caption: transclusion created: 20141002004621385 modified: 20141002162057822 tags: Variables title: WidgetVariable: transclusion type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki ! Mechanism The ''transclusion'' variable is set automatically by the transclude widget to contain a string that identifies the position of the current node within the widget tree. In the sidebar it is set to `{|$:/core/ui/PageTemplate/sidebar|||}` and within the tiddler "HelloThere" in the story river it is set to `{HelloThere|HelloThere|||}`. Each nested level of transclusion appends another curly bracketed list of symbols. The QualifyMacro uses the ''transclusion'' variable to identify the stack of transcluded tiddlers. ! Example ``` \define mymacro() Hello from mymacro <$list filter="[prefix[{|$:/core/ui/PageTemplate/sidebar|||}]]" emptyMessage="in a tiddler"> in the sidebar \end <> ``` Result in story tiddler ``` Hello from mymacro in a tiddler ``` Result in the sidebar ``` Hello from mymacro in the sidebar ```