created: 20201107112846692 modified: 20201107113536230 tags: [[Operator Examples]] [[search-replace Operator]] title: search-replace Operator (Examples) type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki \define myregexp() e|o \define names() (\w+)\s(\w+) Replace one string with another: <<.operator-example 1 """[[The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog]search-replace[dog],[cat]]""">> Replace all matches of a regular expression: `\define myregexp() e|o` <<.operator-example 2 """[[Hello There]search-replace:g:regexp,[]]""">> Replace all matches of a string irrespective of case: <<.operator-example 3 """[[Hello There]search-replace:gi[H],[]]""">> You can also use regular expression capture groups in the replacement string: `\define names() (\w+)\s(\w+)` <<.operator-example 4 """[[John Smith]search-replace::regexp,[$2,$1]]""" >>