created: 20160618090057124 modified: 20160618090130833 tags: Learning title: Using Stamp type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki ! Insert snippets You can insert preconfigured snippets of text to use stamp from toolbar. Click ''stamp'' ({{$:/core/images/stamp}}) and just select a snippet. ! Create a snippet # Click ''stamp'' ({{$:/core/images/stamp}}) # Create a snippet tiddler to use "//Add your own//" menu # Type some text of snippet for the tiddler, and caption for the name as shown in menu # Click the {{$:/core/images/done-button}} ''ok'' button ''Tip:'' You can also create a snippet tiddler using the ''new tiddler'' {{$:/core/images/new-button}} button in the sidebar, and add tag ''~$:/tags/TextEditor/Snippet''