mean (estimate of the population mean) mean = getMean(sample); // sample variance (estimate of the population variance) variance = reduce(sample, varOf, 0) / (size - 1) || 0; // sample standard deviation (estimate of the population standard deviation) sd = sqrt(variance); // standard error of the mean (aka the standard deviation of the sampling distribution of the sample mean) sem = sd / sqrt(size); // margin of error moe = sem * getCriticalValue(size - 1); // relative margin of error rme = (moe / mean) * 100 || 0; extend(bench.stats, { 'moe': moe, 'rme': rme, 'sem': sem, 'deviation': sd, 'mean': mean, 'size': size, 'variance': variance }); // We exit early when the elapsed time exceeds the maximum time allowed // per benchmark. To prevent massive wait times, we do this even if the // minimum sample size has not been reached. We don't count cycle delays // toward the max time because delays may be increased by browsers that // clamp timeouts in inactive tabs. // https://developer.mozilla.org/en/window.setTimeout#Inactive_tabs if (maxedOut) { done = true; bench.running = false; bench.initCount = initCount; times.elapsed = (now - times.timeStamp) / 1e3; } if (bench.hz != Infinity) { times.period = mean; times.cycle = mean * bench.count; bench.hz = 1 / mean; } } // if time permits, increase sample size to reduce the margin of error if (queue.length < 2 && !maxedOut) { enqueue(1); } // stop the invoke cycle when done return !done; } // init queue and begin enqueue(bench.minSamples); invoke(queue, { 'name': 'run', 'args': { 'async': async }, 'queued': true, 'onCycle': evaluate, 'onComplete': function() { bench.emit('complete'); } }); } /** * Cycles a benchmark until a run `count` can be established. * @private * @param {Object} options The options object. */ function cycle(options) { options || (options = {}); var clocked, divisor, minTime, period, async = options.async, bench = options.benchmark, count = bench.count, deferred = options.deferred, times = bench.times; // continue, if not aborted between cycles if (bench.running) { // host `minTime` is set to `Benchmark.options.minTime` in `clock()` bench.cycles++; clocked = deferred ? deferred.elapsed : clock(bench); minTime = bench.minTime; if (bench.error) { bench.abort(); bench.emit('error'); } } // continue, if not errored if (bench.running) { // time taken to complete last test cycle times.cycle = clocked; // seconds per operation period = times.period = clocked / count; // ops per second bench.hz = 1 / period; // do we need to do another cycle? bench.running = clocked < minTime; // avoid working our way up to this next time bench.initCount = count; if (bench.running) { // tests may clock at `0` when `initCount` is a small number, // to avoid that we set its count to something a bit higher if (!clocked && (divisor = divisors[bench.cycles]) != null) { count = floor(4e6 / divisor); } // calculate how many more iterations it will take to achive the `minTime` if (count <= bench.count) { count += Math.ceil((minTime - clocked) / period); } bench.running = count != Infinity; } } // should we exit early? if (bench.emit('cycle') === false) { bench.abort(); } // figure out what to do next if (bench.running) { bench.count = count; if (deferred) { (bench._host || bench).compiled.call(deferred, timer.ns, timer); } else { call({ 'async': async, 'benchmark': bench, 'fn': function() { cycle({ 'async': async, 'benchmark': bench }); } }); } } else { // fix TraceMonkey bug associated with clock fallbacks // http://bugzil.la/509069 runScript('try{' + uid + '=1;delete ' + uid + '}catch(e){}'); // done bench.emit('complete'); } } /** * Runs the benchmark. * @memberOf Benchmark * @param {Object} [options={}] Options object. * @returns {Object} The benchmark instance. * @example * * // basic usage * bench.run(); * * // or with options * bench.run({ 'async': true }); */ function run(options) { var me = this, async = ((async = options && options.async) == null ? me.async : async) && has.timeout; // set running to false so reset() won't call abort() me.running = false; me.reset(); me.running = true; me.count = me.initCount; me.times.timeStamp = +new Date; me.emit('start'); if (me._host) { if (me.defer) { Deferred(me); } else { cycle({ 'async': async, 'benchmark': me }); } } else { compute({ 'async': async, 'benchmark': me }); } return me; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ extend(Benchmark, { /** * The version number. * @static * @memberOf Benchmark * @type String */ 'version': '0.3.0', /** * The default options copied by benchmark instances. * @static * @memberOf Benchmark * @type Object */ 'options': { /** * A flag to indicate that benchmark cycles will execute asynchronously by default. * @memberOf Benchmark.options * @type Boolean */ 'async': false, /** * A flag to indicate that the benchmark clock is deferred. * @memberOf Benchmark.options * @type Boolean */ 'defer': false, /** * The delay between test cycles (secs). * @memberOf Benchmark.options * @type Number */ 'delay': 0.005, /** * Displayed by Benchmark#toString when a `name` is not available (auto-generated if `null`). * @memberOf Benchmark.options * @type String|Null */ 'id': null, /** * The default number of times to execute a test on a benchmark's first cycle. * @memberOf Benchmark.options * @type Number */ 'initCount': 1, /** * The maximum time a benchmark is allowed to run before finishing (secs). * Note: Cycle delays aren't counted toward the maximum time. * @memberOf Benchmark.options * @type Number */ 'maxTime': 5, /** * The minimum sample size required to perform statistical analysis. * @memberOf Benchmark.options * @type Number */ 'minSamples': 5, /** * The time needed to reduce the percent uncertainty of measurement to 1% (secs). * @memberOf Benchmark.options * @type Number */ 'minTime': 0, /** * The name of the benchmark. * @memberOf Benchmark.options * @type String|Null */ 'name': null }, /** * Platform object with properties describing things like browser name, * version, and operating system. * @static * @memberOf Benchmark * @type Object */ 'platform': req('platform') || window.platform || { /** * The platform description. * @memberOf Benchmark.platform * @type String */ 'description': window.navigator && navigator.userAgent || null, /** * The name of the browser layout engine. * @memberOf Benchmark.platform * @type String|Null */ 'layout': null, /** * The name of the product hosting the browser. * @memberOf Benchmark.platform * @type String|Null */ 'product': null, /** * The name of the browser/environment. * @memberOf Benchmark.platform * @type String|Null */ 'name': null, /** * The name of the product's manufacturer. * @memberOf Benchmark.platform * @type String|Null */ 'manufacturer': null, /** * The name of the operating system. * @memberOf Benchmark.platform * @type String|Null */ 'os': null, /** * The alpha/beta release indicator. * @memberOf Benchmark.platform * @type String|Null */ 'prerelease': null, /** * The browser/environment version. * @memberOf Benchmark.platform * @type String|Null */ 'version': null, /** * Return platform description when the platform object is coerced to a string. * @memberOf Benchmark.platform * @type Function * @returns {String} The platform description. */ 'toString': function() { return this.description || ''; } }, // clone objects 'deepClone': deepClone, // iteration utility 'each': each, // augment objects 'extend': extend, // generic Array#filter 'filter': filter, // generic Array#forEach 'forEach': forEach, // generic own property iteration utility 'forOwn': forOwn, // converts a number to a comma-separated string 'formatNumber': formatNumber, // generic Object#hasOwnProperty // (trigger hasKey's lazy define before assigning it to Benchmark) 'hasKey': (hasKey(Benchmark, ''), hasKey), // generic Array#indexOf 'indexOf': indexOf, // invokes a method on each item in an array 'invoke': invoke, // generic Array#join for arrays and objects 'join': join, // generic Array#map 'map': map, // retrieves a property value from each item in an array 'pluck': pluck, // generic Array#reduce 'reduce': reduce }); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ extend(Benchmark.prototype, { /** * The number of times a test was executed. * @memberOf Benchmark * @type Number */ 'count': 0, /** * The number of cycles performed while benchmarking. * @memberOf Benchmark * @type Number */ 'cycles': 0, /** * The number of executions per second. * @memberOf Benchmark * @type Number */ 'hz': 0, /** * The compiled test function. * @memberOf Benchmark * @type Function|String */ 'compiled': null, /** * The error object if the test failed. * @memberOf Benchmark * @type Object|Null */ 'error': null, /** * The test to benchmark. * @memberOf Benchmark * @type Function|String */ 'fn': null, /** * A flag to indicate if the benchmark is aborted. * @memberOf Benchmark * @type Boolean */ 'aborted': false, /** * A flag to indicate if the benchmark is