/*\ title: test-widget.js type: application/javascript tags: [[$:/tags/test-spec]] Tests the wikitext rendering pipeline end-to-end. We also need tests that individually test parsers, rendertreenodes etc., but this gets us started. \*/ (function(){ /*jslint node: true, browser: true */ /*global $tw: false */ "use strict"; describe("Widget module", function() { var widget = require("$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js"); function createWidgetNode(parseTreeNode,wiki) { return new widget.widget(parseTreeNode,{ wiki: wiki, document: $tw.document }); } function parseText(text,wiki,options) { var parser = wiki.parseText("text/vnd.tiddlywiki",text,options); return parser ? {type: "widget", children: parser.tree} : undefined; } function renderWidgetNode(widgetNode) { $tw.document.setSequenceNumber(0); var wrapper = $tw.document.createElement("div"); widgetNode.render(wrapper,null); // console.log(require("util").inspect(wrapper,{depth: 8})); return wrapper; } function refreshWidgetNode(widgetNode,wrapper,changes) { var changedTiddlers = {}; if(changes) { $tw.utils.each(changes,function(title) { changedTiddlers[title] = true; }); } widgetNode.refresh(changedTiddlers,wrapper,null); // console.log(require("util").inspect(wrapper,{depth: 8})); } it("should deal with text nodes and HTML elements", function() { var wiki = new $tw.Wiki(); // Test parse tree var parseTreeNode = {type: "widget", children: [ {type: "text", text: "A text node"}, {type: "element", tag: "div", attributes: { "class": {type: "string", value: "myClass"}, "title": {type: "string", value: "myTitle"} }, children: [ {type: "text", text: " and the content of a DIV"}, {type: "element", tag: "div", children: [ {type: "text", text: " and an inner DIV"}, ]}, {type: "text", text: " and back in the outer DIV"} ]} ]}; // Construct the widget node var widgetNode = createWidgetNode(parseTreeNode,wiki); // Render the widget node to the DOM var wrapper = renderWidgetNode(widgetNode); describe("should render", function() { // Test the rendering expect(wrapper.innerHTML).toBe("A text node<div class='myClass' title='myTitle'> and the content of a DIV<div> and an inner DIV</div> and back in the outer DIV</div>"); // Test the sequence numbers in the DOM expect(wrapper.sequenceNumber).toBe(0); expect(wrapper.children[0].sequenceNumber).toBe(1); expect(wrapper.children[1].sequenceNumber).toBe(2); expect(wrapper.children[1].children[0].sequenceNumber).toBe(3); expect(wrapper.children[1].children[1].sequenceNumber).toBe(4); expect(wrapper.children[1].children[1].children[0].sequenceNumber).toBe(5); expect(wrapper.children[1].children[2].sequenceNumber).toBe(6); }); }); it("should deal with transclude widgets and indirect attributes", function() { var wiki = new $tw.Wiki(); // Add a tiddler wiki.addTiddlers([ {title: "TiddlerOne", text: "the quick brown fox"} ]); // Test parse tree var parseTreeNode = {type: "widget", children: [ {type: "text", text: "A text node"}, {type: "element", tag: "div", attributes: { "class": {type: "string", value: "myClass"}, "title": {type: "indirect", textReference: "TiddlerOne"} }, children: [ {type: "text", text: " and the content of a DIV"}, {type: "element", tag: "div", children: [ {type: "text", text: " and an inner DIV"}, ]}, {type: "text", text: " and back in the outer DIV"}, {type: "transclude", attributes: { "tiddler": {type: "string", value: "TiddlerOne"} }} ]}, {type: "transclude", attributes: { "tiddler": {type: "string", value: "TiddlerOne"} }} ]}; // Construct the widget node var widgetNode = createWidgetNode(parseTreeNode,wiki); // Render the widget node to the DOM var wrapper = renderWidgetNode(widgetNode); describe("should render", function() { // Test the rendering