created: 20220611104737314 modified: 20220611104737314 tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[JSON Operators]] title: jsonindexes Operator caption: jsonindexes op-purpose: retrieve the value of a property from JSON strings op-input: a selection of JSON strings op-parameter: one or more indexes of the property to retrieve op-output: the values of each of the retrieved properties <<.from-version "5.2.4">> See [[JSON in TiddlyWiki]] for background. The <<.op jsonindexes>> operator is used to retrieve the property names of JSON objects or the index names of JSON arrays. See also the following related operators: * <<.olink jsonget>> to retrieve the values of a property in JSON data * <<.olink jsontype>> to retrieve the type of a JSON value * <<.olink jsonextract>> to retrieve a JSON value as a string of JSON Properties within a JSON object are identified by a sequence of indexes. In the following example, the value at `[a]` is `one`, and the value at `[d][f][0]` is `five`. ``` { "a": "one", "b": "", "c": "three", "d": { "e": "four", "f": [ "five", "six", true, false, null ], "g": { "x": "max", "y": "may", "z": "maize" } } } ``` The following examples assume that this JSON data is contained in a variable called `jsondata`. The <<.op jsonindexes>> operator uses multiple operands to specify the indexes of the property to retrieve: ``` [jsonindexes[d],[f]] --> "0", "1", "2", "3", "4" [jsonindexes[d],[g]] --> "x", "y", "z" ``` Indexes can be dynamically composed from variables and transclusions: ``` [jsonindexes,{!!field}] ``` Retrieving the indexes of JSON properties that are not objects or arrays will return nothing. A subtlety is that the special case of a single blank operand is used to identify the root object. Thus: ``` [jsonindexes[]] --> "a", "b", "c", "d" ```