title: CommandLineInterface modifier: JeremyRuston TiddlyWiki5 can be used on the command line to perform an extensive set of operations based on RecipeFiles, TiddlerFiles and TiddlyWikiFiles. Usage: {{{ node tiddlywiki.js }}} The command line options are processed sequentially from left to right. Processing pauses during long operations, like loading a [[recipe file|RecipeFiles]] and all the subrecipes and [[tiddlers|TiddlerFiles]] that it references. The following options are available: |{{{--recipe }}} |Loads a specfied `.recipe` file | |{{{--load }}} |Load additional tiddlers from TiddlyWiki files ({{{.html}}}), {{{.tiddler}}}, {{{.tid}}}, {{{.json}}} or other files | |{{{--savewiki }}} |Saves all the loaded tiddlers as a single file TiddlyWiki called {{{index.html}}} and an RSS feed called {{{index.xml}}} | |{{{--savetiddlers }}} |Saves all the loaded tiddlers as {{{.tid}}} files in the specified directory | |{{{--servewiki }}} |Serve the cooked TiddlyWiki over HTTP at {{{/}}} | |{{{--servetiddlers }}} |Serve individual tiddlers over HTTP at {{{/tiddlertitle}}} | |{{{--dumpstore}}} |Dump the TiddlyWiki store in JSON format | |{{{--dumprecipe}}} |Dump the current recipe in JSON format | |{{{--verbose}}} |verbose output, useful for debugging | !! Examples This example loads the tiddlers from a TiddlyWiki HTML file and makes them available over HTTP: {{{ node tiddlywiki.js --load mywiki.html --servewiki }}} This example cooks a TiddlyWiki from a recipe: {{{ node tiddlywiki.js --recipe tiddlywiki.com/index.recipe --savewiki tmp/ }}} This example ginsus a TiddlyWiki into its constituent tiddlers: {{{ node tiddlywiki.js --load mywiki.html --savetiddlers tmp/tiddlers }}} !! Notes {{{--servewiki}}} and {{{--servertiddlers}}} are for different purposes and should not be used together. The former is for TiddlyWiki core developers who want to be able to edit the TiddlyWiki source files in a text editor and view the results in the browser by clicking refresh; it is slow because it reloads all the TiddlyWiki JavaScript files each time the page is loaded. The latter is for experimenting with the new wikification engine.