title: $:/language/ControlPanel/ Advanced/Caption: Advanced Advanced/Hint: Internal information about this TiddlyWiki Appearance/Caption: Appearance Appearance/Hint: Ways to customise the appearance of your TiddlyWiki. Basics/AnimDuration/Prompt: Animation duration Basics/AutoFocus/Prompt: Default focus field for new tiddlers Basics/Caption: Basics Basics/DefaultTiddlers/BottomHint: Use [[double square brackets]] for titles with spaces. Or you can choose to {{retain story ordering||$:/snippets/retain-story-ordering-button}} Basics/DefaultTiddlers/Prompt: Default tiddlers Basics/DefaultTiddlers/TopHint: Choose which tiddlers are displayed at startup Basics/Language/Prompt: Hello! Current language: Basics/NewJournal/Title/Prompt: Title of new journal tiddlers Basics/NewJournal/Text/Prompt: Text for new journal tiddlers Basics/NewJournal/Tags/Prompt: Tags for new journal tiddlers Basics/NewTiddler/Title/Prompt: Title of new tiddlers Basics/NewTiddler/Tags/Prompt: Tags for new tiddlers Basics/OverriddenShadowTiddlers/Prompt: Number of overridden shadow tiddlers Basics/RemoveTags: Update to current format Basics/RemoveTags/Hint: Update the tags configuration to the latest format Basics/ShadowTiddlers/Prompt: Number of shadow tiddlers Basics/Subtitle/Prompt: Subtitle Basics/SystemTiddlers/Prompt: Number of system tiddlers Basics/Tags/Prompt: Number of tags Basics/Tiddlers/Prompt: Number of tiddlers Basics/Title/Prompt: Title of this ~TiddlyWiki Basics/Username/Prompt: Username for signing edits Basics/Version/Prompt: ~TiddlyWiki version Cascades/Caption: Cascades Cascades/Hint: These global rules are used to dynamically choose certain templates. The result of the cascade is the result of the first filter in the sequence that returns a result Cascades/TagPrompt: Filters tagged <$macrocall $name="tag" tag=<<currentTiddler>>/> EditorTypes/Caption: Editor Types EditorTypes/Editor/Caption: Editor EditorTypes/Hint: These tiddlers determine which editor is used to edit specific tiddler types. EditorTypes/Type/Caption: Type EditTemplateBody/Caption: Edit Template Body EditTemplateBody/Hint: This rule cascade is used by the default edit template to dynamically choose the template for editing the body of a tiddler. FieldEditor/Caption: Field Editor FieldEditor/Hint: This rules cascade is used to dynamically choose the template for rendering a tiddler field based on its name. It is used within the Edit Template. Info/Caption: Info Info/Hint: Information about this TiddlyWiki KeyboardShortcuts/Add/Prompt: Type shortcut here KeyboardShortcuts/Add/Caption: add shortcut KeyboardShortcuts/Caption: Keyboard Shortcuts KeyboardShortcuts/Hint: Manage keyboard shortcut assignments KeyboardShortcuts/NoShortcuts/Caption: No keyboard shortcuts assigned KeyboardShortcuts/Remove/Hint: remove keyboard shortcut KeyboardShortcuts/Platform/All: All platforms KeyboardShortcuts/Platform/Mac: Macintosh platform only KeyboardShortcuts/Platform/NonMac: Non-Macintosh platforms only KeyboardShortcuts/Platform/Linux: Linux platform only KeyboardShortcuts/Platform/NonLinux: Non-Linux platforms only KeyboardShortcuts/Platform/Windows: Windows platform only KeyboardShortcuts/Platform/NonWindows: Non-Windows platforms only LayoutSwitcher/Caption: Layout LoadedModules/Caption: Loaded Modules LoadedModules/Hint: These are the currently loaded tiddler modules linked to their source tiddlers. Any italicised modules lack a source tiddler, typically because they were setup during the boot process. Palette/Caption: Palette Palette/Editor/Clone/Caption: clone Palette/Editor/Clone/Prompt: It is recommended that you clone this shadow palette before editing it Palette/Editor/Delete/Hint: delete this entry from the current palette Palette/Editor/Names/External/Show: Show color names that are not part of the current palette Palette/Editor/Prompt/Modified: This shadow palette has been modified Palette/Editor/Prompt: Editing Palette/Editor/Reset/Caption: reset Palette/HideEditor/Caption: hide editor Palette/Prompt: Current palette: Palette/ShowEditor/Caption: show editor Parsing/Caption: Parsing Parsing/Hint: Here you can globally disable/enable wiki parser rules. For changes to