/*\ title: $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/dynannotate/element-spotlight.js type: application/javascript module-type: library Manages the element spotlight effect \*/ (function(){ /*jslint node: true, browser: true */ /*global $tw: false */ "use strict"; function ElementSpotlight() { this.animationStartTime; // Undefined if no animation is in progress // Create DOM nodes this.spotlightElement = $tw.utils.domMaker("div",{ "class": "tc-dynannotate-spotlight" }); this.spotlightWrapper = $tw.utils.domMaker("div",{ "class": "tc-dynannotate-spotlight-wrapper", children: [ this.spotlightElement ] }); document.body.appendChild(this.spotlightWrapper); } /* Return the first visible element that matches a selector */ ElementSpotlight.prototype.querySelectorSafe = function(selector) { var targetNodes; // Get the matching elements try { targetNodes = document.querySelectorAll(selector); } catch(e) { console.log("Error with selector: " + selector); } if(!targetNodes) { return undefined; } // Remove any elements from the start of the list that are hidden, or have hidden ancestors var didRemoveFirstEntry; do { didRemoveFirstEntry = false; var hasHiddenAncestor = false, n = targetNodes[0]; while(n) { if(n.hidden || (n instanceof Element && window.getComputedStyle(n).display === "none")) { hasHiddenAncestor = true; break; } n = n.parentNode; } if(hasHiddenAncestor) { // Remove first entry from targetNodes array targetNodes = [].slice.call(targetNodes, 1); didRemoveFirstEntry = true; } } while(didRemoveFirstEntry) // Return the first result return targetNodes[0]; }; ElementSpotlight.prototype.positionSpotlight = function(x,y,innerRadius,outerRadius,opacity) { this.spotlightElement.style.display = "block"; this.spotlightElement.style.backgroundImage = "radial-gradient(circle at " + (x / document.documentElement.clientWidth * 100) + "% " + (y / document.documentElement.clientHeight * 100) + "%, transparent " + innerRadius + "px, rgba(0, 0, 0, " + opacity + ") " + outerRadius + "px)"; }; ElementSpotlight.prototype.easeInOut = function(v) { return (Math.sin((v - 0.5) * Math.PI) + 1) / 2; }; /* Shine a spotlight on the first element that matches an array of selectors */ ElementSpotlight.prototype.shineSpotlight = function(selectors) { var self = this; function animationLoop(selectors) { // Calculate how far through the animation we are // 0...1 = zoom in // 1...2 = hold // 2...3 = fade out var now = new Date(), t = (now - self.animationStartTime) / ($tw.utils.getAnimationDuration() * 2); t = t >= 3 ? 3 : t; // Query the selector for the target element var targetNode, selectorIndex = 0; while(!targetNode && selectorIndex < selectors.length) { targetNode = self.querySelectorSafe(selectors[selectorIndex]); selectorIndex += 1; } // Position the spotlight if we've got the target if(targetNode) { var rect = targetNode.getBoundingClientRect(); var innerRadius, outerRadius, opacity; if(t <= 1) { t = self.easeInOut(t); innerRadius = rect.width / 2 + (window.innerWidth * 2 * (1 - t)); outerRadius = rect.width + (window.innerWidth * 3 * (1 - t)); opacity = 0.2 + t / 4; } else if(t <= 2) { innerRadius = rect.width / 2; outerRadius = rect.width; opacity = 0.45; } else { t = self.easeInOut(3 - t); innerRadius = rect.width / 2 + (window.innerWidth * 2 * (1 - t)); outerRadius = rect.width + (window.innerWidth * 3 * (1 - t)); opacity = t / 3; } self.positionSpotlight((rect.left + rect.right) / 2,(rect.top + rect.bottom) / 2,innerRadius,outerRadius,opacity); } else { self.spotlightElement.style.display = "none"; } // Call the next frame unless we're at the end if(t <= 3) { window.requestAnimationFrame(function () { animationLoop(selectors); }); } else { // End the animation if we've exceeded the time limit self.animationStartTime = undefined; } } this.animationStartTime = new Date(); window.requestAnimationFrame(function () { animationLoop(selectors); }); }; exports.ElementSpotlight = ElementSpotlight; })();