running. * @memberOf Benchmark * @type Boolean */ 'running': false, /** * Alias of [`Benchmark#addListener`](#Benchmark:addListener). * @memberOf Benchmark, Benchmark.Suite * @type Function */ 'on': addListener, /** * Compiled into the test and executed immediately **before** the test loop. * @memberOf Benchmark * @type Function|String * @example * * // basic usage * var bench = Benchmark({ * 'setup': function() { * var c = this.count, * element = document.getElementById('container'); * while (c--) { * element.appendChild(document.createElement('div')); * } * }, * 'fn': function() { * element.removeChild(element.lastChild); * } * }); * * // compiles to something like: * var c = this.count, * element = document.getElementById('container'); * while (c--) { * element.appendChild(document.createElement('div')); * } * var start = new Date; * while (count--) { * element.removeChild(element.lastChild); * } * var end = new Date - start; * * // or using strings * var bench = Benchmark({ * 'setup': '\ * var a = 0;\n\ * (function() {\n\ * (function() {\n\ * (function() {', * 'fn': 'a += 1;', * 'teardown': '\ * }())\n\ * }())\n\ * }())' * }); * * // compiles to something like: * var a = 0; * (function() { * (function() { * (function() { * var start = new Date; * while (count--) { * a += 1; * } * var end = new Date - start; * }()) * }()) * }()) */ 'setup': noop, /** * Compiled into the test and executed immediately **after** the test loop. * @memberOf Benchmark * @type Function|String */ 'teardown': noop, /** * An object of stats including mean, margin or error, and standard deviation. * @memberOf Benchmark * @type Object */ 'stats': { /** * The margin of error. * @memberOf Benchmark#stats * @type Number */ 'moe': 0, /** * The relative margin of error (expressed as a percentage of the mean). * @memberOf Benchmark#stats * @type Number */ 'rme': 0, /** * The standard error of the mean. * @memberOf Benchmark#stats * @type Number */ 'sem': 0, /** * The sample standard deviation. * @memberOf Benchmark#stats * @type Number */ 'deviation': 0, /** * The sample arithmetic mean. * @memberOf Benchmark#stats * @type Number */ 'mean': 0, /** * The sample size. * @memberOf Benchmark#stats * @type Number */ 'size': 0, /** * The sample variance. * @memberOf Benchmark#stats * @type Number */ 'variance': 0 }, /** * An object of timing data including cycle, elapsed, period, start, and stop. * @memberOf Benchmark * @type Object */ 'times': { /** * The time taken to complete the last cycle (secs). * @memberOf Benchmark#times * @type Number */ 'cycle': 0, /** * The time taken to complete the benchmark (secs). * @memberOf Benchmark#times * @type Number */ 'elapsed': 0, /** * The time taken to execute the test once (secs). * @memberOf Benchmark#times * @type Number */ 'period': 0, /** * A timestamp of when the benchmark started (ms). * @memberOf Benchmark#times * @type Number */ 'timeStamp': 0 }, // aborts benchmark (does not record times) 'abort': abort, // registers a single listener 'addListener': addListener, // creates a new benchmark using the same test and options 'clone': clone, // compares benchmark's hertz with another 'compare': compare, // executes listeners of a specified type 'emit': emit, // removes all listeners of a specified type 'removeAllListeners': removeAllListeners, // removes a single listener 'removeListener': removeListener, // reset benchmark properties 'reset': reset, // runs the benchmark 'run': run, // pretty print benchmark info 'toString': toStringBench }); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * The default options copied by suite instances. * @static * @memberOf Benchmark.Suite * @type Object */ Suite.options = { /** * The name of the suite. * @memberOf Benchmark.Suite.options * @type String|Null */ 'name': null }; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ extend(Suite.prototype, { /** * The number of benchmarks in the suite. * @memberOf Benchmark.Suite * @type Number */ 'length': 0, /** * A flag to indicate if the suite is aborted. * @memberOf Benchmark.Suite * @type Boolean */ 'aborted': false, /** * A flag to indicate if the suite is running. * @memberOf Benchmark.Suite * @type Boolean */ 'running': false, /** * An `Array#forEach` like method. * Callbacks may terminate the loop by explicitly returning `false`. * @memberOf Benchmark.Suite * @param {Function} callback The function called per iteration. * @returns {Object} The suite iterated over. */ 