caption: set created: 20131115182700000 modified: 20170712153850528 tags: Widgets title: SetWidget type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki ! Introduction The set variable widget assigns a value to a specified [[variable|Variables]]. The new value of the variable is available to the content within the set variable widget. ! Content and Attributes The content of the `<$set>` widget is the scope for the value assigned to the variable. |!Attribute |!Description | |name |The name of the variable to assign (defaults to "currentTiddler") | |value |The value to assign to the variable if the filter is missing or not empty | |tiddler |<<.from-version "5.1.15">> Optional title of the tiddler from which to read the value | |field |<<.from-version "5.1.15">> Optional field of the tiddler from which to read the value (only used if ''tiddler'' is used) | |index |<<.from-version "5.1.15">> Optional index of the tiddler from which to read the value (only used if ''tiddler'' is used) | |filter |An optional filter to be evaluated and assigned to the variable (see below) | |select |<<.from-version "5.1.14">> An optional zero-based index of the item to return from the filter output (see below) | |emptyValue |The value to assign to the variable if the specified value is missing or empty (see below) | !! Simple Variable Assignment The simplest way of using set variable widget assigns a string to a variable. The following example assigns a literal string ``` <$set name="myVariable" value="Some text"> <$text text=<>/> ``` Both the name and value attributes can be transcluded. For example: ``` <$set name=<> value={{template!!text}}> <$text text=<>/> ``` !! Conditional Variable Assignment This form of the set variable widget chooses one of two specified values according to whether a filter evaluates to an empty list. Here's an example that sets a variable according to whether the current tiddler is called "myMagicTitle": ``` <$set name="myVariable" filter="[all[current]field:title[myMagicTitle]]" value="It's magic" emptyValue="It's not magic"> <$text text=<>/> ``` !! Filtered List Variable Assignment This form of the set variable widget evaluates the filter and assigns the result to the variable as a space-separated list (using double square brackets for titles containing spaces). ``` <$set name="myVariable" filter="[tag[HelloThere]]"> <$text text=<>/> ``` !! Filtered Item Variable Assignment <<.from-version "5.1.14">> This form of the set variable widget evaluates the filter and assigns the specified result to the variable as a single item (ie, not using double square brackets for titles containing spaces). ``` <$set name="myVariable" filter="[tag[HelloThere]]" select="0"> <$text text=<>/> ``` !! Transcluded Variable Assignment <<.from-version "5.1.15">> This form of the set variable widget obtains the value to assign to the variable from a value in a tiddler field or index. For example: ``` <$set name="myVariable" tiddler="HelloThere" field="text"> <$text text=<>/> ``` The example above could also be written as `<$set name="myVariable" value={{HelloThere!!text}}>`. The advantage of using the ''tiddler'' attribute is that the tiddler title and field or index can themselves be computed. For example: ``` <$set name="myVariable" tiddler=<> field={{$:/currentField}}> <$text text=<>/> ```