created: 201804111739 modified: 201804111739 title: Q: What if a tiddler has no tags? tags: [[Custom Styles FAQ]] ''Answer:'' <<.from-version "5.1.16">> * If a tiddler has no tags, but needs styling use: `data-tiddler-title` as CSS selector ** There is only one tiddler * If a user wants to style system tiddlers in a custom way: use: `[data-tiddler-title^="$:"/]` as a selector ** using the TW namespace functionality * If the user wants special behaviour for tagged tiddlers. eg: Learning ** use: `[data-tags*="Learning"]` as CSS selector. The names I'm using are only used for documentation purpose, without changing the existing wiki. I don't want, that the docs has side effects. [[Learn more about possible attributes!|Attribute Selectors]]