/*\ title: $:/core/modules/story.js type: application/javascript module-type: global Lightweight object for managing interactions with the story and history lists. \*/ (function(){ /*jslint node: true, browser: true */ /*global $tw: false */ "use strict"; /* Construct Story object with options: wiki: reference to wiki object to use to resolve tiddler titles storyTitle: title of story list tiddler historyTitle: title of history list tiddler */ function Story(options) { options = options || {}; this.wiki = options.wiki || $tw.wiki; this.storyTitle = options.storyTitle || "$:/StoryList"; this.historyTitle = options.historyTitle || "$:/HistoryList"; }; Story.prototype.navigateTiddler = function(navigateTo,navigateFromTitle,navigateFromClientRect) { this.addToStory(navigateTo,navigateFromTitle); this.addToHistory(navigateTo,navigateFromClientRect); }; Story.prototype.getStoryList = function() { return this.wiki.getTiddlerList(this.storyTitle) || []; }; Story.prototype.addToStory = function(navigateTo,navigateFromTitle,options) { options = options || {}; var storyList = this.getStoryList(); // See if the tiddler is already there var slot = storyList.indexOf(navigateTo); // Quit if it already exists in the story river if(slot >= 0) { return; } // First we try to find the position of the story element we navigated from var fromIndex = storyList.indexOf(navigateFromTitle); if(fromIndex >= 0) { // The tiddler is added from inside the river // Determine where to insert the tiddler; Fallback is "below" switch(options.openLinkFromInsideRiver) { case "top": slot = 0; break; case "bottom": slot = storyList.length; break; case "above": slot = fromIndex; break; case "below": // Intentional fall-through default: slot = fromIndex + 1; break; } } else { // The tiddler is opened from outside the river. Determine where to insert the tiddler; default is "top" if(options.openLinkFromOutsideRiver === "bottom") { // Insert at bottom slot = storyList.length; } else { // Insert at top slot = 0; } } // Add the tiddler storyList.splice(slot,0,navigateTo); // Save the story this.saveStoryList(storyList); }; Story.prototype.saveStoryList = function(storyList) { var storyTiddler = this.wiki.getTiddler(this.storyTitle); this.wiki.addTiddler(new $tw.Tiddler( {title: this.storyTitle}, storyTiddler, {list: storyList} )); }; Story.prototype.addToHistory = function(navigateTo,navigateFromClientRect) { var titles = $tw.utils.isArray(navigateTo) ? navigateTo : [navigateTo]; // Add a new record to the top of the history stack var historyList = this.wiki.getTiddlerData(this.historyTitle,[]); $tw.utils.each(titles,function(title) { historyList.push({title: title, fromPageRect: navigateFromClientRect}); }); this.wiki.setTiddlerData(this.historyTitle,historyList,{"current-tiddler": titles[titles.length-1]}); }; Story.prototype.storyCloseTiddler = function(targetTitle) { // TBD }; Story.prototype.storyCloseAllTiddlers = function() { // TBD }; Story.prototype.storyCloseOtherTiddlers = function(targetTitle) { // TBD }; Story.prototype.storyEditTiddler = function(targetTitle) { // TBD }; Story.prototype.storyDeleteTiddler = function(targetTitle) { // TBD }; Story.prototype.storySaveTiddler = function(targetTitle) { // TBD }; Story.prototype.storyCancelTiddler = function(targetTitle) { // TBD }; Story.prototype.storyNewTiddler = function(targetTitle) { // TBD }; exports.Story = Story; })();