/*\ title: $:/core/modules/startup.js type: application/javascript module-type: startup This is the main application logic for both the client and server \*/ (function(){ /*jslint node: true, browser: true */ /*global $tw: false */ "use strict"; // Export name and synchronous status exports.name = "startup"; exports.after = ["load-modules"]; exports.synchronous = true; // Set to `true` to enable performance instrumentation var PERFORMANCE_INSTRUMENTATION = false; // Time (in ms) that we defer refreshing changes to draft tiddlers var DRAFT_TIDDLER_TIMEOUT = 400; // Default story and history lists var DEFAULT_STORY_TITLE = "$:/StoryList"; var DEFAULT_HISTORY_TITLE = "$:/HistoryList"; // Default tiddlers var DEFAULT_TIDDLERS_TITLE = "$:/DefaultTiddlers"; // Favicon tiddler var FAVICON_TITLE = "$:/favicon.ico"; var widget = require("$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js"); exports.startup = function() { var modules,n,m,f,commander; if($tw.browser) { $tw.browser.isIE = (/msie|trident/i.test(navigator.userAgent)); } $tw.version = $tw.utils.extractVersionInfo(); // Set up the performance framework $tw.perf = new $tw.Performance(PERFORMANCE_INSTRUMENTATION); // Kick off the language manager and switcher $tw.language = new $tw.Language(); $tw.languageSwitcher = new $tw.PluginSwitcher({ wiki: $tw.wiki, pluginType: "language", controllerTitle: "$:/language", defaultPlugins: [ "$:/languages/en-US" ] }); // Kick off the theme manager $tw.themeManager = new $tw.PluginSwitcher({ wiki: $tw.wiki, pluginType: "theme", controllerTitle: "$:/theme", defaultPlugins: [ "$:/themes/tiddlywiki/snowwhite", "$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla" ] }); // Clear outstanding tiddler store change events to avoid an unnecessary refresh cycle at startup $tw.wiki.clearTiddlerEventQueue(); // Open startup tiddlers openStartupTiddlers(); // Set up the syncer object $tw.syncer = new $tw.Syncer({wiki: $tw.wiki}); // Host-specific startup if($tw.browser) { // Set up our beforeunload handler window.addEventListener("beforeunload",function(event) { var confirmationMessage = undefined; if($tw.syncer.isDirty()) { confirmationMessage = "You have unsaved changes in TiddlyWiki"; event.returnValue = confirmationMessage; // Gecko } return confirmationMessage; }); // Install the popup manager $tw.popup = new $tw.utils.Popup({ rootElement: document.body }); // Install the animator $tw.anim = new $tw.utils.Animator(); // Create a root widget for attaching event handlers. By using it as the parentWidget for another widget tree, one can reuse the event handlers $tw.rootWidget = new widget.widget({ type: "widget", children: [] },{ wiki: $tw.wiki, document: document }); // Install the modal message mechanism $tw.modal = new $tw.utils.Modal($tw.wiki); $tw.rootWidget.addEventListener("tw-modal",function(event) { $tw.modal.display(event.param); }); // Install the notification mechanism $tw.notifier = new $tw.utils.Notifier($tw.wiki); $tw.rootWidget.addEventListener("tw-notify",function(event) { $tw.notifier.display(event.param); }); // Install the scroller $tw.pageScroller = new $tw.utils.PageScroller(); $tw.rootWidget.addEventListener("tw-scroll",function(event) { $tw.pageScroller.handleEvent(event); }); // Listen for the tw-home message $tw.rootWidget.addEventListener("tw-home",function(event) { displayDefaultTiddlers(); }); // Install the save action handlers $tw.rootWidget.addEventListener("tw-save-wiki",function(event) { $tw.syncer.saveWiki({ template: event.param, downloadType: "text/plain" }); }); $tw.rootWidget.addEventListener("tw-auto-save-wiki",function(event) { $tw.syncer.saveWiki({ method: "autosave", template: event.param, downloadType: "text/plain" }); }); $tw.rootWidget.addEventListener("tw-download-file",function(event) { $tw.syncer.saveWiki({ method: "download", template: event.param, downloadType: "text/plain" }); }); // Listen out for login/logout/refresh events in the browser $tw.rootWidget.addEventListener("tw-login",function() { $tw.syncer.handleLoginEvent(); }); $tw.rootWidget.addEventListener("tw-logout",function() { $tw.syncer.handleLogoutEvent(); }); $tw.rootWidget.addEventListener("tw-server-refresh",function() { $tw.syncer.handleRefreshEvent(); }); // Install the crypto event handlers $tw.rootWidget.addEventListener("tw-set-password",function(event) { $tw.passwordPrompt.createPrompt({ serviceName: "Set a new password for this TiddlyWiki", noUserName: true, submitText: "Set password", canCancel: true, callback: function(data) { if(data) { $tw.crypto.setPassword(data.password); } return true; // Get rid of the password prompt } }); }); $tw.rootWidget.addEventListener("tw-clear-password",function(event) { $tw.crypto.setPassword(null); }); // Ensure that $:/isEncrypted is maintained properly $tw.wiki.addEventListener("change",function(changes) { if($tw.utils.hop(changes,"$:/isEncrypted")) { $tw.crypto.updateCryptoStateTiddler(); } }); // Set up the favicon var faviconLink = document.getElementById("faviconLink"), setFavicon = function() { var tiddler = $tw.wiki.getTiddler(FAVICON_TITLE); if(tiddler) { faviconLink.setAttribute("href","data:" + tiddler.fields.type + ";base64," + tiddler.fields.text); } }; setFavicon(); $tw.wiki.addEventListener("change",function(changes) { if($tw.utils.hop(changes,FAVICON_TITLE)) { setFavicon(); } }); // Set up location hash update $tw.wiki.addEventListener("change",function(changes) { if($tw.utils.hop(changes,DEFAULT_STORY_TITLE) || $tw.utils.hop(changes,DEFAULT_HISTORY_TITLE)) { updateLocationHash(); } }); // Listen for changes to the browser location hash window.addEventListener("hashchange",function() { if(window.location.hash !== $tw.locationHash) { $tw.locationHash = window.location.hash; openStartupTiddlers({defaultToCurrentStory: true}); } },false) // Set up the styles var styleTemplateTitle = "$:/core/ui/PageStylesheet", styleParser = $tw.wiki.parseTiddler(styleTemplateTitle); $tw.styleWidgetNode = $tw.wiki.makeWidget(styleParser,{document: $tw.fakeDocument}); $tw.styleContainer = $tw.fakeDocument.createElement("style"); $tw.styleWidgetNode.render($tw.styleContainer,null); $tw.styleElement = document.createElement("style"); $tw.styleElement.innerHTML = $tw.styleContainer.textContent; document.head.insertBefore($tw.styleElement,document.head.firstChild); $tw.wiki.addEventListener("change",$tw.perf.report("styleRefresh",function(changes) { if($tw.styleWidgetNode.refresh(changes,$tw.styleContainer,null)) { $tw.styleElement.innerHTML = $tw.styleContainer.textContent; } })); // Display the $:/PageMacros tiddler to kick off the display renderPage(); // Fix up the link between the root widget and the page container $tw.rootWidget.domNodes = [$tw.pageContainer]; $tw.rootWidget.children = [$tw.pageWidgetNode]; // If we're being viewed on a data: URI then give instructions for how to save if(document.location.protocol === "data:") { $tw.utils.dispatchCustomEvent(document,"tw-modal",{ param: "$:/language/Modals/SaveInstructions" }); } } else { // On the server, start a commander with the command line arguments commander = new $tw.Commander( $tw.boot.argv, function(err) { if(err) { console.log("Error: " + err); } }, $tw.wiki, {output: process.stdout, error: process.stderr} ); commander.execute(); } }; /* Process the location hash to open the specified tiddlers. Options: defaultToCurrentStory: If true, the current story is retained as the default, instead of opening the default tiddlers */ function openStartupTiddlers(options) { options = options || {}; // Decode the hash portion of our URL var target, storyFilter; if($tw.locationHash.length > 1) { var hash = $tw.locationHash.substr(1), split = hash.indexOf(":"); if(split === -1) { target = decodeURIComponent(hash.trim()); } else { target = decodeURIComponent(hash.substr(0,split).trim()); storyFilter = decodeURIComponent(hash.substr(split + 1).trim()); } } // If a target tiddler was specified add it to the history stack if(target && target !