caption: prefix created: 20140410103123179 modified: 20230711082821266 op-input: a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]] op-neg-output: those input tiddlers that do <<.em not>> start with <<.place S>> op-output: those input titles that start with <<.place S>> op-parameter: a string of characters op-parameter-name: S op-purpose: filter the input titles by how they start op-suffix: the <<.op prefix>> operator uses a rich suffix, see below for details tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[String Operators]] [[Negatable Operators]] title: prefix Operator type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki <<.from-version "5.2.2">> The <<.op prefix>> operator uses an extended syntax that permits multiple flags to be passed: ``` [prefix:[] ``` * ''flag list'': a comma delimited list of flags The available flags are: * ''casesensitive'': (default), this flag forces a case-sensitive match, where upper and lower case letters are considered different * ''caseinsensitive'': overrides the default so that upper and lower case letters are considered identical for matching purposes <<.operator-examples "prefix">>