caption: 5.1.8 created: 20150417163307227 modified: 20150417163307227 tags: ReleaseNotes title: Release 5.1.8 type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki released: 2015041716307227 description: Plugin library, Railroad Plugin, sticky titles, 7 new translations //[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|]]// This release includes many improvements to the documentation for TiddlyWiki. Many thanks to everyone who has helped out, but especially to our prodigious new contributor Astrid Elocson. !! Translation Improvements * Improvements to French, Danish, Chinese and Japanese translations * [[Added|]] Czech translation * [[Added|]] [[Interlingua|]] translation * [[Added|]] Portuguese translation * [[Added|]] Punjabi and Hindu translations * [[Added|]] Slovak translation * [[Added|]] Spanish translation * [[Added|]] localisation for encryption prompt !! Usability Improvements * [[Added|]] user interface for [[setting a page background image|Setting a page background image]] * [[Fixed|]] problem with unnecessary scrolling at startup * [[Upgraded|]] the [[KaTeX Plugin]] to use [[KaTeX v0.2.0|]], with better symbol support * [[Added|]] [[Help Plugin]] providing floating help panel * [[Added|]] support for an online plugin library * [[Added|]] automatic focusing of the search box at startup * [[Introduced|]] the [[Railroad Plugin]] by Astrid Elocson (see it in action in the new [[Filter Syntax]] documentation) * [[Migrated|]] functionality of "Sticky Titles" theme into an optional tweak for the "Vanilla"/"Snow White" themes. This means that tiddler titles will stick to the top of the window during scrolling on browsers that support `position: sticky` (such as Safari and Firefox) * [[Added|]] icons to [[$:/AdvancedSearch]], [[$:/ControlPanel]] and [[$:/TagManager]] * [[Changed|]] wording of tiddler "save" button to "confirm" * [[Added|]] automatic linking of system tiddlers such as $:/ControlPanel * [[Improved|]] new tag dropdown to only list title matches * [[Added|]] a warning banner notifying the user when modified plugins require the page to be reloaded * [[Added|]] first pass at "stacked" story view * [[Changed|]] modal headers and footers to be parsed in inline mode by default (avoiding unneeded `

` tags) !! Hackability Improvements * [[Added|]] [[resolvepath Macro]] * [[Added|]] ''class'' attribute to CheckboxWidget * [[Added|]] support for a special message to be displayed when the main story river is empty * [[Improved|]] font rendering under Mac OS X * [[Added|]] support for embedding ZIP files * [[Added|]] support for custom elements with the RevealWidget * [[Added|]] ''style'' attribute to RevealWidget * [[Fixed|]] text inputs to use palette colours * Several new [[core icons|ImageGallery Example]]: {{$:/core/images/github}} {{$:/core/images/help}} {{$:/core/images/mail}} {{$:/core/images/tip}} {{$:/core/images/warning}} {{$:/core/images/twitter}} {{$:/core/images/video}} {{$:/core/images/up-arrow}} {{$:/core/images/left-arrow}} !! Bug Fixes * [[Fixed|]] the [[sameday Operator]] and [[eachday Operator]] to accept TW5 date strings * [[Fixed|]] version number compatibility checks for plugins * [[Fixed|]] problem with repeatedly cancelling a draft * [[Improved|]] sandboxing of generated `