/*\ title: $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/markdown-legacy/wrapper.js type: application/javascript module-type: parser Wraps up the remarkable parser for use as a Parser in TiddlyWiki \*/ (function(){ /*jslint node: true, browser: true */ /*global $tw: false */ "use strict"; var r = require("$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/markdown-legacy/remarkable.js"); var Remarkable = r.Remarkable, linkify = r.linkify, utils = r.utils; ///// Set up configuration options ///// function parseAsBoolean(tiddlerName) { return $tw.wiki.getTiddlerText(tiddlerName).toLowerCase() === "true"; } var pluginOpts = { linkNewWindow: parseAsBoolean("$:/config/markdown/linkNewWindow"), renderWikiText: parseAsBoolean("$:/config/markdown/renderWikiText"), renderWikiTextPragma: $tw.wiki.getTiddlerText("$:/config/markdown/renderWikiTextPragma").trim() }; var remarkableOpts = { breaks: parseAsBoolean("$:/config/markdown/breaks"), quotes: $tw.wiki.getTiddlerText("$:/config/markdown/quotes"), typographer: parseAsBoolean("$:/config/markdown/typographer") }; var accumulatingTypes = { "text": true, "softbreak": true }; // If rendering WikiText, we treat katex nodes as text. if(pluginOpts.renderWikiText) { accumulatingTypes["katex"] = true; } var md = new Remarkable(remarkableOpts); // If tiddlywiki/katex plugin is present, use remarkable-katex to enable katex support. if($tw.modules.titles["$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/katex/katex.min.js"]) { var rk = require("$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/markdown-legacy/remarkable-katex.js"); md = md.use(rk); } if(parseAsBoolean("$:/config/markdown/linkify")) { md = md.use(linkify); } function findTagWithType(nodes, startPoint, type, level) { for (var i = startPoint; i < nodes.length; i++) { if(nodes[i].type === type && nodes[i].level === level) { return i; } } return false; } /** * Remarkable creates nodes that look like: * [ * { type: 'paragraph_open'}, * { type: 'inline', content: 'Hello World', children:[{type: 'text', content: 'Hello World'}]}, * { type: 'paragraph_close'} * ] * * But TiddlyWiki wants the Parser (https://tiddlywiki.com/dev/static/Parser.html) to emit nodes like: * * [ * { type: 'element', tag: 'p', children: [{type: 'text', text: 'Hello World'}]} * ] */ function convertNodes(remarkableTree, isStartOfInline) { let out = []; var accumulatedText = ''; function withChildren(currentIndex, currentLevel, closingType, nodes, callback) { var j = findTagWithType(nodes, currentIndex + 1, closingType, currentLevel); if(j === false) { console.error("Failed to find a " + closingType + " node after position " + currentIndex); console.log(nodes); return currentIndex + 1; } let children = convertNodes(nodes.slice(currentIndex + 1, j)); callback(children); return j; } function wrappedElement(elementTag, currentIndex, currentLevel, closingType, nodes) { return withChildren(currentIndex, currentLevel, closingType, nodes, function(children) { out.push({ type: "element", tag: elementTag, children: children }); }); } for (var i = 0; i < remarkableTree.length; i++) { var currentNode = remarkableTree[i]; switch (currentNode.type) { case "paragraph_open": // If the paragraph is a "tight" layout paragraph, don't wrap children in a <p> tag. if(currentNode.tight) { i = withChildren(i, currentNode.level, "paragraph_close", remarkableTree, function(children) { Array.prototype.push.apply(out, children); }); } else { i = wrappedElement("p", i, currentNode.level, "paragraph_close", remarkableTree); } break; case "heading_open": i = wrappedElement("h" + currentNode.hLevel, i, currentNode.level, "heading_close", remarkableTree); break; case "bullet_list_open": i = wrappedElement("ul", i, currentNode.level, "bullet_list_close", remarkableTree); break; case "ordered_list_open": i = wrappedElement('ol', i, currentNode.level,'ordered_list_close', remarkableTree); break; case "list_item_open": i = wrappedElement("li", i, currentNode.level, "list_item_close", remarkableTree); break; case "link_open": i = withChildren(i, currentNode.level, "link_close", remarkableTree, function(children) { if(currentNode.href[0] !