title: $:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/ allfilteroperator: A sub-operator for the ''all'' filter operator. animation: Animations that may be used with the RevealWidget. authenticator: Defines how requests are authenticated by the built-in HTTP server. bitmapeditoroperation: A bitmap editor toolbar operation. command: Commands that can be executed under Node.js. config: Data to be inserted into `$tw.config`. filteroperator: Individual filter operator methods. global: Global data to be inserted into `$tw`. info: Publishes system information via the [[$:/temp/info-plugin]] pseudo-plugin. isfilteroperator: Parameters for the ''is'' filter operator. library: Generic module type for general purpose JavaScript modules. macro: JavaScript macro definitions. parser: Parsers for different content types. route: Defines how individual URL patterns are handled by the built-in HTTP server. saver: Savers handle different methods for saving files from the browser. startup: Startup functions. storyview: Story views customise the animation and behaviour of list widgets. texteditoroperation: A text editor toolbar operation. tiddlerdeserializer: Converts different content types into tiddlers. tiddlerfield: Defines the behaviour of an individual tiddler field. tiddlermethod: Adds methods to the `$tw.Tiddler` prototype. upgrader: Applies upgrade processing to tiddlers during an upgrade/import. utils: Adds methods to `$tw.utils`. utils-browser: Adds browser-specific methods to `$tw.utils`. utils-node: Adds Node.js-specific methods to `$tw.utils`. widget: Widgets encapsulate DOM rendering and refreshing. wikimethod: Adds methods to `$tw.Wiki`. wikirule: Individual parser rules for the main WikiText parser.