expect(wrapper.innerHTML).toBe("A text node<div class='myClass' title='the quick brown fox'> and the content of a DIV<div> and an inner DIV</div> and back in the outer DIVthe quick brown fox</div>the quick brown fox"); // Test the sequence numbers in the DOM expect(wrapper.sequenceNumber).toBe(0); expect(wrapper.children[0].sequenceNumber).toBe(1); expect(wrapper.children[1].sequenceNumber).toBe(2); expect(wrapper.children[1].children[0].sequenceNumber).toBe(3); expect(wrapper.children[1].children[1].sequenceNumber).toBe(4); expect(wrapper.children[1].children[1].children[0].sequenceNumber).toBe(5); expect(wrapper.children[1].children[2].sequenceNumber).toBe(6); expect(wrapper.children[1].children[3].sequenceNumber).toBe(7); expect(wrapper.children[2].sequenceNumber).toBe(8); }); // Change the transcluded tiddler wiki.addTiddler({title: "TiddlerOne", text: "jumps over the lazy dog"}); // Refresh refreshWidgetNode(widgetNode,wrapper,["TiddlerOne"]); describe("should refresh", function() { // Test the refreshing expect(wrapper.innerHTML).toBe("A text node<div class='myClass' title='jumps over the lazy dog'> and the content of a DIV<div> and an inner DIV</div> and back in the outer DIVjumps over the lazy dog</div>jumps over the lazy dog"); // Test the sequence numbers in the DOM expect(wrapper.sequenceNumber).toBe(0); expect(wrapper.children[0].sequenceNumber).toBe(1); expect(wrapper.children[1].sequenceNumber).toBe(2); expect(wrapper.children[1].children[0].sequenceNumber).toBe(3); expect(wrapper.children[1].children[1].sequenceNumber).toBe(4); expect(wrapper.children[1].children[1].children[0].sequenceNumber).toBe(5); expect(wrapper.children[1].children[2].sequenceNumber).toBe(6); expect(wrapper.children[1].children[3].sequenceNumber).toBe(9); expect(wrapper.children[2].sequenceNumber).toBe(10); }); }); it("should detect recursion of the transclude macro", function() { var wiki = new $tw.Wiki(); // Add a tiddler wiki.addTiddlers([ {title: "TiddlerOne", text: "<$transclude tiddler='TiddlerOne'/>\n"} ]); // Test parse tree var parseTreeNode = {type: "widget", children: [ {type: "transclude", attributes: { "tiddler": {type: "string", value: "TiddlerOne"} }} ]}; // Construct the widget node var widgetNode = createWidgetNode(parseTreeNode,wiki); // Render the widget node to the DOM var wrapper = renderWidgetNode(widgetNode); describe("should detect the recursion", function() { // Test the rendering expect(wrapper.innerHTML).toBe("Tiddler recursion error in transclude widget\n"); }); }); it("should deal with SVG elements", function() { var wiki = new $tw.Wiki(); // Construct the widget node var text = "<svg class='tw-image-new-button' viewBox='83 81 50 50' width='22pt' height='22pt'><path d='M 101.25 112.5 L 101.25 127.5 C 101.25 127.5 101.25 127.5 101.25 127.5 L 101.25 127.5 C 101.25 129.156855 102.593146 130.5 104.25 130.5 L 111.75 130.5 C 113.406854 130.5 114.75 129.156854 114.75 127.5 L 114.75 112.5 L 129.75 112.5 C 131.406854 112.5 132.75 111.156854 132.75 109.5 L 132.75 102 C 132.75 100.343146 131.406854 99 129.75 99 L 114.75 99 L 114.75 84 C 114.75 82.343146 113.406854 81 111.75 81 L 104.25 81 C 104.25 81 104.25 81 104.25 81 C 102.593146 81 101.25 82.343146 101.25 84 L 101.25 99 L 86.25 99 C 86.25 99 86.25 99 86.25 99 C 84.593146 99 83.25 100.343146 83.25 102 L 83.25 109.5 C 83.25 109.5 83.25 109.5 83.25 109.5 L 83.25 109.5 C 83.25 111.156855 84.593146 112.5 86.25 112.5 Z'/></svg>\n"; var widgetNode = createWidgetNode(parseText(text,wiki,{parseAsInline:true}),wiki); // Render the widget node to the DOM var wrapper = renderWidgetNode(widgetNode); // Test the rendering expect(wrapper.innerHTML).toBe("<svg class='tw-image-new-button' height='22pt' viewBox='83 81 50 