caption: enlist-input created: 20201102215459192 modified: 20201102221854719 op-input: a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]] op-output: the titles stored as a [[title list|Title List]] in each input title op-purpose: select titles by interpreting each input title as a [[title list|Title List]] op-suffix: `dedupe` (the default) to remove duplicates, `raw` to leave duplicates untouched op-suffix-name: D tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[String Operators]] title: enlist-input Operator type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki <<.from-version "5.1.23">> <<.tip " Compare with [[enlist|enlist Operator]] operator that interprets its parameter as a title list">> ``` <$vars days={{{ [[Days of the Week]get[list]] }}}> {{{ [enlist] }}} ``` is equivalent to: ``` {{{ [[Days of the Week]get[list]enlist-input[]] }}} ``` <<.operator-examples "enlist-input">>