title: keyboard-driven-input Macro tags: Macros [[Core Macros]] The <<.def keyboard-driven-input>> [[macro|Macros]] generates an input field or textarea that lets you cycle through a given list of entries with the <> and <> keys. Doing so, an entry gets selected and can be processed with further actions !! Parameters To create the input field or textarea, the <<.def keyboard-driven-input>> [[macro|Macros]] accepts all parameters of the EditTextWidget The additional parameters are: |parameter |purpose |h |storeTitle |the title of the tiddler that stores the user input | |selectionStateTitle |the title of the tiddler that stores the selected entry with a -primaryList or -secondaryList suffix to make it unique | |inputAcceptActions |the actions that get processed when the user hits <> | |inputAcceptVariantActions |the actions that get processed when the user hits <> | |inputCancelActions |the actions that get processed when the user hits <> | |configTiddlerFilter |a ''filter'' that specifies the tiddler that stores the first item-filter in its <<.field first-search-filter>> field and the second item-filter in its <<.field second-search-filter>> field | |firstSearchFilterField |the field of the configTiddler where the first search-filter is stored. Defaults to <<.field first-search-filter>> | |secondSearchFilterField |the field of the configTiddler where the second search-filter is stored. Defaults to <<.field second-search-filter>> | |filterMinLength |the minimum length of the user input after which items are filtered |