created: 20140811112201235 modified: 20220123141646321 tags: Messages title: WidgetMessage: tm-download-file type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki caption: tm-download-file The download file message causes the current saver module to prompt the user to download the result of parsing a specified template tiddler as a file. It requires the following properties on the `event` object: |!Name |!Description | |param |Title of a tiddler to use as a template for the new tiddler | |paramObject |Optional hashmap of variable values to use for the rendering | The following variable names have special behaviour: |!Name |!Description | |filename |Filename for the downloaded file (note that this is a hint to the browser, and the actual filename used may be different) | The download file message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget. The download file message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core SyncMechanism which invokes the current [[SaverModule|SaverModules]].