'forEach': methodize(forEach), /** * An `Array#indexOf` like method. * @memberOf Benchmark.Suite * @param {Mixed} value The value to search for. * @returns {Number} The index of the matched value or `-1`. */ 'indexOf': methodize(indexOf), /** * Invokes a method on all benchmarks in the suite. * @memberOf Benchmark.Suite * @param {String|Object} name The name of the method to invoke OR options object. * @param {Mixed} [arg1, arg2, ...] Arguments to invoke the method with. * @returns {Array} A new array of values returned from each method invoked. */ 'invoke': methodize(invoke), /** * Converts the array to a string. * @memberOf Benchmark.Suite * @param {String} [separator=','] A string to separate each element of the array. * @returns {String} The removed element. */ 'join': [].join, /** * An `Array#map` like method. * @memberOf Benchmark.Suite * @param {Function} callback The function called per iteration. * @returns {Array} A new array of values returned by the callback. */ 'map': methodize(map), /** * Retrieves the value of a specified property from all benchmarks in the suite. * @memberOf Benchmark.Suite * @param {String} property The property to pluck. * @returns {Array} A new array of property values. */ 'pluck': methodize(pluck), /** * Removes the last element of the host array and returns it. * @memberOf Benchmark.Suite * @returns {Mixed} The removed element. */ 'pop': [].pop, /** * Appends arguments to the end of the array. * @memberOf Benchmark.Suite * @returns {Number} The array length. */ 'push': [].push, /** * Sorts the elements of the host array. * @memberOf Benchmark.Suite * @param {Function} [compareFn=null] A function that defines the sort order. * @returns {Array} The sorted host array. */ 'sort': [].sort, /** * An `Array#reduce` like method. * @memberOf Benchmark.Suite * @param {Function} callback The function called per iteration. * @param {Mixed} accumulator Initial value of the accumulator. * @returns {Mixed} The accumulator. */ 'reduce': methodize(reduce), // aborts all benchmarks in the suite 'abort': abortSuite, // adds a benchmark to the suite 'add': add, // registers a single listener 'addListener': addListener, // creates a new suite with cloned benchmarks 'clone': cloneSuite, // executes listeners of a specified type 'emit': emit, // creates a new suite of filtered benchmarks 'filter': filterSuite, // alias of addListener 'on': addListener, // removes all listeners of a specified type 'removeAllListeners': removeAllListeners, // removes a single listener 'removeListener': removeListener, // resets all benchmarks in the suite 'reset': resetSuite, // runs all benchmarks in the suite 'run': runSuite, // array methods 'concat': concat, 'reverse': reverse, 'shift': shift, 'slice': slice, 'splice': splice, 'unshift': unshift }); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ extend(Deferred.prototype, { /** * The deferred benchmark instance. * @memberOf Benchmark.Deferred * @type Object */ 'benchmark': null, /** * The number of deferred cycles performed while benchmarking. * @memberOf Benchmark.Deferred * @type Number */ 'cycles': 0, /** * The time taken to complete the deferred benchmark (secs). * @memberOf Benchmark.Deferred * @type Number */ 'elapsed': 0, /** * A timestamp of when the deferred benchmark started (ms). * @memberOf Benchmark.Deferred * @type Number */ 'timeStamp': 0, // cycles/completes the deferred benchmark 'resolve': resolve }); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * The event type. * @memberOf Benchmark.Event * @type String */ Event.prototype.type = ''; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // expose Deferred, Event and Suite extend(Benchmark, { 'Deferred': Deferred, 'Event': Event, 'Suite': Suite }); // expose Benchmark if (freeExports) { // in Node.js or RingoJS v0.8.0+ if (typeof module == 'object' && module && module.exports == freeExports) { (module.exports = Benchmark).Benchmark = Benchmark; } // in Narwhal or RingoJS v0.7.0- else { freeExports.Benchmark = Benchmark; } } // via curl.js or RequireJS else if (freeDefine) { define('benchmark', function() { return Benchmark; }); } // in a browser or Rhino else { // use square bracket notation so Closure Compiler won't munge `Benchmark` // http://code.google.com/closure/compiler/docs/api-tutorial3.html#export window['Benchmark'] = Benchmark; } // trigger clock's lazy define early to avoid a security error if (has.air) { clock({ 'fn': noop, 'count': 1, 'options': {} }); } }(this));