title: keyboard-driven-input Macro tags: Macros [[Core Macros]] The <<.def keyboard-driven-input>> [[macro|Macros]] generates an input field or textarea that lets you cycle through a given list of entries with the up and down arrow keys. Doing so, an entry gets selected and can be processed with further actions !! Parameters To create the input field or textarea, the <<.def keyboard-driven-input>> [[macro|Macros]] accepts all parameters of the EditTextWidget The additional parameters are: | |purpose |h |storeTitle |the title of the tiddler that stores the user input | |selectionStateTitle |the title of the tiddler that stores the selected entry with a -primaryList or -secondaryList suffix to make it unique | |inputAcceptActions |the actions that get processed when the user hits {{$:/config/shortcuts/input-accept}} | |inputAcceptVariantActions |the actions that get processed when the user hits {{$:/config/shortcuts/input-accept-variant}} | |inputCancelActions |the actions that get processed when the user hits {{$:/config/shortcuts/input-cancel}} | |primaryListFilter |a filter that specifies the first item-list | |secondaryListFilter |a second filter that specifies a second item-list |