caption: action-deletefield created: 20141025120850184 modified: 20240608151322035 tags: Widgets ActionWidgets title: ActionDeleteFieldWidget type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki ! Introduction The ''action-deletefield'' widget is an [[action widget|ActionWidgets]] that deletes specified fields of a tiddler. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget. ! Content and Attributes The ''action-deletefield'' widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored. |!Attribute |!Description | |$tiddler |The title of the tiddler whose fields are to be modified (if not provided defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]) | |$field |Optional name of a field to delete | |$timestamp |<<.from-version "5.3.4">> Specifies whether the timestamp(s) of the target tiddler will be updated (''modified'' and ''modifier'', plus ''created'' and ''creator'' for newly created tiddlers). Can be "yes" (the default) or "no" | |//{any attributes not starting with $}// |Each attribute name specifies a field to be deleted. The attribute value is ignored and need not be specified | ! Examples <$testcase> <$data title=Description text="Delete currentTiddler fields using plain attributes"/> <$data title=Narrative text="""Use the $action-deletefield widget to delete the "caption" and "tags" fields of the current tiddler"""/> <$data title=Output caption="A caption" tags="tag1 tag2 tag3" text="""Click <$button actions="<$action-deletefield caption tags/>"> Delete and watch the "caption" and "tags" field disappear."""/> <$testcase> <$data title=Description text="Delete fields from a specific tiddler"/> <$data title=Narrative text="""Use the $action-deletefield widget to delete the "list" and "tags" fields of the tiddler ~HelloThere"""/> <$data $tiddler="HelloThere"/> <$data title=Output text="""Click HelloThere, then click <$button actions='<$action-deletefield $tiddler="HelloThere" list tags/>'> Delete and watch the "list" and "tags" fields disappear"""/> <$testcase> <$data title=Description text="Delete field from a specific tiddler"/> <$data title=Narrative text="""Use the $field attribute of the $action-deletefield widget to delete the "text" field of the tiddler ~HelloThere"""/> <$data $tiddler="HelloThere"/> <$data title=Output text="""Click HelloThere, then click <$button actions='<$action-deletefield $tiddler="HelloThere" $field="text"/>'> Delete and watch the contents of the "text" field disappear"""/> <$testcase> <$data title=Description text="Delete a variable field name"/> <$data title=Narrative text="""Use the $field attribute of the $action-deletefield widget to delete a variable field name"""/> <$data title=Output description="This field will be deleted" text="""<$let fieldName=description> Click <$button actions="<$action-deletefield $field=<>/>"> Delete and watch the "<>" field disappear."""/> <$testcase> <$data title=Description text="Delete field without updating timestamps"/> <$data title=Narrative text="""Use the $timestamp attribute of the $action-deletefield widget to prevent creation/change of "modified" and "created" fields"""/> <$data title=Output description="This field will be deleted" text="""Click <$button actions='<$action-deletefield $field="description" $timestamp="no"/>'> Delete and watch the "description" field disappear without the "modified" and "created" fields getting added"""/>