// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License'); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. /** * Convert locations to and from short codes. * * Open Location Codes are short, 10-11 character codes that can be used instead * of street addresses. The codes can be generated and decoded offline, and use * a reduced character set that minimises the chance of codes including words. * * Codes are able to be shortened relative to a nearby location. This means that * in many cases, only four to seven characters of the code are needed. * To recover the original code, the same location is not required, as long as * a nearby location is provided. * * Codes represent rectangular areas rather than points, and the longer the * code, the smaller the area. A 10 character code represents a 13.5x13.5 * meter area (at the equator. An 11 character code represents approximately * a 2.8x3.5 meter area. * * Two encoding algorithms are used. The first 10 characters are pairs of * characters, one for latitude and one for longitude, using base 20. Each pair * reduces the area of the code by a factor of 400. Only even code lengths are * sensible, since an odd-numbered length would have sides in a ratio of 20:1. * * At position 11, the algorithm changes so that each character selects one * position from a 4x5 grid. This allows single-character refinements. * * Examples: * * Encode a location, default accuracy: * var code = OpenLocationCode.encode(47.365590, 8.524997); * * Encode a location using one stage of additional refinement: * var code = OpenLocationCode.encode(47.365590, 8.524997, 11); * * Decode a full code: * var coord = OpenLocationCode.decode(code); * var msg = 'Center is ' + coord.latitudeCenter + ',' + coord.longitudeCenter; * * Attempt to trim the first characters from a code: * var shortCode = OpenLocationCode.shorten('8FVC9G8F+6X', 47.5, 8.5); * * Recover the full code from a short code: * var code = OpenLocationCode.recoverNearest('9G8F+6X', 47.4, 8.6); * var code = OpenLocationCode.recoverNearest('8F+6X', 47.4, 8.6); */ (function(root, factory) { /* global define, module */ if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { // AMD. Register as an anonymous module. define(['b'], function(b) { return (root.returnExportsGlobal = factory(b)); }); } else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) { // Node. Does not work with strict CommonJS, but // only CommonJS-like environments that support module.exports, // like Node. module.exports = factory(require('b')); } else { // Browser globals root.OpenLocationCode = factory(); } }(this, function() { var OpenLocationCode = {}; /** * Provides a normal precision code, approximately 14x14 meters. * @const {number} */ OpenLocationCode.CODE_PRECISION_NORMAL = 10; /** * Provides an extra precision code, approximately 2x3 meters. * @const {number} */ OpenLocationCode.CODE_PRECISION_EXTRA = 11; // A separator used to break the code into two parts to aid memorability. var SEPARATOR_ = '+'; // The number of characters to place before the separator. var SEPARATOR_POSITION_ = 8; // The character used to pad codes. var PADDING_CHARACTER_ = '0'; // The character set used to encode the values. var CODE_ALPHABET_ = '23456789CFGHJMPQRVWX'; // The base to use to convert numbers to/from. var ENCODING_BASE_ = CODE_ALPHABET_.length; // The maximum value for latitude in degrees. var LATITUDE_MAX_ = 90; // The maximum value for longitude in degrees. var LONGITUDE_MAX_ = 180; // The max number of digits to process in a plus code. var MAX_DIGIT_COUNT_ = 15; // Maximum code length using lat/lng pair encoding. The area of such a // code is approximately 13x13 meters (at the equator), and should be suitable // for identifying buildings. This excludes prefix and separator characters. var PAIR_CODE_LENGTH_ = 10; // First place value of the pairs (if the last pair value is 1). var PAIR_FIRST_PLACE_VALUE_ = Math.pow( ENCODING_BASE_, (PAIR_CODE_LENGTH_ / 2 - 1)); // Inverse of the precision of the pair section of the code. var PAIR_PRECISION_ = Math.pow(ENCODING_BASE_, 3); // The resolution values in degrees for each position in the lat/lng pair // encoding. These give the place value of each position, and therefore the // dimensions of the resulting area. var PAIR_RESOLUTIONS_ = [20.0, 1.0, .05, .0025, .000125]; // Number of digits in the grid precision part of the code. var GRID_CODE_LENGTH_ = MAX_DIGIT_COUNT_ - PAIR_CODE_LENGTH_; // Number of columns in the grid refinement method. var GRID_COLUMNS_ = 4; // Number of rows in the grid refinement method. var GRID_ROWS_ = 5; // First place value of the latitude grid (if the last place is 1). var GRID_LAT_FIRST_PLACE_VALUE_ = Math.pow( GRID_ROWS_, (GRID_CODE_LENGTH_ - 1)); // First place value of the longitude grid (if the last place is 1). var GRID_LNG_FIRST_PLACE_VALUE_ = Math.pow( GRID_COLUMNS_, (GRID_CODE_LENGTH_ - 1)); // Multiply latitude by this much to make it a multiple of the finest // precision. var FINAL_LAT_PRECISION_ = PAIR_PRECISION_ * Math.pow(GRID_ROWS_, (MAX_DIGIT_COUNT_ - PAIR_CODE_LENGTH_)); // Multiply longitude by this much to make it a multiple of the finest // precision. var FINAL_LNG_PRECISION_ = PAIR_PRECISION_ * Math.pow(GRID_COLUMNS_, (MAX_DIGIT_COUNT_ - PAIR_CODE_LENGTH_)); // Minimum length of a code that can be shortened. var MIN_TRIMMABLE_CODE_LEN_ = 6; /** @return {string} Returns the OLC alphabet. */ OpenLocationCode.getAlphabet = function() { return CODE_ALPHABET_; }; /** * Determines if a code is valid. * * To be valid, all characters must be from the Open Location Code character * set with at most one separator. The separator can be in any even-numbered * position up to the eighth digit. * * @param {string} code The string to check. * @return {boolean} True if the string is a valid code. */ var isValid = OpenLocationCode.isValid = function(code) { if (!code || typeof code !== 'string') { return false; } // The separator is required. if (code.indexOf(SEPARATOR_) == -1) { return false; } if (code.indexOf(SEPARATOR_) != code.lastIndexOf(SEPARATOR_)) { return false; } // Is it the only character? if (code.length == 1) { return false; } // Is it in an illegal position? if (code.indexOf(SEPARATOR_) > SEPARATOR_POSITION_ || code.indexOf(SEPARATOR_) % 2 == 1) { return false; } // We can have an even number of padding characters before the separator, // but then it must be the final character. if (code.indexOf(PADDING_CHARACTER_) > -1) { // Short codes cannot have padding if (code.indexOf(SEPARATOR_) < SEPARATOR_POSITION_) { return false; } // Not allowed to start with them! if (code.indexOf(PADDING_CHARACTER_) == 0) { return false; } // There can only be one group and it must have even length. var padMatch = code.match(new RegExp('(' + PADDING_CHARACTER_ + '+)', 'g')); if (padMatch.length > 1 || padMatch[0].length % 2 == 1 || padMatch[0].length > SEPARATOR_POSITION_ - 2) { return false; } // If the code is long enough to end with a separator, make sure it does. if (code.charAt(code.length - 1) != SEPARATOR_) { return false; } } // If there are characters after the separator, make sure there isn't just // one of them (not legal). if (code.length - code.indexOf(SEPARATOR_) - 1 == 1) { return false; } // Strip the separator and any padding characters. code = code.replace(new RegExp('\\' + SEPARATOR_ + '+'), '') .replace(new RegExp(PADDING_CHARACTER_ + '+'), ''); // Check the code contains only valid characters. for (var i = 0, len = code.length; i < len; i++) { var character = code.charAt(i).toUpperCase(); if (character != SEPARATOR_ && CODE_ALPHABET_.indexOf(character) == -1) { return false; } } return true; }; /** * Determines if a code is a valid short code. * * @param {string} code The string to check. * @return {boolean} True if the string can be produced by removing four or * more characters from the start of a valid code. */ var isShort = OpenLocationCode.isShort = function(code) { // Check it's valid. if (!isValid(code)) { return false; } // If there are less characters than expected before the SEPARATOR. if (code.indexOf(SEPARATOR_) >= 0 && code.indexOf(SEPARATOR_) < SEPARATOR_POSITION_) { return true; } return false; }; /** * Determines if a code is a valid full Open Location Code. * * @param {string} code The string to check. * @return {boolean} True if the code represents a valid latitude and * longitude combination. */ var isFull = OpenLocationCode.isFull = function(code) { if (!isValid(code)) { return false; } // If it's short, it's not full. if (isShort(code)) { return false; } // Work out what the first latitude character indicates for latitude. var firstLatValue = CODE_ALPHABET_.indexOf( code.charAt(0).toUpperCase()) * ENCODING_BASE_; if (firstLatValue >= LATITUDE_MAX_ * 2) { // The code would decode to a latitude of >= 90 degrees. return false; } if (code.length > 1) { // Work out what the first longitude character indicates for longitude. var firstLngValue = CODE_ALPHABET_.indexOf( code.charAt(1).toUpperCase()) * ENCODING_BASE_; if (firstLngValue >= LONGITUDE_MAX_ * 2) { // The code would decode to a longitude of >= 180 degrees. return false; } } return true; }; /** * Encode a location into an Open Location Code. * * @param {number} latitude The latitude in signed decimal degrees. It will * be clipped to the range -90 to 90. * @param {number} longitude The longitude in signed decimal degrees. Will be * normalised to the range -180 to 180. * @param {?number} codeLength The length of the code to generate. If * omitted, the value OpenLocationCode.CODE_PRECISION_NORMAL will be used. * For a more precise result, OpenLocationCode.CODE_PRECISION_EXTRA is * recommended. * @return {string} The code. * @throws {Exception} if any of the input values are not numbers. */ var encode = OpenLocationCode.encode = function(latitude, longitude, codeLength) { latitude = Number(latitude); longitude = Number(longitude); if (typeof codeLength == 'undefined') { codeLength = OpenLocationCode.CODE_PRECISION_NORMAL; } else { codeLength = Math.min(MAX_DIGIT_COUNT_, Number(codeLength)); } if (isNaN(latitude) || isNaN(longitude) || isNaN(codeLength)) { throw new Error('ValueError: Parameters are not numbers'); } if (codeLength < 2 || (codeLength < PAIR_CODE_LENGTH_ && codeLength % 2 == 1)) { throw new Error('IllegalArgumentException: Invalid Open Location Code length'); } // Ensure that latitude and longitude are valid. latitude = clipLatitude(latitude); longitude = normalizeLongitude(longitude); // Latitude 90 needs to be adjusted to be just less, so the returned code // can also be decoded. if (latitude == 90) { latitude = latitude - computeLatitudePrecision(codeLength); } var code = ''; // Compute the code. // This approach converts each value to an integer after multiplying it by // the final precision. This allows us to use only integer operations, so // avoiding any accumulation of floating point representation errors. // Multiply values by their precision and convert to positive. // Force to integers so the division operations will have integer results. // Note: JavaScript requires rounding before truncating to ensure precision! var latVal = Math.floor(Math.round((latitude + LATITUDE_MAX_) * FINAL_LAT_PRECISION_ * 1e6) / 1e6); var lngVal = Math.floor(Math.round((longitude + LONGITUDE_MAX_) * FINAL_LNG_PRECISION_ * 1e6) / 1e6); // Compute the grid part of the code if necessary. if (codeLength > PAIR_CODE_LENGTH_) { for (var i = 0; i < MAX_DIGIT_COUNT_ - PAIR_CODE_LENGTH_; i++) { var latDigit = latVal % GRID_ROWS_; var lngDigit = lngVal % GRID_COLUMNS_; var ndx = latDigit * GRID_COLUMNS_ + lngDigit; code = CODE_ALPHABET_.charAt(ndx) + code; // Note! Integer division. latVal = Math.floor(latVal / GRID_ROWS_); lngVal = Math.floor(lngVal / GRID_COLUMNS_); } } else { latVal = Math.floor(latVal / Math.pow(GRID_ROWS_, GRID_CODE_LENGTH_)); lngVal = Math.floor(lngVal / Math.pow(GRID_COLUMNS_, GRID_CODE_LENGTH_)); } // Compute the pair section of the code. for (var i = 0; i < PAIR_CODE_LENGTH_ / 2; i++) { code = CODE_ALPHABET_.charAt(lngVal % ENCODING_BASE_) + code; code = CODE_ALPHABET_.charAt(latVal % ENCODING_BASE_) + code; latVal = Math.floor(latVal / ENCODING_BASE_); lngVal = Math.floor(lngVal / ENCODING_BASE_); } // Add the separator character. code = code.substring(0, SEPARATOR_POSITION_) + SEPARATOR_ + code.substring(SEPARATOR_POSITION_); // If we don't need to pad the code, return the requested section. if (codeLength >= SEPARATOR_POSITION_) { return code.substring(0, codeLength + 1); } // Pad and return the code. return code.substring(0, codeLength) + Array(SEPARATOR_POSITION_ - codeLength + 1).join(PADDING_CHARACTER_) + SEPARATOR_; }; /** * Decodes an Open Location Code into its location coordinates. * * Returns a CodeArea object that includes the coordinates of the bounding * box - the lower left, center and upper right. * * @param {string} code The code to decode. * @return {OpenLocationCode.CodeArea} An object with the coordinates of the * area of the code. * @throws {Exception} If the code is not valid. */ var decode = OpenLocationCode.decode = function(code) { // This calculates the values for the pair and grid section separately, using // integer arithmetic. Only at the final step are they converted to floating // point and combined. if (!isFull(code)) { throw new Error('IllegalArgumentException: ' + 'Passed Open Location Code is not a valid full code: ' + code); } // Strip the '+' and '0' characters from the code and convert to upper case. code = code.replace('+', '').replace(/0/g, '').toLocaleUpperCase('en-US'); // Initialise the values for each section. We work them out as integers and // convert them to floats at the end. var normalLat = -LATITUDE_MAX_ * PAIR_PRECISION_; var normalLng = -LONGITUDE_MAX_ * PAIR_PRECISION_; var gridLat = 0; var gridLng = 0; // How many digits do we have to process? var digits = Math.min(code.length, PAIR_CODE_LENGTH_); // Define the place value for the most significant pair. var pv = PAIR_FIRST_PLACE_VALUE_; // Decode the paired digits. for (var i = 0; i < digits; i += 2) { normalLat += CODE_ALPHABET_.indexOf(code.charAt(i)) * pv; normalLng += CODE_ALPHABET_.indexOf(code.charAt(i + 1)) * pv; if (i < digits - 2) { pv /= ENCODING_BASE_; } } // Convert the place value to a float in degrees. var latPrecision = pv / PAIR_PRECISION_; var lngPrecision = pv / PAIR_PRECISION_; // Process any extra precision digits. if (code.length > PAIR_CODE_LENGTH_) { // Initialise the place values for the grid. var rowpv = GRID_LAT_FIRST_PLACE_VALUE_; var colpv = GRID_LNG_FIRST_PLACE_VALUE_; // How many digits do we have to process? digits = Math.min(code.length, MAX_DIGIT_COUNT_); for (var i = PAIR_CODE_LENGTH_; i < digits; i++) { var digitVal = CODE_ALPHABET_.indexOf(code.charAt(i)); var row = Math.floor(digitVal / GRID_COLUMNS_); var col = digitVal % GRID_COLUMNS_; gridLat += row * rowpv; gridLng += col * colpv; if (i < digits - 1) { rowpv /= GRID_ROWS_; colpv /= GRID_COLUMNS_; } } // Adjust the precisions from the integer values to degrees. latPrecision = rowpv / FINAL_LAT_PRECISION_; lngPrecision = colpv / FINAL_LNG_PRECISION_; } // Merge the values from the normal and extra precision parts of the code. var lat = normalLat / PAIR_PRECISION_ + gridLat / FINAL_LAT_PRECISION_; var lng = normalLng / PAIR_PRECISION_ + gridLng / FINAL_LNG_PRECISION_; // Multiple values by 1e14, round and then divide. This reduces errors due // to floating point precision. return new CodeArea( Math.round(lat * 1e14) / 1e14, Math.round(lng * 1e14) / 1e14, Math.round((lat + latPrecision) * 1e14) / 1e14, Math.round((lng + lngPrecision) * 1e14) / 1e14, Math.min(code.length, MAX_DIGIT_COUNT_)); }; /** * Recover