/*\ title: $:/core/modules/utils/dom/scroller.js type: application/javascript module-type: utils Module that creates a $tw.utils.Scroller object prototype that manages scrolling in the browser \*/ (function(){ /*jslint node: true, browser: true */ /*global $tw: false */ "use strict"; /* Event handler for when the `tw-scroll` event hits the document body */ var PageScroller = function() { this.timerId = null; }; PageScroller.prototype.cancelScroll = function() { if(this.timerId) { window.clearInterval(this.timerId); this.timerId = null; } }; /* Handle an event */ PageScroller.prototype.handleEvent = function(event) { if(event.type === "tw-scroll") { return this.scrollIntoView(event); } return true; }; /* Handle a scroll event hitting the page document */ PageScroller.prototype.scrollIntoView = function(event) { // Get the offset bounds of the element var domNode = event.target, bounds = { left: domNode.offsetLeft, top: domNode.offsetTop, width: domNode.offsetWidth, height: domNode.offsetHeight }; // Walk up the tree adjusting the offset bounds by each offsetParent while(domNode.offsetParent) { domNode = domNode.offsetParent; bounds.left += domNode.offsetLeft; bounds.top += domNode.offsetTop; } // Now get ready to scroll the body this.cancelScroll(); this.startTime = new Date(); var scrollPosition = $tw.utils.getScrollPosition(), // We'll consider the horizontal and vertical scroll directions separately via this function getEndPos = function(targetPos,targetSize,currentPos,currentSize) { // If the target is above/left of the current view, then scroll to it's top/left if(targetPos <= currentPos) { return targetPos; // If the target is smaller than the window and the scroll position is too far up, then scroll till the target is at the bottom of the window } else if(targetSize < currentSize && currentPos < (targetPos + targetSize - currentSize)) { return targetPos + targetSize - currentSize; // If the target is big, then just scroll to the top } else if(currentPos < targetPos) { return targetPos; // Otherwise, stay where we are } else { return currentPos; } }, endX = getEndPos(bounds.left,bounds.width,scrollPosition.x,window.innerWidth), endY = getEndPos(bounds.top,bounds.height,scrollPosition.y,window.innerHeight); // Only scroll if necessary if(endX !== scrollPosition.x || endY !== scrollPosition.y) { var self = this; this.timerId = window.setInterval(function() { var t = ((new Date()) - self.startTime) / $tw.config.preferences.animationDuration; if(t >= 1) { self.cancelScroll(); t = 1; } t = $tw.utils.slowInSlowOut(t); window.scrollTo(scrollPosition.x + (endX - scrollPosition.x) * t,scrollPosition.y + (endY - scrollPosition.y) * t); }, 10); } }; exports.PageScroller = PageScroller; })();