caption: 5.1.10 created: 20150801123725652 modified: 20150801123725652 tags: ReleaseNotes title: Release 5.1.10 type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki //[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|]]// ! Major Improvements !! Performance Optimisations This release includes several low-level performance optimisations that should improve speed and responsiveness in many common operations. * [[Caching the results of parsing a tiddler|]] * [[Loop optimisations|]] * [[Tiddler iteration optimisations|]] * [[State qualifier generation|]] * [[Caching data tiddlers|]] !! Résumé Builder Edition The new [[Résumé Builder Edition]] by @inmysocks is a custom edition to guide you through the process of using TiddlyWiki to create a good looking résumé (or curriculum vitæ). !! Text-Slicer Edition The new [[Text-Slicer Edition]] is a custom edition with tools to help advanced users slice longer texts up into individual tiddlers. ! Other Improvements !! Translation Improvements * !! Usability Improvements * [[Added|]] ability to disable individual WikiText parser rules (see the ''Advanced'' tab of $:/ControlPanel). Also [[added|]] a simple setting for disabling automatic linking of ~CamelCase words * [[Extended|]] support for automatically linked system tiddler titles to include digits and underscore !! Hackability Improvements * [[Added|]] added [[recent Operator]] * [[Added|]] `publishFilter` to default save template * [[Allow|]] ''delete'' button to be used in the tiddler view-mode toolbar !! Bug Fixes * [[Fixed|]] problem introduced in 5.1.9 with processing `` files * [[Fixed|]] problem with invisible icons in $:/AdvancedSearch * [[Improved|]] check for required plugins in ServerCommand !! Contributors [[@Jermolene|]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki: * [[@danielo515|]] * [[@idoine|]] * [[@inmysocks|]] * [[@nameanyone|]]