the nearest matching code to a specified location. * * Given a valid short Open Location Code this recovers the nearest matching * full code to the specified location. * * @param {string} shortCode A valid short code. * @param {number} referenceLatitude The latitude to use for the reference * location. * @param {number} referenceLongitude The longitude to use for the reference * location. * @return {string} The nearest matching full code to the reference location. * @throws {Exception} if the short code is not valid, or the reference * position values are not numbers. */ OpenLocationCode.recoverNearest = function( shortCode, referenceLatitude, referenceLongitude) { if (!isShort(shortCode)) { if (isFull(shortCode)) { return shortCode.toUpperCase(); } else { throw new Error( 'ValueError: Passed short code is not valid: ' + shortCode); } } referenceLatitude = Number(referenceLatitude); referenceLongitude = Number(referenceLongitude); if (isNaN(referenceLatitude) || isNaN(referenceLongitude)) { throw new Error('ValueError: Reference position are not numbers'); } // Ensure that latitude and longitude are valid. referenceLatitude = clipLatitude(referenceLatitude); referenceLongitude = normalizeLongitude(referenceLongitude); // Clean up the passed code. shortCode = shortCode.toUpperCase(); // Compute the number of digits we need to recover. var paddingLength = SEPARATOR_POSITION_ - shortCode.indexOf(SEPARATOR_); // The resolution (height and width) of the padded area in degrees. var resolution = Math.pow(20, 2 - (paddingLength / 2)); // Distance from the center to an edge (in degrees). var halfResolution = resolution / 2.0; // Use the reference location to pad the supplied short code and decode it. var codeArea = decode( encode(referenceLatitude, referenceLongitude).substr(0, paddingLength) + shortCode); // How many degrees latitude is the code from the reference? If it is more // than half the resolution, we need to move it north or south but keep it // within -90 to 90 degrees. if (referenceLatitude + halfResolution < codeArea.latitudeCenter && codeArea.latitudeCenter - resolution >= -LATITUDE_MAX_) { // If the proposed code is more than half a cell north of the reference location, // it's too far, and the best match will be one cell south. codeArea.latitudeCenter -= resolution; } else if (referenceLatitude - halfResolution > codeArea.latitudeCenter && codeArea.latitudeCenter + resolution <= LATITUDE_MAX_) { // If the proposed code is more than half a cell south of the reference location, // it's too far, and the best match will be one cell north. codeArea.latitudeCenter += resolution; } // How many degrees longitude is the code from the reference? if (referenceLongitude + halfResolution < codeArea.longitudeCenter) { codeArea.longitudeCenter -= resolution; } else if (referenceLongitude - halfResolution > codeArea.longitudeCenter) { codeArea.longitudeCenter += resolution; } return encode( codeArea.latitudeCenter, codeArea.longitudeCenter, codeArea.codeLength); }; /** * Remove characters from the start of an OLC code. * * This uses a reference location to determine how many initial characters * can be removed from the OLC code. The number of characters that can be * removed depends on the distance between the code center and the reference * location. * * @param {string} code The full code to shorten. * @param {number} latitude The latitude to use for the reference location. * @param {number} longitude The longitude to use for the reference location. * @return {string} The code, shortened as much as possible that it is still * the closest matching code to the reference location. * @throws {Exception} if the passed code is not a valid full code or the * reference location values are not numbers. */ OpenLocationCode.shorten = function( code, latitude, longitude) { if (!isFull(code)) { throw new Error('ValueError: Passed code is not valid