50' width='22pt'><path d='M 101.25 112.5 L 101.25 127.5 C 101.25 127.5 101.25 127.5 101.25 127.5 L 101.25 127.5 C 101.25 129.156855 102.593146 130.5 104.25 130.5 L 111.75 130.5 C 113.406854 130.5 114.75 129.156854 114.75 127.5 L 114.75 112.5 L 129.75 112.5 C 131.406854 112.5 132.75 111.156854 132.75 109.5 L 132.75 102 C 132.75 100.343146 131.406854 99 129.75 99 L 114.75 99 L 114.75 84 C 114.75 82.343146 113.406854 81 111.75 81 L 104.25 81 C 104.25 81 104.25 81 104.25 81 C 102.593146 81 101.25 82.343146 101.25 84 L 101.25 99 L 86.25 99 C 86.25 99 86.25 99 86.25 99 C 84.593146 99 83.25 100.343146 83.25 102 L 83.25 109.5 C 83.25 109.5 83.25 109.5 83.25 109.5 L 83.25 109.5 C 83.25 111.156855 84.593146 112.5 86.25 112.5 Z'></path></svg>\n"); expect(wrapper.firstChild.namespaceURI).toBe("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"); }); it("should parse and render transclusions", function() { var wiki = new $tw.Wiki(); // Add a tiddler wiki.addTiddlers([ {title: "TiddlerOne", text: "Jolly Old World"}, {title: "TiddlerTwo", text: "<$transclude tiddler={{TiddlerThree}}/>"}, {title: "TiddlerThree", text: "TiddlerOne"} ]); // Construct the widget node var text = "My <$transclude tiddler='TiddlerTwo'/> is Jolly" var widgetNode = createWidgetNode(parseText(text,wiki),wiki); // Render the widget node to the DOM var wrapper = renderWidgetNode(widgetNode); // Test the rendering expect(wrapper.innerHTML).toBe("<p>My Jolly Old World is Jolly</p>"); }); it("should render the view widget", function() { var wiki = new $tw.Wiki(); // Add a tiddler wiki.addTiddlers([ {title: "TiddlerOne", text: "Jolly Old World"} ]); // Construct the widget node var text = "<$view tiddler='TiddlerOne'/>"; var widgetNode = createWidgetNode(parseText(text,wiki),wiki); // Render the widget node to the DOM var wrapper = renderWidgetNode(widgetNode); // Test the rendering expect(wrapper.innerHTML).toBe("<p>Jolly Old World</p>"); // Test the sequence numbers in the DOM expect(wrapper.sequenceNumber).toBe(0); expect(wrapper.children[0].sequenceNumber).toBe(1); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[0].sequenceNumber).toBe(2); // Change the transcluded tiddler wiki.addTiddler({title: "TiddlerOne", text: "World-wide Jelly"}); // Refresh refreshWidgetNode(widgetNode,wrapper,["TiddlerOne"]); describe("should refresh", function() { // Test the refreshing expect(wrapper.innerHTML).toBe("<p>World-wide Jelly</p>"); // Test the sequence numbers in the DOM expect(wrapper.sequenceNumber).toBe(0); expect(wrapper.children[0].sequenceNumber).toBe(1); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[0].sequenceNumber).toBe(3); }); }); it("should deal with the set widget", function() { var wiki = new $tw.Wiki(); // Add some tiddlers wiki.addTiddlers([ {title: "TiddlerOne", text: "Jolly Old World"}, {title: "TiddlerTwo", text: "<$transclude tiddler={{TiddlerThree}}/>"}, {title: "TiddlerThree", text: "TiddlerOne"}, {title: "TiddlerFour", text: "TiddlerTwo"} ]); // Construct the widget node var text = "My <$set name='currentTiddler' value={{TiddlerFour}}><$transclude tiddler={{!!title}}/></$set> is Jolly" var widgetNode = createWidgetNode(parseText(text,wiki),wiki); // Render the widget node to the DOM var wrapper = renderWidgetNode(widgetNode); // Test the rendering expect(wrapper.innerHTML).toBe("<p>My Jolly Old World is Jolly</p>"); // Change the transcluded tiddler wiki.addTiddler({title: "TiddlerFour", text: "TiddlerOne"}); // Refresh refreshWidgetNode(widgetNode,wrapper,["TiddlerFour"]); describe("should refresh", function() { // Test the refreshing expect(wrapper.innerHTML).toBe("<p>My Jolly Old World is Jolly</p>"); // Test the sequence numbers in the DOM