take effect, save and reload your wiki. Disabling certain parser rules can prevent <$text text="TiddlyWiki"/> from functioning correctly. Use [[safe mode|https://tiddlywiki.com/#SafeMode]] to restore normal operation. Parsing/Block/Caption: Block Parse Rules Parsing/Inline/Caption: Inline Parse Rules Parsing/Pragma/Caption: Pragma Parse Rules Plugins/Add/Caption: Get more plugins Plugins/Add/Hint: Install plugins from the official library Plugins/AlreadyInstalled/Hint: This plugin is already installed at version <$text text=<<installedVersion>>/> Plugins/AlsoRequires: Also requires: Plugins/Caption: Plugins Plugins/Disable/Caption: disable Plugins/Disable/Hint: Disable this plugin when reloading page Plugins/Disabled/Status: (disabled) Plugins/Downgrade/Caption: downgrade Plugins/Empty/Hint: None Plugins/Enable/Caption: enable Plugins/Enable/Hint: Enable this plugin when reloading page Plugins/Install/Caption: install Plugins/Installed/Hint: Currently installed plugins: Plugins/Languages/Caption: Languages Plugins/Languages/Hint: Language pack plugins Plugins/NoInfoFound/Hint: No ''"<$text text=<<currentTab>>/>"'' found Plugins/NotInstalled/Hint: This plugin is not currently installed Plugins/OpenPluginLibrary: Open plugin library Plugins/ClosePluginLibrary: Close plugin library Plugins/PluginWillRequireReload: (requires reload) Plugins/Plugins/Caption: Plugins Plugins/Plugins/Hint: Plugins Plugins/Reinstall/Caption: reinstall Plugins/Stability/Deprecated: DEPRECATED Plugins/Stability/Experimental: EXPERIMENTAL Plugins/Stability/Legacy: LEGACY Plugins/Stability/Stable: STABLE Plugins/Themes/Caption: Themes Plugins/Themes/Hint: Theme plugins Plugins/Update/Caption: update Plugins/Updates/Caption: Updates Plugins/Updates/Hint: Available updates to installed plugins Plugins/Updates/UpdateAll/Caption: Update <<update-count>> plugins Plugins/SubPluginPrompt: With <<count>> sub-plugins available Saving/Caption: Saving Saving/DownloadSaver/AutoSave/Description: Permit automatic saving for the download saver Saving/DownloadSaver/AutoSave/Hint: Enable Autosave for Download Saver Saving/DownloadSaver/Caption: Download Saver Saving/DownloadSaver/Hint: These settings apply to the HTML5-compatible download saver Saving/General/Caption: General Saving/General/Hint: These settings apply to all the loaded savers Saving/Hint: Settings used for saving the entire TiddlyWiki as a single file via a saver module Saving/GitService/Branch: Target branch for saving Saving/GitService/CommitMessage: Saved by TiddlyWiki Saving/GitService/Description: These settings are only used when saving to <<service-name>> Saving/GitService/Filename: Filename of target file (e.g. `index.html`) Saving/GitService/Path: Path to target file (e.g. `/wiki/`) Saving/GitService/Repo: Target repository (e.g. `Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5`) Saving/GitService/ServerURL: Server API URL Saving/GitService/UserName: Username Saving/GitService/GitHub/Caption: ~GitHub Saver Saving/GitService/GitHub/Password: Password, OAUTH token, or personal access token (see [[GitHub help page|https://help.github.com/en/articles/creating-a-personal-access-token-for-the-command-line]] for details) Saving/GitService/GitLab/Caption: ~GitLab Saver Saving/GitService/GitLab/Password: Personal access token for API (see [[GitLab help page|https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/profile/personal_access_tokens.html]] for details) Saving/GitService/Gitea/Caption: Gitea Saver Saving/GitService/Gitea/Password: Personal access token for API (via Gitea’s web interface: `Settings | Applications | Generate New Token`) Saving/TiddlySpot/Advanced/Heading: Advanced Settings Saving/TiddlySpot/BackupDir: Backup Directory Saving/TiddlySpot/ControlPanel: ~TiddlySpot Control Panel Saving/TiddlySpot/Backups: Backups Saving/TiddlySpot/Caption: ~TiddlySpot Saver Saving/TiddlySpot/Description: These settings are only used when saving to [[TiddlySpot|http://tiddlyspot.com]], [[TiddlyHost|https://tiddlyhost.com]], or a compatible remote server. See [[here|https://github.com/simonbaird/tiddlyhost/wiki/TiddlySpot-Saver-configuration-for-Tiddlyhost-and-Tiddlyspot]] for information on ~TiddlySpot and ~TiddlyHost saving configuration. Saving/TiddlySpot/Filename: Upload Filename Saving/TiddlySpot/Heading: ~TiddlySpot Saving/TiddlySpot/Hint: //The server URL defaults to `http://<wikiname>.tiddlyspot.com/store.cgi` and can be changed to use a custom server address, e.g. `http://example.com/store.php`.