caption: enlist created: 20170221144241063 modified: 20210505100241872 op-input: ignored op-neg-input: a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]] op-neg-output: those input titles that are <<.em not>> listed in <<.place L>> op-output: the titles stored as a [[title list|Title List]] at <<.place L>> op-parameter: a [[title list|Title List]] op-parameter-name: L op-purpose: select titles from the operand interpreted as a [[title list|Title List]] op-suffix: <<.from-version "5.1.20">> `dedupe` (the default) to remove duplicates, `raw` to leave duplicates untouched op-suffix-name: D tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[Field Operators]] [[Selection Constructors]] [[Negatable Operators]] title: enlist Operator type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki <<.tip """Literal filter operands cannot contain square brackets but you can work around the issue by using a variable. ''Learn more at:'' [[SetWidget]] documentation under the heading "Filtered List Variable Assignment" """>> ``` <$set name="myList" value="first [[second with a space]] third"> <$list filter="[enlist]"> ... ``` <<.operator-examples "enlist">>