== "#") { // External link var attributes = { class: { type: "string", value: "tc-tiddlylink-external" }, href: { type: "string", value: currentNode.href }, rel: { type: "string", value: "noopener noreferrer" } }; if(pluginOpts.linkNewWindow) { attributes.target = { type: "string", value: "_blank" }; } out.push({ type: "element", tag: "a", attributes: attributes, children: children }); } else { // Internal link out.push({ type: "link", attributes: { to: { type: "string", value: $tw.utils.decodeURISafe(currentNode.href.substr(1)) } }, children: children }); } }); break; case "code": out.push({ type: "element", tag: currentNode.block ? "pre" : "code", children: [{ type: "text", text: currentNode.content }] }); break; case "fence": out.push({ type: "codeblock", attributes: { language: { type: "string", value: currentNode.params }, code: { type: "string", value: currentNode.content } } }); break; case "image": out.push({ type: "image", attributes: { tooltip: { type: "string", value: currentNode.alt }, source: { type: "string", value: $tw.utils.decodeURIComponentSafe(currentNode.src) } } }); break; case "softbreak": if(remarkableOpts.breaks) { out.push({ type: "element", tag: "br", }); } else { accumulatedText = accumulatedText + '\n'; } break; case "hardbreak": out.push({ type: "element", tag: "br", }); break; case "th_open": case "td_open": var elementTag = currentNode.type.slice(0, 2); i = withChildren(i, currentNode.level, elementTag + "_close", remarkableTree, function(children) { var attributes = {}; if(currentNode.align) { attributes.style = { type: "string", value: "text-align:" + currentNode.align }; } out.push({ type: "element", tag: elementTag, attributes: attributes, children: children }); }); break; case "hr": out.push({ type: 'element', tag: 'hr', }); break; case "inline": out = out.concat(convertNodes(currentNode.children, true)); break; case "text": // We need to merge this text block with the upcoming text block and parse it all together. accumulatedText = accumulatedText + currentNode.content; break; case "katex": // If rendering WikiText, convert the katex node back to text for parsing by the WikiText LaTeX parser. if(pluginOpts.renderWikiText) { // If this is a block, add a newline to trigger the KaTeX plugins block detection. var displayModeSuffix = currentNode.block ? "\n" : ""; accumulatedText = accumulatedText + "$$" + currentNode.content + displayModeSuffix + "$$"; } else { out.push({ type: "latex", attributes: { text: { type: "text", value: currentNode.content }, displayMode: { type: "text", value: currentNode.block ? "true" : "false" } } }); } break; default: if(currentNode.type.substr(currentNode.type.length - 5) === "_open") { var tagName = currentNode.type.substr(0, currentNode.type.length - 5); i = wrappedElement(tagName, i, currentNode.level, tagName + "_close", remarkableTree); } else { console.error("Unknown node type: " + currentNode.type, currentNode); out.push({ type: "text", text: currentNode.content }); } break; } // We test to see if we process the block now, or if there's // more to accumulate first. if(accumulatedText && ( remarkableOpts.breaks || (i+1) >= remarkableTree.length || !accumulatingTypes[remarkableTree[i+1].type] ) ) { // The Markdown compiler thinks this is just text. // Hand off to the WikiText parser to see if there's more to render // But only if it's configured to, and we have more than whitespace if(!pluginOpts.renderWikiText || accumulatedText.match(/^\s*$/)) { out.push({ type: "text", text: accumulatedText }); } else { // If we're inside a block element (div, p, td, h1), and this is the first child in the tree, // handle as a block-level parse. Otherwise not. var parseAsInline = !(isStartOfInline && i === 0); var textToParse = accumulatedText; if(pluginOpts.renderWikiTextPragma !== "") { textToParse = pluginOpts.renderWikiTextPragma + "\n" + textToParse; } var wikiParser = $tw.wiki.parseText("text/vnd.tiddlywiki", textToParse, { parseAsInline: parseAsInline }); var rs = wikiParser.tree; // If we parsed as a block, but the root element the WikiText parser gave is a paragraph, // we should discard the paragraph, since the way Remarkable nests its nodes, this "inline" // node is always inside something else that's a block-level element if(!parseAsInline && rs.length === 1 && rs[0].type === "element" && rs[0].tag === "p" ) { rs = rs[0].children; } // If the original text element started with a space, add it back in if(rs.length > 0 && rs[0].type === "text" && (accumulatedText[0] === " " || accumulatedText[0] === "\n") ) { rs[0].text = " " + rs[0].text; } out = out.concat(rs); } accumulatedText = ''; } } return out; } var MarkdownParser = function(type, text, options) { var tree = md.parse(text, {}); //console.debug(tree); tree = convertNodes(tree); //console.debug(tree); this.tree = tree; }; exports["text/x-markdown"] = MarkdownParser; exports["text/markdown"] = MarkdownParser; })();