// Saving/TiddlySpot/Password: Password Saving/TiddlySpot/ReadOnly: Note that [[TiddlySpot|http://tiddlyspot.com]] no longer allows the creation of new sites. For new sites, you can use [[TiddlyHost|https://tiddlyhost.com]], a new hosting service that replaces ~TiddlySpot. Saving/TiddlySpot/ServerURL: Server URL Saving/TiddlySpot/UploadDir: Upload Directory Saving/TiddlySpot/UserName: Wiki Name Settings/AutoSave/Caption: Autosave Settings/AutoSave/Disabled/Description: Do not save changes automatically Settings/AutoSave/Enabled/Description: Save changes automatically Settings/AutoSave/Hint: Attempt to automatically save changes during editing when using a supporting saver Settings/CamelCase/Caption: Camel Case Wiki Links Settings/CamelCase/Hint: You can globally disable automatic linking of ~CamelCase phrases. Requires reload to take effect Settings/CamelCase/Description: Enable automatic ~CamelCase linking Settings/Caption: Settings Settings/EditorToolbar/Caption: Editor Toolbar Settings/EditorToolbar/Hint: Enable or disable the editor toolbar: Settings/EditorToolbar/Description: Show editor toolbar Settings/InfoPanelMode/Caption: Tiddler Info Panel Mode Settings/InfoPanelMode/Hint: Control when the tiddler info panel closes: Settings/InfoPanelMode/Popup/Description: Tiddler info panel closes automatically Settings/InfoPanelMode/Sticky/Description: Tiddler info panel stays open until explicitly closed Settings/Hint: These settings let you customise the behaviour of TiddlyWiki. Settings/NavigationAddressBar/Caption: Navigation Address Bar Settings/NavigationAddressBar/Hint: Behaviour of the browser address bar when navigating to a tiddler: Settings/NavigationAddressBar/No/Description: Do not update the address bar Settings/NavigationAddressBar/Permalink/Description: Include the target tiddler Settings/NavigationAddressBar/Permaview/Description: Include the target tiddler and the current story sequence Settings/NavigationHistory/Caption: Navigation History Settings/NavigationHistory/Hint: Update browser history when navigating to a tiddler: Settings/NavigationHistory/No/Description: Do not update history Settings/NavigationHistory/Yes/Description: Update history Settings/NavigationPermalinkviewMode/Caption: Permalink/permaview Mode Settings/NavigationPermalinkviewMode/Hint: Choose how permalink/permaview is handled: Settings/NavigationPermalinkviewMode/CopyToClipboard/Description: Copy permalink/permaview URL to clipboard Settings/NavigationPermalinkviewMode/UpdateAddressBar/Description: Update address bar with permalink/permaview URL Settings/PerformanceInstrumentation/Caption: Performance Instrumentation Settings/PerformanceInstrumentation/Hint: Displays performance statistics in the browser developer console. Requires reload to take effect Settings/PerformanceInstrumentation/Description: Enable performance instrumentation Settings/ToolbarButtonStyle/Caption: Toolbar Button Style Settings/ToolbarButtonStyle/Hint: Choose the style for toolbar buttons: Settings/ToolbarButtonStyle/Styles/Borderless: Borderless Settings/ToolbarButtonStyle/Styles/Boxed: Boxed Settings/ToolbarButtonStyle/Styles/Rounded: Rounded Settings/ToolbarButtons/Caption: Toolbar Buttons Settings/ToolbarButtons/Hint: Default toolbar button appearance: Settings/ToolbarButtons/Icons/Description: Include icon Settings/ToolbarButtons/Text/Description: Include text Settings/DefaultSidebarTab/Caption: Default Sidebar Tab Settings/DefaultSidebarTab/Hint: Specify which sidebar tab is displayed by default Settings/DefaultMoreSidebarTab/Caption: Default More Sidebar Tab Settings/DefaultMoreSidebarTab/Hint: Specify which More sidebar tab is displayed by default Settings/LinkToBehaviour/Caption: Tiddler Opening Behaviour Settings/LinkToBehaviour/InsideRiver/Hint: Navigation from //within// the story river Settings/LinkToBehaviour/OutsideRiver/Hint: