/*\ title: $:/core/modules/utils/dom/browser.js type: application/javascript module-type: utils Browser feature detection \*/ (function(){ /*jslint node: true, browser: true */ /*global $tw: false */ "use strict"; /* Set style properties of an element element: dom node styles: ordered array of {name: value} pairs */ exports.setStyle = function(element,styles) { for(var t=0; t "backgroundColor" "transition" --> "webkitTransition" */ var styleNameCache = {}; // We'll cache the style name conversions exports.convertStyleNameToPropertyName = function(styleName) { // Return from the cache if we can if(styleNameCache[styleName]) { return styleNameCache[styleName]; } // Convert it by first removing any hyphens var propertyName = $tw.utils.unHyphenateCss(styleName); // Then check if it needs a prefix if(document.body.style[propertyName] === undefined) { var prefixes = ["O","MS","Moz","webkit"]; for(var t=0; t "background-color" "webkitTransform" --> "-webkit-transform" */ exports.convertPropertyNameToStyleName = function(propertyName) { // Rehyphenate the name var styleName = $tw.utils.hyphenateCss(propertyName); // If there's a webkit prefix, add a dash (other browsers have uppercase prefixes, and so get the dash automatically) if(styleName.indexOf("webkit") === 0) { styleName = "-" + styleName; } else if(styleName.indexOf("-m-s") === 0) { styleName = "-ms" + styleName.substr(4); } return styleName; }; /* Round trip a stylename to a property name and back again. For example: "transform" --> "webkitTransform" --> "-webkit-transform" */ exports.roundTripPropertyName = function(propertyName) { return $tw.utils.convertPropertyNameToStyleName($tw.utils.convertStyleNameToPropertyName(propertyName)); }; /* Converts a standard event name into the local browser specific equivalent. For example: "animationEnd" --> "webkitAnimationEnd" */ var eventNameCache = {}; // We'll cache the conversions var eventNameMappings = { "transitionEnd": { correspondingCssProperty: "transition", mappings: { transition: "transitionEnd", OTransition: "oTransitionEnd", MSTransition: "msTransitionEnd", MozTransition: "transitionEnd", webkitTransition: "webkitTransitionEnd" } }, "animationEnd": { correspondingCssProperty: "animation", mappings: { animation: "animationEnd", OAnimation: "oAnimationEnd", MSAnimation: "msAnimationEnd", MozAnimation: "animationEnd", webkitAnimation: "webkitAnimationEnd" } } }; exports.convertEventName = function(eventName) { if(eventNameCache[eventName]) { return eventNameCache[eventName]; } var newEventName = eventName, mappings = eventNameMappings[eventName]; if(mappings) { var convertedProperty = $tw.utils.convertStyleName(mappings.correspondingCssProperty); if(mappings.mappings[convertedProperty]) { newEventName = mappings.mappings[convertedProperty]; } } // Put it in the cache too eventNameCache[eventName] = newEventName return newEventName; }; // Setup constants for the current browser exports.getBrowserInfo = function(info) { info.prefix = document.body.style.webkitTransform !== undefined ? "webkit" : document.body.style.MozTransform !== undefined ? "Moz" : document.body.style.MSTransform !== undefined ? "MS" : document.body.style.OTransform !== undefined ? "O" : ""; info.transition = info.prefix + "Transition"; info.transform = info.prefix + "Transform"; info.transformorigin = info.prefix + "TransformOrigin"; info.transitionEnd = { "": "transitionEnd", "O": "oTransitionEnd", "MS": "msTransitionEnd", "Moz": "transitionend", "webkit": "webkitTransitionEnd" }[info.prefix]; info.animationEnd = { "": "animationEnd", "O": "oAnimationEnd", "MS": "msAnimationEnd", "Moz": "animationend", "webkit": "webkitAnimationEnd" }[info.prefix]; info.requestFullScreen = document.body.webkitRequestFullScreen !== undefined ? "webkitRequestFullScreen" : document.body.mozRequestFullScreen !== undefined ? "mozRequestFullScreen" : document.body.requestFullScreen !== undefined ? "requestFullScreen" : ""; info.cancelFullScreen = document.webkitCancelFullScreen !== undefined ? "webkitCancelFullScreen" : document.mozCancelFullScreen !== undefined ? "mozCancelFullScreen" : document.cancelFullScreen !== undefined ? "cancelFullScreen" : ""; info.isFullScreen = document.webkitIsFullScreen !== undefined ? "webkitIsFullScreen" : document.mozFullScreen !== undefined ? "mozFullScreen" : document.fullScreen !== undefined ? "fullScreen" : ""; }; })();