/*\ title: $:/core/modules/widgets/list/listviews/pop.js type: application/javascript module-type: listview Animates list insertions and removals \*/ (function(){ /*jslint node: true, browser: true */ /*global $tw: false */ "use strict"; var PopListView = function(listWidget) { this.listWidget = listWidget; } PopListView.prototype.insert = function(index) { var listElementNode = this.listWidget.children[index], targetElement = listElementNode.domNode; // Reset once the transition is over setTimeout(function() { $tw.utils.setStyle(targetElement,[ {transition: "none"}, {transform: "none"} ]); },$tw.config.preferences.animationDuration); // Set up the initial position of the element $tw.utils.setStyle(targetElement,[ {transition: "none"}, {transform: "scale(2)"}, {opacity: "0.0"} ]); $tw.utils.forceLayout(targetElement); // Transition to the final position $tw.utils.setStyle(targetElement,[ {transition: $tw.utils.roundTripPropertyName("transform") + " " + $tw.config.preferences.animationDurationMs + " ease-in-out, " + "opacity " + $tw.config.preferences.animationDurationMs + " ease-in-out"}, {transform: "scale(1)"}, {opacity: "1.0"} ]); }; PopListView.prototype.remove = function(index) { var listElementNode = this.listWidget.children[index], targetElement = listElementNode.domNode; // Remove the element at the end of the transition setTimeout(function() { if(targetElement.parentNode) { targetElement.parentNode.removeChild(targetElement); } },$tw.config.preferences.animationDuration); // Animate the closure $tw.utils.setStyle(targetElement,[ {transition: "none"}, {transform: "scale(1)"}, {opacity: "1.0"} ]); $tw.utils.forceLayout(targetElement); $tw.utils.setStyle(targetElement,[ {transition: $tw.utils.roundTripPropertyName("transform") + " " + $tw.config.preferences.animationDurationMs + " ease-in-out, " + "opacity " + $tw.config.preferences.animationDurationMs + " ease-in-out"}, {transform: "scale(0.1)"}, {opacity: "0.0"} ]); // Returning true causes the DOM node not to be deleted return true; }; exports.pop = PopListView; })();