title: Raves modifier: jermolene created: 20110211110658 modified: 20111020135126 tags: welcome creator: psd ~TiddlyWiki has received many favourable reviews: * "~TiddlyWiki offers a glimpse of how things are changing in terms of how people think about software... a new beginning for simple software." -- //Jeremy Wagstaff, [[WSJ.com|http://groups.google.com/group/TiddlyWiki/browse_thread/thread/53c7b7686b9bb5c2/122f1b2146d2ba6d?q=wsj&rnum=1]]// * "The original ~TiddlyWiki by Jeremy Ruston is, without a doubt, one of the most amazing dynamic web apps I've ever seen (sorry Gmail.)" -- [[Lifehacker.com recommendation|http://www.lifehacker.com/software/productivity/getting-things-done-tiddlywiki-102953.php]] * "It's blowing my mind." -- //Evan Williams, founder of Blogger, Twitter and Odeo, [[EvHead|http://evhead.com/2005/05/tiddlywiki-reusable-non-linear.asp]]// * "What I love most about ~TiddlyWiki is that it is quite easy to use but incredibly flexible." -- //Ed Sim of Dawntreader Ventures, [[BeyondVC|http://www.beyondvc.com/2005/10/tiddlywiki.html]]// * "~TiddlyWiki is completely blowing my mind... Completely tripped out. Try it and you'll see what I mean." -- //Russell Beattie of Yahoo!, [[Russell Beattie's Notebook|http://www.russellbeattie.com/notebook/1008896.html]]// * "OK, this is the first wiki interface I’ve seen that has real potential. Dunno quite why exactly, but this blows my mind." -- //Jason Kottke, [[Kottke's Remaindered Links|http://www.kottke.org/remainder/04/09/6574.html]]// There is also the [[The Great TiddlyWiki Viral Mass Interview Challenge|http://interview.tiddlyspace.com/]], a community project to record the impact that TiddlyWiki has had on the people that use it and build it.