created: 20210203184649726 modified: 20210208152038746 tags: HookMechanism title: Hook: th-before-importing type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki This hook allows plugins to inspect or modify the `importTiddler` object ''before'' any tiddlers are imported. It is invoked after the final "Import" button is clicked, but ''before'' the selected tiddlers are being imported into the store. ''Intended Usecases'': * Manipulate the import "selection state" * Eg: create a customized "log-tiddler" that contains a heading, that should only be written once ''Important'': * This hook ''should not'' be used to manpulate the `importTiddler.fields.text` element! * If you want to give the users a possibility to verify the imported data, use ùpgraders like: `$:/core/modules/upgraders/` instead * If you need to manipulate the imported tiddler content, without default user interaction, consider: [[Hook: th-importing-tiddler]] instead The hook is part of the `NavigatorWidget.prototype.handlePerformImportEvent` function. Hook function parameters: * ''importTiddler'': an object, that contains information about "selected / unselected" tiddlers and more Return value: * ''importTiddler'': object The hook must return the `importTiddler` object. For many usecases the object will be returned unmodified. ''Example code how to implement a hook in your project'' ``` /*\ title: $:/plugins///th-before-importing.js type: application/javascript module-type: startup YOUR DISCRCRIPTION COMES HERE! \*/ (function(){ /*jslint node: true, browser: true */ /*global $tw: false, exports: true */ "use strict"; // Export name and synchronous status = ""; exports.platforms = ["browser"]; exports.after = ["startup"]; exports.synchronous = true; // Define your variables here! exports.startup = function() { $tw.hooks.addHook("th-before-importing",function(importTiddler) { // YOUR CODE ! return importTiddler; }); }; })(); ```