title: MacroInternals ! Macro Fields Macros are implemented as conventional JavaScript modules that export a single variable called `macro` that contains these fields: |!Field Name |!Description | |`name` |The name of the macro | |`params` |A hashmap of the parameters accepted by the macro (see below) | |`events` |An optional hashmap of event handling functions (see below) | |`execute` |The macro rendering function (see below) | |`refreshInDom` |The optional macro rerendering function (see below) | |`dependentAll` |True if the macro needs access to all available tiddlers | ! Macro Parameters The `params` hashmap provides the following fields about each parameter: |!Param Field Name |!Description | |`byName` |Provided if the parameter should be referenced by name. The value can be `true` or `"default"` to indicate that anonymous parameters are acceptable | |`byPos` |Provided if the parameter should be referenced by its numerical position (0-based) | |`type` |The type of the parameter, either `text` or `tiddler` (used for dependency tracking) | |`skinny` |True if the parameter is only dependent on the skinny fields of the target tiddler. The default is `false` which means that the target tiddler is treated as a fat dependency | ! Macro Rendering The `execute` function should prepare the macro output. It is invoked with `this` pointing to the MacroNode object representing this macro invocation. !Macro Rerendering The `refreshInDom` function is called with the following parameters: |!Param Name |!Description | |`changes` |Hashmap of `{title: "created|modified|deleted"}` | !Macro Event Handlers Event handlers are called with the following parameters: |!Param Name |!Description | |`event` |The DOM node containing the existing rendering of the macro | Event handlers should return `false` if they handle the event (and generally should also call `event.preventDefault()`), and `true` if they do not.