created: 20231204112944341 modified: 20231204115056732 tags: [[Operator Examples]] [[jsonset Operator]] title: jsonset Operator (Examples) <$let object-a="""{ "a": "one", "b": "", "c": "three", "d": { "e": "four", "f": [ "five", "six", true, false, null ], "g": { "x": "max", "y": "may", "z": "maize" } } } """ object-b="""{"a":"one","b":"","c":1.618,"d":{"e":"four","f":["five","six",true,false,null]}}"""> The examples below assume the following JSON object is contained in the variable `object-a`:
<<.operator-example 1 "[jsonset[d],[Jaguar]]">> <<.operator-example 2 "[jsonset[d],[f],[Panther]]">> <<.operator-example 3 "[jsonset[d],[f],[-1],[Elephant]]">> <<.operator-example 4 "[jsonset[d],[f],[-2],[Elephant]]">> <<.operator-example 5 "[jsonset[d],[f],[-4],[Elephant]]">> <<.operator-example 6 "[jsonset[Panther]]" "If only a single parameter is specified, it replaces the entire JSON object">> <<.operator-example 7 "[jsonset[]]" "If only a single blank parameter is specified, no changes are made to the JSON object">> The examples below assume the following JSON object is contained in the variable `object-b`:
<<.operator-example 8 "[jsonset[]]" "If only a single blank parameter is specified, no changes are made to the JSON object">> <<.operator-example 9 "[jsonset[],[Antelope]]" "If the property to be set is blank, the entire JSON object is replaced">> <<.operator-example 10 "[jsonset:number[],[not a number]]" "invalid numbers are interpreted as zero">> <<.operator-example 11 "[jsonset[id],[Antelope]]" "nonexistent top level properties are added to the object">> <<.operator-example 19 "[jsonset[missing],[id],[Antelope]]" "nonexistent nested properties are are ignored">> <<.operator-example 12 "[jsonset:notatype[id],[Antelope]]" "invalid type suffix is interpreted as the default string type">> <<.operator-example 13 "[jsonset:boolean[id],[false]]">> <<.operator-example 14 "[jsonset:boolean[id],[Antelope]]" "invalid boolean value causes no assignment to be made">> <<.operator-example 15 "[jsonset:number[id],[42]]">> <<.operator-example 16 "[jsonset:null[id]]">> <<.operator-example 17 "[jsonset:array[d],[f],[5]]">> <<.operator-example 18 "[jsonset:object[d],[f],[5]]">> <<.operator-example 20 "[] [] :and[jsonset[b],[two]]" "If the input consists of multiple JSON objects with matching properties, the value is set for all of them">>