Navigation from //outside// the story river Settings/LinkToBehaviour/OpenAbove: Open above the current tiddler Settings/LinkToBehaviour/OpenBelow: Open below the current tiddler Settings/LinkToBehaviour/OpenAtTop: Open at the top of the story river Settings/LinkToBehaviour/OpenAtBottom: Open at the bottom of the story river Settings/TitleLinks/Caption: Tiddler Titles Settings/TitleLinks/Hint: Optionally display tiddler titles as links Settings/TitleLinks/No/Description: Do not display tiddler titles as links Settings/TitleLinks/Yes/Description: Display tiddler titles as links Settings/MissingLinks/Caption: Wiki Links Settings/MissingLinks/Hint: Choose whether to link to tiddlers that do not exist yet Settings/MissingLinks/Description: Enable links to missing tiddlers SocialCard/Caption: Social Media Card SocialCard/Domain/Prompt: Domain name to display for the link (for example, ''tiddlywiki.com'') SocialCard/Hint: This information is used by social and messaging services to display a preview card for links to this TiddlyWiki when hosted online SocialCard/PreviewUrl/Prompt: Full URL to preview image for this TiddlyWiki SocialCard/PreviewUrl/Preview: Preview image: SocialCard/Url/Prompt: Full URL of this TiddlyWiki StoryTiddler/Caption: Story Tiddler StoryTiddler/Hint: This rule cascade is used to dynamically choose the template for displaying a tiddler in the story river. StoryView/Caption: Story View StoryView/Prompt: Current view: Stylesheets/Caption: Stylesheets Stylesheets/Expand/Caption: Expand All Stylesheets/Hint: This is the rendered CSS of the current stylesheet tiddlers tagged with <<tag "$:/tags/Stylesheet">> Stylesheets/Restore/Caption: Restore TestCases/Caption: Test Cases TestCases/Hint: Test cases are self contained examples for testing and learning TestCases/All/Caption: All Test Cases TestCases/All/Hint: All Test Cases TestCases/Failed/Caption: Failed Test Cases TestCases/Failed/Hint: Only Failed Test Cases Theme/Caption: Theme Theme/Prompt: Current theme: TiddlerFields/Caption: Tiddler Fields TiddlerFields/Hint: This is the full set of TiddlerFields in use in this wiki (including system tiddlers but excluding shadow tiddlers). TiddlerColour/Caption: Tiddler Colour TiddlerColour/Hint: This rules cascade is used to dynamically choose the colour for a tiddler (used for the icon and the associated tag pill). TiddlerIcon/Caption: Tiddler Icon TiddlerIcon/Hint: This rules cascade is used to dynamically choose the icon for a tiddler. Toolbars/Caption: Toolbars Toolbars/EditToolbar/Caption: Edit Toolbar Toolbars/EditToolbar/Hint: Choose which buttons are displayed for tiddlers in edit mode. Drag and drop to change the ordering Toolbars/Hint: Select which toolbar buttons are displayed Toolbars/PageControls/Caption: Page Toolbar Toolbars/PageControls/Hint: Choose which buttons are displayed on the main page toolbar. Drag and drop to change the ordering Toolbars/EditorToolbar/Caption: Editor Toolbar Toolbars/EditorToolbar/Hint: Choose which buttons are displayed in the editor toolbar. Note that some buttons will only appear when editing tiddlers of a certain type. Drag and drop to change the ordering Toolbars/ViewToolbar/Caption: View Toolbar Toolbars/ViewToolbar/Hint: Choose which buttons are displayed for tiddlers in view mode. Drag and drop to change the ordering Tools/Download/Full/Caption: Download full wiki ViewTemplateBody/Caption: View Template Body ViewTemplateBody/Hint: This rule cascade is used by the default view template to dynamically choose the template for displaying the body of a tiddler. ViewTemplateTitle/Caption: View Template Title ViewTemplateTitle/Hint: This rule cascade is used by the default view template to dynamically choose the template for displaying the title of a tiddler. ViewTemplateSubtitle/Caption: View Template Subtitle ViewTemplateSubtitle/Hint: This rule cascade is used by the default view template to dynamically choose the template for displaying the subtitle of a tiddler. ViewTemplateTags/Caption: View Template Tags ViewTemplateTags/Hint: This rule cascade is used by the default view template to dynamically choose the template for displaying the tags area of a tiddler.