expect(wrapper.sequenceNumber).toBe(0); expect(wrapper.children[0].sequenceNumber).toBe(1); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[0].sequenceNumber).toBe(2); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[1].sequenceNumber).toBe(5); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[2].sequenceNumber).toBe(4); }); }); it("should deal with attributes specified as macro invocations", function() { var wiki = new $tw.Wiki(); // Construct the widget node var text = "\\define myMacro(one:\"paramOne\",two,three:\"paramTwo\")\nMy something $one$, $two$ or other $three$\n\\end\n<div class=<<myMacro 'something' three:'thing'>>>Content</div>"; var widgetNode = createWidgetNode(parseText(text,wiki),wiki); // Render the widget node to the DOM var wrapper = renderWidgetNode(widgetNode); // Test the rendering expect(wrapper.innerHTML).toBe("<p><div class='My something something, or other thing'>Content</div></p>"); }); it("should deal with built-in macros", function() { var wiki = new $tw.Wiki(); // Add some tiddlers wiki.addTiddlers([ {title: "TiddlerOne", text: "Jolly Old World", type: "text/vnd.tiddlywiki"} ]); // Construct the widget node var text = "\\define makelink(text,type)\n<a href=<<makedatauri text:\"$text$\" type:\"$type$\">>>My linky link</a>\n\\end\n\n<$macrocall $name=\"makelink\" text={{TiddlerOne}} type={{TiddlerOne!!type}}/>"; var widgetNode = createWidgetNode(parseText(text,wiki),wiki); // Render the widget node to the DOM var wrapper = renderWidgetNode(widgetNode); // Test the rendering expect(wrapper.innerHTML).toBe("<p><a href='data:text/vnd.tiddlywiki,Jolly%20Old%20World'>My linky link</a></p>"); }); it("should deal with the list widget", function() { var wiki = new $tw.Wiki(); // Add some tiddlers wiki.addTiddlers([ {title: "TiddlerOne", text: "Jolly Old World"}, {title: "TiddlerTwo", text: "Worldly Old Jelly"}, {title: "TiddlerThree", text: "Golly Gosh"}, {title: "TiddlerFour", text: "Lemon Squash"} ]); // Construct the widget node var text = "<$list><$view field='title'/></$list>"; var widgetNode = createWidgetNode(parseText(text,wiki),wiki); // Render the widget node to the DOM var wrapper = renderWidgetNode(widgetNode); // Test the rendering expect(wrapper.innerHTML).toBe("<p>TiddlerFourTiddlerOneTiddlerThreeTiddlerTwo</p>"); // Add another tiddler wiki.addTiddler({title: "TiddlerFive", text: "Jalapeno Peppers"}); // Refresh refreshWidgetNode(widgetNode,wrapper,["TiddlerFive"]); describe("should refresh", function() { // Test the refreshing expect(wrapper.innerHTML).toBe("<p>TiddlerFiveTiddlerFourTiddlerOneTiddlerThreeTiddlerTwo</p>"); // Test the sequence numbers in the DOM expect(wrapper.sequenceNumber).toBe(0); expect(wrapper.children[0].sequenceNumber).toBe(1); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[0].sequenceNumber).toBe(6); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[1].sequenceNumber).toBe(2); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[2].sequenceNumber).toBe(3); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[3].sequenceNumber).toBe(4); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[4].sequenceNumber).toBe(5); }); // Remove a tiddler wiki.deleteTiddler("TiddlerThree"); // Refresh refreshWidgetNode(widgetNode,wrapper,["TiddlerThree"]); describe("should refresh", function() { // Test the refreshing expect(wrapper.innerHTML).toBe("<p>TiddlerFiveTiddlerFourTiddlerOneTiddlerTwo</p>"); // Test the sequence numbers in the DOM expect(wrapper.sequenceNumber).toBe(0); expect(wrapper.children[0].sequenceNumber).toBe(1); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[0].sequenceNumber).toBe(6); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[1].sequenceNumber).toBe(2); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[2].sequenceNumber).toBe(3); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[3].sequenceNumber).toBe(5); }); // Add