created: 20140410103123179 modified: 20150203191749000 tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[Common Operators]] [[Selection Constructors]] [[Negatable Operators]] title: title Operator type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki caption: title op-purpose: select a single title op-input: ignored op-neg-input: a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]] op-parameter: a tiddler title op-parameter-name: T op-output: a selection containing only <<.place T>> op-neg-output: the input, but with tiddler <<.place T>> filtered out if it exists in the wiki `[title[An Example]]` can be shortened to `[[An Example]]`, because <<.op title>> is the default filter operator. Consequentially, `[!title[An Example]]` can be shortened to `[![An Example]]`. <<.op title>> is a [[constructor|Selection Constructors]] (except in the form `!title`), but <<.olink2 "field:title" field>> is a [[modifier|Selection Constructors]]. <<.operator-examples "title">>