created: 20150630204917564 modified: 20150630205144064 tags: Resources title: TiddlyWiki Jingle by Måns Mårtensson type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki url: A catchy jingle for TiddlyWiki. {{!!url}} <<< Even if it sounds like some ol' jazz tune it ''IS'' an original composition and it should be quite obvious that the "hook of the melody" is a trill made by singing Tidd-ly Wiki :-). My lacking skills for writing text/lyrics should be apparent in the fact that the text consists of 12 Tidd-ly Wikis and some extra "tiddly's" - just for the sake of getting the message delivered ;-)... I've recorded every instrument on my guitar via a guitar synth on a loop machine (except for the drums - they were played live/in sync with the loop station on a "~BeatBuddy" drum pedal..) - no pc was involved.. <<<