it back a tiddler wiki.addTiddler({title: "TiddlerThree", text: "Something"}); // Refresh refreshWidgetNode(widgetNode,wrapper,["TiddlerThree"]); describe("should refresh", function() { // Test the refreshing expect(wrapper.innerHTML).toBe("<p>TiddlerFiveTiddlerFourTiddlerOneTiddlerThreeTiddlerTwo</p>"); // Test the sequence numbers in the DOM expect(wrapper.sequenceNumber).toBe(0); expect(wrapper.children[0].sequenceNumber).toBe(1); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[0].sequenceNumber).toBe(6); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[1].sequenceNumber).toBe(2); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[2].sequenceNumber).toBe(3); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[3].sequenceNumber).toBe(7); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[4].sequenceNumber).toBe(5); }); }); it("should deal with the list widget followed by other widgets", function() { var wiki = new $tw.Wiki(); // Add some tiddlers wiki.addTiddlers([ {title: "TiddlerOne", text: "Jolly Old World"}, {title: "TiddlerTwo", text: "Worldly Old Jelly"}, {title: "TiddlerThree", text: "Golly Gosh"}, {title: "TiddlerFour", text: "Lemon Squash"} ]); // Construct the widget node var text = "<$list><$view field='title'/></$list>Something"; var widgetNode = createWidgetNode(parseText(text,wiki),wiki); // Render the widget node to the DOM var wrapper = renderWidgetNode(widgetNode); // Test the rendering expect(wrapper.innerHTML).toBe("<p>TiddlerFourTiddlerOneTiddlerThreeTiddlerTwoSomething</p>"); // Check the next siblings of each of the list elements var listWidget = widgetNode.children[0].children[0]; // Add another tiddler wiki.addTiddler({title: "TiddlerFive", text: "Jalapeno Peppers"}); // Refresh refreshWidgetNode(widgetNode,wrapper,["TiddlerFive"]); describe("should refresh", function() { // Test the refreshing expect(wrapper.innerHTML).toBe("<p>TiddlerFiveTiddlerFourTiddlerOneTiddlerThreeTiddlerTwoSomething</p>"); // Test the sequence numbers in the DOM expect(wrapper.sequenceNumber).toBe(0); expect(wrapper.children[0].sequenceNumber).toBe(1); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[0].sequenceNumber).toBe(7); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[1].sequenceNumber).toBe(2); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[2].sequenceNumber).toBe(3); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[3].sequenceNumber).toBe(4); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[4].sequenceNumber).toBe(5); }); // Remove a tiddler wiki.deleteTiddler("TiddlerThree"); // Refresh refreshWidgetNode(widgetNode,wrapper,["TiddlerThree"]); describe("should refresh", function() { // Test the refreshing expect(wrapper.innerHTML).toBe("<p>TiddlerFiveTiddlerFourTiddlerOneTiddlerTwoSomething</p>"); // Test the sequence numbers in the DOM expect(wrapper.sequenceNumber).toBe(0); expect(wrapper.children[0].sequenceNumber).toBe(1); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[0].sequenceNumber).toBe(7); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[1].sequenceNumber).toBe(2); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[2].sequenceNumber).toBe(3); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[3].sequenceNumber).toBe(5); }); // Add it back a tiddler wiki.addTiddler({title: "TiddlerThree", text: "Something"}); // Refresh refreshWidgetNode(widgetNode,wrapper,["TiddlerThree"]); describe("should refresh", function() { // Test the refreshing expect(wrapper.innerHTML).toBe("<p>TiddlerFiveTiddlerFourTiddlerOneTiddlerThreeTiddlerTwoSomething</p>"); // Test the sequence numbers in