created: 20150913184230499 modified: 20150913184230499 tags: Resources title: TWCommunitySearch type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki url: The ~CommunitySearch wiki aggregates the content of many wikis from the community. It is updated automatically every day. It lets you search for some specific content among a preselected list of wikis. The indexed content is mostly focused on TW usage, so you would typically use this search system to find information about a particular aspect of TiddlyWiki. Say for example that you want to learn how to make a table of content, type "table of content" in the [[CommunitySearch box|]] (also accessible in the default tiddler The search results are links to various wikis, and point directly to the specific tiddlers containing your request. !! Features The ~CommunitySearch wiki also lets you: * Browse the [[list of wikis|]] * Browse the [[list of author|]] * Browse the [[list of plugins|]] * Access content by [[tag|]] (see also [[~BookmarkingTags|]])