created: 20160107222352710 modified: 20190927205622498 tags: Plugins title: Installing a plugin from the plugin library type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki ! Standalone Configuration Follow these instructions when using TiddlyWiki as a standalone HTML file: # Create a backup of your current TiddlyWiki HTML file ([[just in case|The First Rule of Using TiddlyWiki]]) # Open your TiddlyWiki in a browser # Open the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] <<.icon $:/core/images/options-button>>, click on the ''Plugins'' tab and then the <<.icon $:/core/images/download-button>> ''Get more plugins'' button # Click <<.icon $:/core/images/chevron-right>> ''open plugin library'' to open the official plugin library # When the library listing is loaded: ## Use the tab to select between ''plugins'', ''themes'' and ''languages'' ## Use the ''search'' box to search the plugin details # Click the ''install'' button to install a plugin # Save your TiddlyWiki <<.icon $:/core/images/save-button>> # If a yellow warning bar appears at the top of the window, refresh the window so that TiddlyWiki completes installation of the plugin <<.icon $:/core/images/refresh-button>> #* <<.from-version "5.1.22">> It is no longer necessary to refresh TiddlyWiki when deleting plugins that support dynamic loading. See PluginMechanism for more details # The plugin should now be available for use ! Client-Server Configuration Follow these instructions when using TiddlyWiki under Node.js: # Identify the plugins you want to install using the ''Plugins'' tab of [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] (''don't'' install the plugins from here, though). Plugins are identified by their type (ie language, theme or plugin) and their publisher and title. For example, the plugin `$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/internals` is referred to as ''tiddlywiki/internals'' # Quit the server if it is running # Edit the `` file (it is in JSON format) and locate the `plugins`, `themes` or `languages` section (see below) # Add entries corresponding to the plugins you wish to add. Take care to retain commas to separate items, but do not terminate the last item in a list with a comma # Restart the server ``` { "plugins": [ "tiddlywiki/codemirror" ], "themes": [ "tiddlywiki/vanilla", "tiddlywiki/snowwhite" ], "languages": [ "es-ES", "fr-FR", "en-EN" ] } ```