title: Keyboard Shortcut Tiddler tags: Concepts A ''Keyboard Shortcut Tiddler'' is made of three parts: * The ''Tag'' <> * The ''field'' `key` with a [[Keyboard Shortcut Descriptor]] as its ''value'' * Actions in its ''text'' field If the [[Keyboard Shortcut Descriptor]] has the form `((my-shortcut))` it's a ''reference'' to a ''configuration Tiddler'' that stores the corresponding [[Keyboard Shortcut|KeyboardShortcuts]] In order to make a ''shortcut'' editable through the <<.controlpanel-tab KeyboardShortcuts>> Tab in the $:/ControlPanel it's sufficient to create a tiddler `$:/config/ShortcutInfo/my-shortcut`, where the ''suffix'' is the ''reference'' used for the [[Keyboard Shortcut|KeyboardShortcuts]]