created: 20211130114857532 filter1: [prefix[ca]then[ca]] filter2: [suffix[at]then[at]] filter3: other modified: 20230305125250563 tags: [[Cascade Filter Run Prefix]] title: Cascade Filter Run Prefix (Examples) type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki The <<.op ":cascade">> filter run prefix is used by the ~TiddlyWiki core to choose the colour for each tiddler as used in the tag pill generated by the tag macro. `:cascade[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/TiddlerColourFilter]!is[draft]get[text]]` The filter expression inside the above <<.op :cascade>> filter run returns a list of filters from the text fields of tiddlers tagged <> as shown below: For each input title, each of these filters is now applied to in turn until the first filter that returns a non-empty list. The first result from this non-empty list replaces that input title and is used as the colour for that tiddler. <<.operator-example 1 """[all[shadows+tiddlers]] :cascade[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/TiddlerColourFilter]!is[draft]get[text]] +[!is[blank]limit[10]]""">> !! Extended example This example illustrates step-by-step how the <<.op :cascade>> filter run works. A filter expression whose output returns a list of filters is required. Typically such a filter expression will construct the list of filters by querying some field in a set of tiddlers (likely via tag). To keep this example self-contained, 3 filters are stored in the //filter1//, //filter2// and //filter3// fields of this tiddler. [[Text references|TextReference]] and instances of the [[append operator|append Operator]] are used to combine the fields into a list of filters. The filter `[{!!filter1}append{!!filter2}append{!!filter3}]`, generates this list of filters: For this example, `cat can bat bug` will be used as the input titles. Each input title will be evaluated by <<.op :cascade>> against each of the above filters in turn. To help understand what <<.op :cascade>> sees internally, the following table uses the [[Map Filter Run Prefix]] to show the result of each individual filter. |^<<.operator-example c1.1 "cat can bat bug :map[prefix[ca]then[ca]]">>|^<<.operator-example c1.2 "cat can bat bug :map[suffix[at]then[at]]">>|^<<.operator-example c1.3 "cat can bat bug :map[[other]]">>| Click "Try it" on the above 3 examples. The first non-blank value from each row as read from left to right will be returned when <<.op :cascade>> is used. Click "Try it" below to see the final result: <<.operator-example c1.4 "cat can bat bug :cascade[{!!filter1}append{!!filter2}append{!!filter3}]">>