caption: {{!!title}} - ^^deprecated^^ created: 20141001132300000 modified: 20220704174221300 tags: [[How to apply custom styles]] $:/deprecated title: How to apply custom styles by tag type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki <<.deprecated-since "5.1.16" "Custom styles by data-tags">>. Also see: [[How to apply custom styles]] ---- You can apply custom styles to tiddlers that have a particular tag by defining a CSS class with the name `tc-tagged-`. For example, to make tiddlers tagged "NightReader" appear in a special colour scheme suitable for night-time reading, [[create a stylesheet|Using Stylesheets]] defining the class `tc-tagged-NightReader` like this: ``` .tc-tagged-NightReader { background-color:black; color: orange; padding: 35px 35px; } .tc-tagged-NightReader .tc-tiddler-body { font-size: 1.5em; } ``` The `tc-tagged-NightReader` class is applied to the entire tiddler and not just the tiddler text. If you want to target a smaller portion of the tiddler you can qualify the CSS selector, as is done here with `.tc-tagged-NightReader .tc-tiddler-body`. Note that tags containing spaces or non-alphanumeric characters will be converted using URI encoding, making the generated CSS classname hard to predict. For example: |!Tag |!Generated Class Name | |`$:/mytag` |`tc-tagged-%24%3A%2Fmytag` | |`Doctor Who` |`tc-tagged-Doctor%20Who` | |`£35.23` |`tc-tagged-%C2%A335.23` | Although ~TiddlyWiki will generate these tags, to actually use them in your css, you will need to escape the percent character in your stylesheet, like: ``` .tc-tagged-Doctor\%20Who { background-image: url(./tardis_back.svg); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: right; color:#FBFBFB; } ``` A utility function is available in JavaScript to perform the conversion: ``` $tw.utils.tagToCssSelector("$:/tags/Stylesheet") ``` Generates the following output: ``` tc-tagged-\%24\%3A\%2Ftags\%2FStylesheet ```