the DOM expect(wrapper.sequenceNumber).toBe(0); expect(wrapper.children[0].sequenceNumber).toBe(1); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[0].sequenceNumber).toBe(7); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[1].sequenceNumber).toBe(2); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[2].sequenceNumber).toBe(3); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[3].sequenceNumber).toBe(8); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[4].sequenceNumber).toBe(5); }); // Add another a tiddler to the end of the list wiki.addTiddler({title: "YetAnotherTiddler", text: "Something"}); // Refresh refreshWidgetNode(widgetNode,wrapper,["YetAnotherTiddler"]); describe("should refresh", function() { // Test the refreshing expect(wrapper.innerHTML).toBe("<p>TiddlerFiveTiddlerFourTiddlerOneTiddlerThreeTiddlerTwoYetAnotherTiddlerSomething</p>"); // Test the sequence numbers in the DOM expect(wrapper.sequenceNumber).toBe(0); expect(wrapper.children[0].sequenceNumber).toBe(1); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[0].sequenceNumber).toBe(7); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[1].sequenceNumber).toBe(2); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[2].sequenceNumber).toBe(3); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[3].sequenceNumber).toBe(8); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[4].sequenceNumber).toBe(5); }); }); it("should deal with the list widget and external templates", function() { var wiki = new $tw.Wiki(); // Add some tiddlers wiki.addTiddlers([ {title: "$:/myTemplate", text: "(<$view field='title'/>)"}, {title: "TiddlerOne", text: "Jolly Old World"}, {title: "TiddlerTwo", text: "Worldly Old Jelly"}, {title: "TiddlerThree", text: "Golly Gosh"}, {title: "TiddlerFour", text: "Lemon Squash"} ]); // Construct the widget node var text = "<$list template='$:/myTemplate'></$list>"; var widgetNode = createWidgetNode(parseText(text,wiki),wiki); // Render the widget node to the DOM var wrapper = renderWidgetNode(widgetNode); //console.log(require("util").inspect(widgetNode,{depth:8,colors:true})); // Test the rendering expect(wrapper.innerHTML).toBe("<p>(TiddlerFour)(TiddlerOne)(TiddlerThree)(TiddlerTwo)</p>"); }); it("should deal with the list widget and empty lists", function() { var wiki = new $tw.Wiki(); // Construct the widget node var text = "<$list emptyMessage='nothing'><$view field='title'/></$list>"; var widgetNode = createWidgetNode(parseText(text,wiki),wiki); // Render the widget node to the DOM var wrapper = renderWidgetNode(widgetNode); // Test the rendering expect(wrapper.innerHTML).toBe("<p>nothing</p>"); }); it("should refresh lists that become empty", function() { var wiki = new $tw.Wiki(); // Add some tiddlers wiki.addTiddlers([ {title: "TiddlerOne", text: "Jolly Old World"}, {title: "TiddlerTwo", text: "Worldly Old Jelly"}, {title: "TiddlerThree", text: "Golly Gosh"}, {title: "TiddlerFour", text: "Lemon Squash"} ]); // Construct the widget node var text = "<$list emptyMessage='nothing'><$view field='title'/></$list>"; var widgetNode = createWidgetNode(parseText(text,wiki),wiki); // Render the widget node to the DOM var wrapper = renderWidgetNode(widgetNode); // Test the rendering expect(wrapper.innerHTML).toBe("<p>TiddlerFourTiddlerOneTiddlerThreeTiddlerTwo</p>"); // Get rid of the tiddlers wiki.deleteTiddler("TiddlerOne"); wiki.deleteTiddler("TiddlerTwo"); wiki.deleteTiddler("TiddlerThree"); wiki.deleteTiddler("TiddlerFour"); // Refresh refreshWidgetNode(widgetNode,wrapper,["TiddlerOne","TiddlerTwo","TiddlerThree","TiddlerFour"]); describe("should refresh", function() { // Test the refreshing expect(wrapper.innerHTML).toBe("<p>nothing</p>"); }); }); }); })();