== "") { // The target tiddler doesn't need double square brackets, but we'll silently remove them if they're present if(target.indexOf("[[") === 0 && target.substr(-2) === "]]") { target = target.substr(2,target.length - 4); } $tw.wiki.addToHistory(target); } // Use the story filter specified in the hash, or the default tiddlers if(!storyFilter || storyFilter === "") { if(options.defaultToCurrentStory) { var currStoryList = $tw.wiki.getTiddlerList(DEFAULT_STORY_TITLE); storyFilter = $tw.utils.stringifyList(currStoryList); } else { storyFilter = $tw.wiki.getTiddlerText(DEFAULT_TIDDLERS_TITLE); } } var storyList = $tw.wiki.filterTiddlers(storyFilter); // If the target tiddler isn't included then splice it in at the top if(target && storyList.indexOf(target) === -1) { storyList.unshift(target); } // Save the story list $tw.wiki.addTiddler({title: DEFAULT_STORY_TITLE, text: "", list: storyList},$tw.wiki.getModificationFields()); } /* Helper to display the default tiddlers */ function displayDefaultTiddlers() { $tw.wiki.addTiddler({title: DEFAULT_STORY_TITLE, text: "", list: getDefaultTiddlers()},$tw.wiki.getModificationFields()); } function getDefaultTiddlers() { var defaultTiddlersTiddler = $tw.wiki.getTiddler(DEFAULT_TIDDLERS_TITLE), defaultTiddlers = []; if(defaultTiddlersTiddler) { defaultTiddlers = $tw.wiki.filterTiddlers(defaultTiddlersTiddler.fields.text); } return defaultTiddlers; } function updateLocationHash() { var storyList = $tw.wiki.getTiddlerList(DEFAULT_STORY_TITLE), historyList = $tw.wiki.getTiddlerData(DEFAULT_HISTORY_TITLE,[]); var targetTiddler = ""; if(historyList.length > 0) { targetTiddler = historyList[historyList.length-1].title; } $tw.locationHash = "#" + encodeURIComponent(targetTiddler) + ":" + encodeURIComponent($tw.utils.stringifyList(storyList)); // Only change the location hash if we must, thus avoiding unnecessary onhashchange events if(window.location.hash !== $tw.locationHash) { window.location.hash = $tw.locationHash; } } /* Main render function for PageMacros, which includes the PageTemplate */ function renderPage() { // Parse and render the template var templateTitle = "$:/core/ui/PageMacros", parser = $tw.wiki.parseTiddler(templateTitle); $tw.perf.report("mainRender",function() { $tw.pageWidgetNode = $tw.wiki.makeWidget(parser,{document: document, parentWidget: $tw.rootWidget}); $tw.pageContainer = document.createElement("div"); $tw.utils.addClass($tw.pageContainer,"tw-page-container-wrapper"); document.body.insertBefore($tw.pageContainer,document.body.firstChild); $tw.pageWidgetNode.render($tw.pageContainer,null); })(); // Prepare refresh mechanism var deferredChanges = Object.create(null), timerId; function refresh() { // Process the refresh $tw.pageWidgetNode.refresh(deferredChanges,$tw.pageContainer,null); deferredChanges = Object.create(null); } // Add the change event handler $tw.wiki.addEventListener("change",$tw.perf.report("mainRefresh",function(changes) { // Check if only drafts have changed var onlyDraftsHaveChanged = true; for(var title in changes) { var tiddler = $tw.wiki.getTiddler(title); if(!tiddler || !tiddler.hasField("draft.of")) { onlyDraftsHaveChanged = false; } } // Defer the change if only drafts have changed if(timerId) { clearTimeout(timerId); } timerId = null; if(onlyDraftsHaveChanged) { timerId = setTimeout(refresh,DRAFT_TIDDLER_TIMEOUT); $tw.utils.extend(deferredChanges,changes); } else { $tw.utils.extend(deferredChanges,changes); refresh(); } })); } })();