caption: substitute created: 20230614223551834 modified: 20230615173049692 op-input: a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]] op-output: the input titles with placeholders for filter expressions, parameter and variables replaced with their corresponding values op-parameter: the <<.op substitute>> operator optionally accepts a variable number of parameters, see below for details op-purpose: returns each item in the list, replacing within each title placeholders for filters, parameters and variables with their corresponding values tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[String Operators]] title: substitute Operator type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki <<.from-version "5.3.0">> The <<.op substitute>> operator replaces any placeholders in the input titles in the following order: # filter expressions # parameters to the <<.op substitute>> operator # variables |placeholder syntax|description|h |`$n$`|Text substitution of a parameter provided to the operator, where n is the position of the parameter starting with 1 for the first parameter. Unmatched placeholders pass through unchanged. | |`$(varname)$`|Text substitution of a variable. Undefined variables are replaced with an empty string. | |`${ filter expression }$`|Text substitution of the first result of evaluating a filter expression. In other words, if the filter returns multiple titles only the first one will be used. | <<.tip """Placeholders that contain square bracket characters are not valid filter syntax when used directly in a filter expression. However they can be provided as input to the <$macrocall $name=".op" _="substitute"/> operator as text references or variables""">> <<.operator-examples "substitute">>