created: 20131119125600007 creator: JeremyRuston modified: 20131129095531749 modifier: JeremyRuston tags: releasenote title: Release 5.0.0-alpha.16 type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki //[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|]]// !! New Features and Improvements * Improved appearance of tags editor * Improved generation of qualified tiddler titles for state storage ** Instead of `$:/state/tab/sidebar-{$:/core/ui/SideBar|$:/core/ui/SideBar||}{$:/core/ui/PageTemplate|$:/core/ui/PageTemplate||}` one gets `$:/state/tab/sidebar-{1743827719}` * Significant updates to the structure and content of the user documentation * Added a new plugin for displaying corner ribbons; currently used for a version banner on * Split ''Snow White'' theme into a base ''Vanilla'' theme with all the basic formatting, leaving the decorative bits to ''Snow White'' ** Existing TiddlyWikiFolders will need updating to include ''Vanilla'' as an additional theme * The page building blocks are now driven by the system tag `$:/tags/PageTemplate` ** [[$:/TopSideBar]] and [[$:/LeftSideBar]] are no longer specially treated; use the new tag instead * Fixed problem that prevented tag configured items from shadow tiddlers interleaving with items from ordinary tiddlers * Refactored control panel to add ''Saving'' tab that includes TiddlySpot options * Improved notifications when saving to TiddlySpot * Added backup URL to TiddlySpot control panel tab * Extended the ServerCommand to add primitive support for basic authentication when running under [[Node.js]] !! Bug fixes * Fixed problem with displaying tiddler titles that contain WikiText syntax * No longer crashes when encountering an error in a filter string * Fixed a crash when dragging and dropping tiddlers within TiddlyWiki5 * No longer update the modified date for imported tiddlers * Automatically forces new field names to be lower case !! Internal changes * Added Windows-compatible build scripts * Changes to the SavingMechanism to allow the tiddlers that are saved to be selected ** This enables the wiki at to generate an empty wiki * The main HTML file template used for saving TiddlyWiki5 documents has changed from `$:/core/templates/tiddlywiki5.template.html` to `$:/core/save/all` * Moved's Google Analytics integration into a proper plugin Contributors to this release include @jermolene, @asampal and @pmario.