created: 20130909151600000 creator: JeremyRuston modified: 20131126195933719 modifier: JeremyRuston tags: community title: Community type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki TiddlyWiki is made much more useful by its vibrant community of users and OpenSource developers. ! Community Forums The TiddlyWiki discussion groups are mailing lists for talking about TiddlyWiki: requests for help, announcements of new releases and plugins, debating new features, or just sharing experiences. * The main TiddlyWiki group: * The TiddlyWikiDev group for developers: * Follow [[@TiddlyWiki on Twitter|!/TiddlyWiki]] for the latest news * Get involved in the [[development on GitHub|]] ! Resources for TiddlyWiki5 * [[TW5 Mall|]] -- DaveGifford's growing catalogue of hints and tips * A [[guide to creating a fixed top menu|]] from TonGerner * A [[TW5Magick|]] -- a collection of hints and tips from StephanHradek * A new theme from [[BobRobison|]] * [[Bestrew|]] -- DylanKinnett's adaptation of TiddlyWiki5 as a writers manuscript submission tracker ! Blog posts and articles about TiddlyWiki5 * A gamers guide to using TiddlyWiki5: "[[Shining Ark 7 Using TiddlyWiki|]]" * An introduction to TiddlyWiki5 by [[Moongift (in Japanese)|]] ! Examples of TiddlyWiki5 being used in the wild |!Site |!Description | | |A manifesto for the preservation of free speech through the exchange of randomized data |