caption: search-variables created: 20240427120451313 modified: 20240427123016441 tags: Macros [[Core Macros]] title: search-variables Macro type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki This macro is <<.from-version "5.3.4">> The <<.def search-variables>> presents a form, which allows fast filtering of the resulting list. This procedure is also used in the $:/AdvancedSearch ''-> Variables'' tab. It returns a table showing the values of all [[variables|Variables]], [[procedures|Procedures]], [[functions|Functions]], [[widgets|Widgets]] and [[macros|Macros]] that exist at that position in the [[widget tree|Widgets]]. It is useful for debugging and exploring ~TiddlyWiki's internals. !! Parameters ; type : If type is empty all variable types are shown : optional: `fn, var, proc, macro, widget`. Using the type parameter will reduce the list. ; sort : `raw`: Is used to allow the <<.olink variables>> to return a raw list. : `alphabetical`: If sort is missing, by ''default ''the list is alphabetically sorted. ; subfilter : This parameter limits the number of variables that are listed eg: `subfilter:"[search::some[sort .attr]]" ` ; format : Format the output string using the VariableFormat. Defaults to `$type$ $name$($params$) $firstLine$`. !!! <<.macro-examples "search-variables">> Also see: [[dumpvariables Macro]]