and full: ' + code); } if (code.indexOf(PADDING_CHARACTER_) != -1) { throw new Error('ValueError: Cannot shorten padded codes: ' + code); } code = code.toUpperCase(); var codeArea = decode(code); if (codeArea.codeLength < MIN_TRIMMABLE_CODE_LEN_) { throw new Error( 'ValueError: Code length must be at least ' + MIN_TRIMMABLE_CODE_LEN_); } // Ensure that latitude and longitude are valid. latitude = Number(latitude); longitude = Number(longitude); if (isNaN(latitude) || isNaN(longitude)) { throw new Error('ValueError: Reference position are not numbers'); } latitude = clipLatitude(latitude); longitude = normalizeLongitude(longitude); // How close are the latitude and longitude to the code center. var range = Math.max( Math.abs(codeArea.latitudeCenter - latitude), Math.abs(codeArea.longitudeCenter - longitude)); for (var i = PAIR_RESOLUTIONS_.length - 2; i >= 1; i--) { // Check if we're close enough to shorten. The range must be less than 1/2 // the resolution to shorten at all, and we want to allow some safety, so // use 0.3 instead of 0.5 as a multiplier. if (range < (PAIR_RESOLUTIONS_[i] * 0.3)) { // Trim it. return code.substring((i + 1) * 2); } } return code; }; /** * Clip a latitude into the range -90 to 90. * * @param {number} latitude * @return {number} The latitude value clipped to be in the range. */ var clipLatitude = function(latitude) { return Math.min(90, Math.max(-90, latitude)); }; /** * Compute the latitude precision value for a given code length. * Lengths <= 10 have the same precision for latitude and longitude, but * lengths > 10 have different precisions due to the grid method having * fewer columns than rows. * @param {number} codeLength * @return {number} The latitude precision in degrees. */ var computeLatitudePrecision = function(codeLength) { if (codeLength <= 10) { return Math.pow(ENCODING_BASE_, Math.floor(codeLength / -2 + 2)); } return Math.pow(ENCODING_BASE_, -3) / Math.pow(GRID_ROWS_, codeLength - 10); }; /** * Normalize a longitude into the range -180 to 180, not including 180. * * @param {number} longitude * @return {number} Normalized into the range -180 to 180. */ var normalizeLongitude = function(longitude) { while (longitude < -180) { longitude = longitude + 360; } while (longitude >= 180) { longitude = longitude - 360; } return longitude; }; /** * Coordinates of a decoded Open Location Code. * * The coordinates include the latitude and longitude of the lower left and * upper right corners and the center of the bounding box for the area the * code represents. * @param {number} latitudeLo * @param {number} longitudeLo * @param {number} latitudeHi * @param {number} longitudeHi * @param {number} codeLength * * @constructor */ var CodeArea = OpenLocationCode.CodeArea = function( latitudeLo, longitudeLo, latitudeHi, longitudeHi, codeLength) { return new OpenLocationCode.CodeArea.fn.Init( latitudeLo, longitudeLo, latitudeHi, longitudeHi, codeLength); }; CodeArea.fn = CodeArea.prototype = { Init: function( latitudeLo, longitudeLo, latitudeHi, longitudeHi, codeLength) { /** * The latitude of the SW corner. * @type {number} */ this.latitudeLo = latitudeLo; /** * The longitude of the SW corner in degrees. * @type {number} */ this.longitudeLo = longitudeLo; /** * The latitude of the NE corner in degrees. * @type {number} */ this.latitudeHi = latitudeHi; /** * The longitude of the NE corner in degrees. * @type {number} */ this.longitudeHi = longitudeHi; /** * The number of digits in the code. * @type {number} */ this.codeLength = codeLength; /** * The latitude of the center in degrees. * @type {number} */ this.latitudeCenter = Math.min( latitudeLo + (latitudeHi - latitudeLo) / 2, LATITUDE_MAX_); /** * The longitude of the center in degrees. * @type {number} */ this.longitudeCenter = Math.min( longitudeLo + (longitudeHi - longitudeLo) / 2, LONGITUDE_MAX_); }, }; CodeArea.fn.Init.prototype = CodeArea.fn; return OpenLocationCode; }));